seddo Member


  • Inspirational! You've worked so hard!
  • Inspirational! Congratulations, you have done so well!
  • Hi I'm pretty much in the same position as you. I just completed my W1D2 and find my left knee appears to be suffering. there a kind of pulling at the back of the knee with a little pain. I've read through all the response posts here and there is really good advice and information and I've learnt the following things that…
  • Hi. I'm really new at it. I have never jogged or run before. I did my first run on Tuesday and yesterday was my rest day. It was a struggle but i managed to finish however ive decided to take it off road and so join a gym yesterday and will be running on a treadmill tonight. it seems my left knee does not like the…
  • Hi, I started on Monday. I'm combining 5:2 and 8:16 My fast days are Monday and Wednesday and my hours are 12noon to 8pm So far so good it seems like i've lost 3 pounds already!
  • Hello Amanda; I'm also new to my fitness pal. I'm 42 years old and have 2 daughters. They are 22 and 9 years old. When I had my first daughter I barely gained any weight and was back to my size 10 frame soon after. But when I had my second at 32 i gained heaps of weights and have struggled with alsorts of diets in a bid to…