Green tea

Please sell this to me. I am not a huge fan of tea, but everyone who is trying to lose weight these days is either drinking green tea or taking the capsules. I'm sure there's truth to the antioxidant and staying hydrated part, but what is the linkage with weightloss? Difficult to understand.

Anyone have either scientific facts or have had good results implementing tea to their diet?


  • Green tea definitely helps boosting my metabolism rate. I started since last month. I've been drinking a cup of green tea after every main meal I had so it's 3 times per day. I believe in some ways, it helps me with my 6kg lost so far.

    You can try too. If you can't take the taste, drink it slowly while it still hot. Because green tea will start taste bitter once it gets cold.

    Good luck!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you don't like it, don't drink it. It's absolutely not required for successful weight loss. Any metabolism boosting effects will be negligible in the grand scheme of things, and you could probably get the same effect from any caffeine containing drink, so black tea would work the same, or coffee.

    If you really want to boost your metabolism, make sure you're not cutting calories too drastically, and move around more. Try to hold onto the lean mass you have (eat enough, eat enough protein, and do some resistance training) and you could consider at some point trying to build some additional muscle.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I drink green tea quite often,
    Never noticed any weight loss effect. Calorie deficit is what gets you there.

    But green tea is still good! Health benefits make it worth the sip.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    I drink green tea quite often,
    Never noticed any weight loss effect. Calorie deficit is what gets you there.

    But green tea is still good! Health benefits make it worth the sip.


    Most green tea's have zero cals in it. Unless you're adding something to it, it should be at zero. Helps with awareness, not so much with weight loss in my experience.

    I drink about 3-4 a day, as a result of cutting down coffee. I stick to 1, maybe 2 coffee's
  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
    I took up drinking green tea a couple of years back - i never drank tea or coffee but I did have fizzy drinks. I never liked it at first but now I rather enjoy it as my nice warm drink at the beginning of the day or when others are offering their hot drinks!

    I can't say that it had any particular effect on my weight loss though because I changed everything else at the same time, but I can say that it helped me increase my fluid levels and in my mindset, because of the antioxidant qualities I felt that I was doing something else towards my health. Generally I'll have this or squash as I'm not a big fan of plain water (unless I'm in a hotter climate!!).

    Sorry I can't be of any further help!
  • Hi- fairly new here and had a question about fat percentages. On my chart the past two days I have gone pretty far over my fat content percentage, but I have eaten things like walnuts and eggs which have monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are supposed to be the "good fats" should I be cutting even those fats back? I have been under the goal number for saturated and trans fat which is good in my opinion! Any insight will help!
  • Hi there.

    Thank you for the info. I read that green tea used in the study that promote the weight loss is a different type of green tea that has more catechin than the regular green tea available in our supermarket.

    Most probably, the green tea that I've been drinking before did not have any magical effect to my weight loss. It just helps me feel a lot fuller which any drink can possibly helps on that.

    Thank you.

    Here is the link. It has quite a number of references -
  • is it possible to take only green tea reduce fat or i have to try for exercises and diet control also? i think every thing is necessary. what about it?