Looking for c25k buddies

I am a newbie in running and tried to start c25k last week.After W1D2 I started getting pain and I took a break. This week I am all ready, got my new fitted shoe-Thanks to MFPers ..and all set to start. Are there anyone who is in Week1 or planning to start soon? Hoping to find buddies motivation and tips


  • gisjdem
    gisjdem Posts: 1 Member
    I just started on Monday, was so chuffed I nearly managed each 60 second interval. Got day 2 before my pilates class on Thursday now :)
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    I am on week two, I started last year and got to week 7 but had to stop due to an injury. I have started right back at the beginning but feeling confident because I know I can do this. Make sure you keep a day of rest between each run it really does help, the pain you described could of been a stitch, you need to try and drink more water. Keep going you will be able to do it and don't worry if you have to repeat weeks I had to do that, but the fitter you become it's amazing. I'm hoping that I can get to the end by June as I want to run the race for life in aid of breast cancer in July, so that's my goal and also to get fit. Good luck, you can add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I'm on W3D3. This is the third time I've attempted C25k and the furthest I've ever gotten, and the best I've ever felt while doing it. What is working for me:
    1. Go slow. Slower than you think of as a "running" pace. If you can't keep a conversation through at least your first run set, you are going too fast. (My long term is to complete C25k as a slowpoke, then do the plan again, with slow running/faster running the intervals).

    2. Rest. Rest days are so helpful both mentally and physically.

    3. Foam Roller. On the recommendation of a friend who is a Physical Therapist, I bought a foam roller. In the past part of what made me give up was the incredible soreness/stiffness I would get from running. This has helped immensely.
  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    I did W2D1 yesterday, so I'm pretty close to the beginning! I got through Week 5 the last time I went through C25K, which was close to 4 years ago. I've run a mile without stopping one time in my life, so my goal for this round of C25K is to be able to "jog" the full 3 miles by the end of it. After I can actually "run" for a decent amount of time without stopping, I want to work on speed. So I'll probably stick with the longer intervals towards the end of the program and switch from run/walk to jog/run for the intervals to help me up my speed/reduce my time.

    Feel free to add me, good luck with your progress!
  • skdaeffler
    skdaeffler Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished W2D1. I'm very excited and more motivated to get into shape than ever. I tried last year and had a couple of injuries. I have since learned to take it slow. I'm overweight and have never run before. I was expecting to "RUN" and never thought of the whole "JOG" thing. Right now I am at around 1.9 miles for the whole workout. Not bad considering my first day was 1.78. I am taking it nice and slow. My goal is to "FINISH" a 5K. I don't care how long it takes me.

    Best of luck to you.
  • seddo
    seddo Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I'm really new at it. I have never jogged or run before.

    I did my first run on Tuesday and yesterday was my rest day. It was a struggle but i managed to finish however ive decided to take it off road and so join a gym yesterday and will be running on a treadmill tonight. it seems my left knee does not like the pavements at all!!

    Like yourself I just want to finish 5K, preferably within 6 months of starting and I really want to complete a charity run on behalf of the hospice that cared for my father in his final days.
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    My dog and I just finished w2d3 on tuesday and my leg was a little sore so resting until tomorrow! The good thing about running with the dog is that he keeps a nice even fairly slow pace I can jog to and I feel a lot safer with him by my side :)