

  • SW: 194.2 CW 194 So .2 loss Considering Ive been living off Theraflu and coffee to survive last weeks finals week, ill take it. Im starting to return to the land of the living so hopefully next week is better. I did make just about every day with the water challenge though, which for me is huge because i hate water!
  • Phew...all i have to say is while I hate water...I drank my water for yesterday and had to get up at least 4 times last night which made me an unhappy camper this morning. Working on the 10 for today still but man...i know once my body gets used to it , it wont be like this but it sure is a pain while its getting used to…
  • SW for this Challenge - 194.2 ( as of this morning) GW for this Challenge - 180 I'm going to be travelling for 22 days of this challege so its going to DEFINITELY be a challenge. I'll only be alone with the 3 kids fora total of 4 days (not all at once) of it though so I should be able to get the exercise in 99% of the…
  • I'm in too! Tuesdays used to be my old WW w/i days so they'll be easier to remember than Mondays were. Now to think of a new goal.
  • I do most of the time, becasue its when the kids are asleep and now that its getting hot here again, its cooler on the porch for the treadmill at night in the dark. I just drink the water, and tell myself im not starving or grab a piece of fruit or some cold veggies till bed.
  • SW 199.8 W#1 - 197.0 W#2 - 196.4 Loss of -.6 Ill take it since I was sick the majority of the week and could barely breath enough to exist let alone do anything, and thats when my ear wasn't hurting to add to it. This week I'm feeling a little bit better, just the left overs of the cold now.
  • Got one meal in with over 5 colors yesterday...dinner ( three different types of lettuce, black olives, salsa, avacado, chicken breast, and jambalya ). The kids used tortillas to put it all in, I didn't bother As for breakfast and lunch, I normally eat cream of wheat so not really colorful, and don't even remember if I had…
  • SW:199.8 CW:197.0 Lossof 2.8 lbs :) I'll take it! I worked hard to get back into this , this week and think I did pretty well, without too many bad choices. That 3500 of exercise will be an interesting challenge! We eat a ton of colored veggies/fruits at meals so I'm looking forward to continuing that.
  • Welcome to the site! I just joined last week and love it. The tracking does become addicting. I have 3 young sons ( 7, 4 and 4 ) so I know what ya mean about using energy running after them, and even more to come in the future. Good luck on your journey!
  • I resisted McDs today too...and normally i'd just be like oh, ill eat lighter later...I took the kids to grab lunch after buying a bunch of flowers/trees to plant and ordered their happy meals ( thankfully they got apples so I didn't have to resist the fries they dont like ) and I ordered a diet coke and thats it! We both…
  • First, ceejay...Congrats!! Thats a huge day and you had every right to live in that moment and enjoy!!! I haven't ate out yet this week ( which is definitely a huge change), and have managed to log all week (again huge for me lol), and have gotten in the extra 15 mins each day...today I plan to fit it in while the kids are…
  • Have made it to Thursday without eating out at all ( and with Dh home a bit of the last few days that is a true miracle because he loves to go "grab" anything out ). I even made a veggie dinner last night that the kids loved...give them a little ranch and they'll eat anything i swear. I got my 15 extra exercise in this…
  • CW:199.8 GW for challenge:185
  • I'm new to this, but I'd love to join in, since I have my wi tomorrow anyways!