

  • add me :) lost 30 pds so far!
  • I didnt tell my family because I am visiting them in two weeks and I just wanted to see how surprised they are :)
  • I gained my thirty pounds right after I went on birth control (IUD) I just started working out so idk if it will effect my weight loss but I am going to get this thing taken out of me asap!
  • alright I will start looking at eating more foods a day and figuring out what suits me the best. I figured this may be a problem.
  • I am vitamin d deficient actually, Ive been told by docotors. should I pick up some vitamin d supplement pills from the store?
  • alright I am definitely on a calorie deficit so my body is just getting used to it. I will try the coffee idea!
  • can you suggest some foods ( maybe a day of meals) that would fit that category?
  • well now I a feeling more energized in the morning and less in the evening. but yes it was hard for me to get up in the morning because of my lack of energy as well. I tried three times to make my diary view able :/ try now!
  • I have arthritis and scoliosis and I have trouble just getting up in the morning, I know how you feel. I just try my hardest to ignore the pain honestly. but it is present and effects my daily life. ive taken on exercising and healthy eating to help lower my weight and take some pressure off of my body
  • I feel great already. about a month ago I cut out soda and lost 5 pounds. thats what motivated me to diet, it made me feel so gross to know that soda effected me that much. I also have a problem with sleeping too much. I can easily sleep twelve hours. but for the last week I set my alarm and make sure I sleep in no later…
  • sounds like im on the right track! I started writing down a weeks worth of meal and work out planning because I do better with it all planned out! so far I have been able to stick to it. I posted my pictures on my profile of what I look like now and I am planning to do it again in 10 days. I so badly want to fit into my…
  • haha I am pretty sore today but I am sticking to it! it was a quick work out and it was fun and by the end I felt accomplished. thank you so much for telling me to start now because that is what I needed :)
  • I just did level one right now, what a work out!! but i have a the videos go day 1-30 or is it just like level 1 for ten days, 2 for 10, and three for 10?