

  • I've started on last January with the same weight as yours. First thing that you have to do is find out how much calorie intake you need per day (TDEE). You can google for TDEE or BMR calculator online. Once you've get the figure, work from there to estimate how much you can eat/have to burn for you to lose a certain…
  • I eat mc donalds and burger king every month. Especially when I'm almost broke waiting for the pay day. But I make sure that I stay in calorie deficit everytime I grab those burgers. Yum!
  • Hi there. Thank you for the info. I read that green tea used in the study that promote the weight loss is a different type of green tea that has more catechin than the regular green tea available in our supermarket. Most probably, the green tea that I've been drinking before did not have any magical effect to my weight…
  • I relapsed after lost 45lbs in 2009. I lived in denial for past years and feeling demotivated to start losing weight again. Now that I've started again, I tell myself, lets do it in a fun way. I wanna be realistic about it. So I changed the way I treat my food. I used to avoid some foods just because I'd feel guilty after…
  • Green tea definitely helps boosting my metabolism rate. I started since last month. I've been drinking a cup of green tea after every main meal I had so it's 3 times per day. I believe in some ways, it helps me with my 6kg lost so far. You can try too. If you can't take the taste, drink it slowly while it still hot.…
  • Thanks for the info. I loveeeee eating eggs so much. I eat one whole egg and sometimes two everyday!
  • Me too! I'm starting over after a relapse. I swear to myself that I'm not going to do it like the last diet as I suffered (and hate it) a lot. Now I'm doing it in a fun way. I'm on my 6th week and doing great. Good luck to us!
  • Thank you for this post! It's so inspiring. I have eating disorder previously too. I'm coming out of that black hole and tell myself that I can do this. Never lose hope, everything, eventually will get better.
  • You are doing fine. Be patient. Your body is adapting to the changes. Don't push yourself too hard. I think you have to let go the greed of wanting more than what your body can do for you when you have already did your very best. Just stay committed to your plan. Someday, you'll get to your target weight.
  • I got the same question last December. She was pregnant and maybe thought that we can share something in common. At first I felt that she's being rude that I wanna answer her with something like, 'When is this due? (pointing to my belly), I don't know yet but maybe tomorrow some of them will end up in my toilet. Not a baby…
  • In 2009, I've lost 45lbs by restricting the type of food that I can eat. It's so miserable that I found myself having eating disorder. I feel guilty everytime I eat a certain food. After 5 months doing it, I stopped and relapsed. I gained all the weight back. So now, I've learned my lesson. I'm going to lose it again in a…
  • I don't like to eat almost all kind of vegetables too. If you don't like it, don't push yourself to eat it. Especially when I am on my way to lose weight, I have to do it as fun as possible. I've relapsed once, after losing 45lbs (in 4 months) in 2009, I gained everything back in 3 years. I've learned my lesson. So this…
  • Hi. I can totally relate to you. I hate exercising too. When I first started, I look up on every articles that say we can lose weight without exercising. And the answer is, yes we can. The weight loss principle is simply just eat at calorie deficit. You can work out the number of calories that you can eat by calculating…