

  • I'd really be interested to see a response on this. I recently started increasing my calories after eating 1200 calories or less, a total starve/binge cycle. I just seem to keep gaining weight after upping my calories and trading long cardio sessions for strength training. I'm still working on trying to get my binging…
  • I don't use a food scale, but I do log everything. I've done so consistently since January of this year. I try to eat back most of my exercise calories, but I'm never sure how many I really should eat back.
  • So, should I be concerned that I've gained some weight? And, if I start pushing myself to eat closer to 80-90% clean (I probably eat around 65-70% clean most days now) and continue to push myself in challenging workouts (I typically alternate advanced Pilates and HIIT for an hour a day 5-6 days a week), when should I…
  • I originally was following MFP's generic guidelines, but over this winter I did a calorie calculator through WebMD which told me to eat closer to 1645 calories to lose weight. Also, I've done numerous other calorie calculators they tend to give me a similar response.
  • Shameless bump!