Looking for protein powder recommendations...

clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello, I am looking to begin adding a protein powder to my meal plan but not sure which one. I am looking for low calorie and NO artifical sweeteners. Also, how many grams of protein per serving is 'good'? Thanks for your help!


  • I use Vi-Shape, has 14g of protein per serving, its soy based (which is awesome on taste for me, hate the taste of whey or hemp), it does have sucralose in it as a sweetner since this is about the only artificial sweetner accepted worldwide. I love it, been using it since late November for my breakfast and lunch.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    The original poster said NO artificial sweeteners, with the NO in CAPS. Sucralose (Splenda) is poison just like the rest of the artificial sweeteners.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    By the way, if you're looking for a protein powder with no sweeteners or additives, here is one:


    It is pure whey protein isolate with nothing else in it. You'll probably want to eat it in something with flavor, as this is unflavored and unsweetened.
  • Wowsers I apologize didn't mean to offend. I have a love/hate relationship with artificial sweetners but don't necessarily consider all of them poison. But that's a debate for another time, was just putting mine out there, if it doesn't help OP I apologize.
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Those that I have seen are either loaded with sugar or loaded with artificial sweeteners. Toss up. Personally since having gastric bypass my body cannot handle a load of sugar at one time or I get the shakes, feel neausous and wnat to pass out. Just the way my re-routed organs handle loads of sugar now. My option, since my surgeon recommends a protein supplement, is a pwder with artificial sweeteners. You may need to go to a local GNC or on-line and compare ingredients to find what you are looking for. Or another option would be to make a protein smoothie with greek yogurt, egg, milk and fruit.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    You didn't offend, sorry if I seemed harsh. My wife tells me all the time I have a problem with my "tone"... LOL I guess it comes through in text too! Anyway it's all good... :smile:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    low calorie AND no artifical sweetners. I cant imagine youre going to get one that tastes nice at all then.
    Id probably be inclined to try other sources of low calorie protein in that case, such as lean chicken, or egg whites
  • I would recommend that as well, as you will be hell bent on finding any without either or. Another factor is taste. For me it has to be tolerable to my palette in order to be a consistent staple in my kitchen, the one I use is. They use a very tiny amount of sucralose (as I checked as I was concerned as well) and as I said, sucralose has shown to be the safest out of all the other artificial sweeteners, and accepted in more countries. I definitely understand the risks involved, but heck unless we all grow our own food under 24 hour surveillance you will always take necessary risks when it comes to getting healthy. Unfortunate but true.
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I will check out some recommendations. I am new to the whole protein powder thing so was just seeing what is out there! :)
  • missheartme
    missheartme Posts: 2 Member
    I use Nature's Way - Alive! Whole Food Energizer. To be honest, it doesn't taste all that great (It leaves an aftertaste in your mouth) But the trick is to make sure you shake it in very cold water. (It doesn't mix well via stirring). It was my life saver when I was vegan it provides 15 grams of protein. It also has a higher fiber content which will help you feel fuller longer. This soy-protein powder is also a multi-vitamin. It's also reasonably priced ($13ish at Whole Foods) and free of preservatives. Me personally, having tried other protein powers (Hemp, Whey & Soy) - I usually felt like I had a heavy meal after drinking it, and then felt hungry in 2 hours. I didn't have that problem with this one.

    Nature's Way Alive!® Ultra-Shake™ Soy Protein Vanilla Description
    Alive!® supplements are the ultimate Whole Food Energizers™ - with more invigorating nutrients from more natural sources than any other product
    29 Vitamins & Minerals
    24 Fruits & Veggies
    14 Green Foods
    18 Amino Acids
    12 Digestive Enzymes
    10 Essential Fatty Acids
    12 Organic Mushrooms

    Free Of
    Artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, dairy products, lactose, milk, preservatives, wheat and yeast.
  • I've been using IDS Whey Isolate blend. It's got 24 g of protein in a serving, with 3 g of sugars (which comes from sucralose, I know it's an artificial sweetener). It doesn't taste all that great stirred or shaken, but is a bit better in a blender with milk, which will also increase protein (and possibly sugars/fats which aren't all that bad for you if taken upon waking up or after a workout). If you are looking for low carb protein shakes, whey isolate is probably the best choice.

    As for the amount of protein per meal, that's really up to you. The general rule is to take you total need and try to divide it over 5 or 6 meals a day, which will vary from person to person.

    I am curious if there is a good tasting protein shake w/o artificial sweeteners myself :D
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I use MRM Protein Powders. They are whey protein, come in Dutch Chocolate and Rich Vanilla (maybe more but those are the two I've tried). They use Stevia to sweeten (plant based sweetener, not artificial. You can google it if you're unfamiliar with it.) It's a pretty clean powder without a bunch of junk in it. I like it because it doesn't have artificial sweeteners and is low carb. I like my carbs to come from whole foods, not sugar so this is important to me. They also have egg white powder but I haven't tried that one. I prefer the vanilla to the chocolate. I can taste the Stevia in the chocolate but not the vanilla. Of course, it may just be that I've gotten used to the taste so YMMV. :)

    www.mrm-usa.com for more info.
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