

  • I've been using IDS Whey Isolate blend. It's got 24 g of protein in a serving, with 3 g of sugars (which comes from sucralose, I know it's an artificial sweetener). It doesn't taste all that great stirred or shaken, but is a bit better in a blender with milk, which will also increase protein (and possibly sugars/fats which…
  • It has already been said, but if your diet is right, you may need to look at your gym habits. If you've never lifted weights before, you will gain muscle mass in a relatively short amount of time, no matter how you lift. You may want to consider toning your muscles when you lift, by doing lighter weights for more reps in a…
  • You'll probably need a good pull-up bar, resistance bands or dumbbells, as a majority of the strength training portions rely on these pieces of equipment. I agree with dlgulick, just do what you can at your own pace. It is brutal, but if you can survive the first 2 weeks, you can make the rest of it. Plus, it's fun if you…
  • I'm not sure if this will help much, mostly because there is a lot of (mis-)information out there on the topic. For maintenance purposes, the general number I've been seeing is 0.5-0.7g of protein per pound of body weight. Body builders may still need 1-2g per lb. Either way, you want to spread it out over the day. Too…
  • I ironically just posted I'm trying to gain in my introduction ;) If you need support, I'll do what I can. 30lbs is no joke, and will take a while. I'm not a nutritionist, or anything like that, but if you want to know something, I'll try my best to answer, or point you in the right direction.
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