6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    Counting last Sunday, I have 3821 calories burned from exercise this week (8 days). Thanks to olivia's challenge, I've upped my walking to 45 minutes from 30, and my pace to 3.75 just walking and to 4.0 mph by including jog sprints.

    The food colors challenge has been fun. To add to my stash of colorful foods, at Costco yesterday, I found frozen blueberries and frozen Marionberries (blackberries), both with NO ADDED SUGAR, at a much more reasonable price than fresh (fresh is great, but the budget is important, too). I also found frozen single-serving portions of wild-caught Alaskan cod and sockeye salmon (with NO ADDED SALT) at roughly the decent price I paid for fresh last season. There is good food in the freezer cases among all the high-sodium, sugary, processed stuff--just takes some looking.

    For strength training, I'm looking at kettlebells, but I don't know if I'll have one in time to use for this week's challenge. I may be just using my body doing old-fashioned push-ups, etc.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    1. Accumulate 500-ish calories burned daily 2/7
    2. Food colors 1/7

    Calorie burned total: 1659/3500
    261 burned today. I got to try out my new shoes.

    AND I got my food colors in today! i did say that by the end of the week, I could do it for at least one day. Here we go...breakfast, lunch, then dinner.

    egg - yellow/white
    ham - pink
    biscuit - tan
    milk - white
    chocolate syrup - brown

    chili cheese fries - brown, white, yellow
    chicken sandwich - white, green, tan

    cheese pizza - yellow, white, red
    vegetable medley - white, brown, red, green
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Yey for the new week's challenge! I'm excited to do the strength training one b/c my neighbor just gave me a workout from prevention magazine for kettlebell, which has been collecting dust in my closet. So I'll be breaking out the kettlebell and pushing it hard.

    Great work everyone on this past week's challenge. I'm really proud of you all to rising to this hard challenge. Looking forward to seeing the results at weigh-in tomorrow!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Mine is going to be watching fat for the food challenge. Suggestions on what's low in fat? The only thing I've ever watched is my calories and sodium.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Whew congrats to everyone that worked on the challenge this week because whether you made it or not, you did more than you normally would:) I just completed my workout challenge for the week and finished with 3511 calories burned. Had it not been for a couple of days being so sore doing squats, I could have come out a little better. I am pretty sure that I have never worked out so hard in all my life!!! We all deserve a HUGE pat on the back. Thanks Olivia for a great challenge:) Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow and the next challenge!!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I just packed my small backpack with 24.8 lbs. of kitchen staples (sugar, etc.) and took a walk around and up the stairs. Wow, what a difference! No wonder my knees hurt, my back was cranky, and I got out of breath doing much of anything. I don't want that weight back! Not only that, but my fitness level has improved quite a bit with all the walking and yard work I've been doing.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    3538!!! Wooo Hooo!!! JUST hit it!! And ditto to what Angela said...GREAT job by everyone!!! This was an awesome challenge!! Definitely got ME moving more!!

    Thanks Olivia!!
    I can't wait to strap on a backpack with ?? amount of weight!! (we shall see tomorrow :wink: )
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hi all,

    Here are the Spring into Fitness challenges for the week of Mar 28 - Apr 3.

    Fitness goal: Add some strength-training/weight-lifting exercises to your workouts 3 times this week. If you are already doing so, try a different exercise or increase reps or weights.

    Food goal: Choose one or two of the nutrient goals in your food diary to target for attention or improvement this week. (For me, it's keeping carbs <100 grams, sodium <1500, and making sure I'm close to my net calorie goal.)

    Just for fun challenge: If you've lost a significant amount of weight, put that weight in a backpack and climb a flight of stairs or go for a short walk to see the change. If you are at the beginning of the weight-loss experience, put some of your desired weight loss in a backpack and see what a difference it will make when you lose that amount.

    Have fun!

    I'm looking forward to this week's challenge. I'm going to join a gym, and I intend to start incorporating weight training into my workout routine, so this is perfect :). For the food challenge, I'm going to keep better track of my sodium and try to keep it under 2000 mg per day.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Olivia, I made your egg white cups tonight to get ready for the week, and they look amazing! I put red and green bell peppers, mushrooms, and banana peppers in them. When I added up all the calories, they ended up being about 40 calories each - awesome! Thanks so much for the recipe, I can't wait to eat them :).
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Met my calorie burned challenge at 3679!! I'm so happy for that challenge..one day I pushed my walking from 4 miles to 6 miles...never have done that before. This challenge showed me I can do it and what my endurance level is like. I've came a long way from January and not even making it through ONE mile!
    Great new challenge for the upcoming week! Strength training is crucial because muscle burns more calories than fat! And about watching a certain thing on the diary couldn't come at a better time. I need to get more cals in, especially with working out more. I tried to up my cals a few days this week and I think I'm going to be pleased with the scale tomorrow.
    Night everyone and good luck with tomorrows weigh-in!
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    Great Challenges for this week. I'm really happy to see the extra challenge. I'm 1 pound away from losing 20 pounds total (even though my profile doesn't show it) and it would be extremely beneficial for me to get a better idea of the accomplishments I've made thus far. I had a really busy week and kind of lost sight of tracking my foods and didn't reach my 3500 cals burned. However, I did end up losing 4 pounds this week, so I'm super stoked! I obviously have been doing something right!
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    is it this time of the week again already

    sw 14/03/11 188.6lb
    21/03/11 186.6lb
    cw 28/03/11 185.6lb
    total lost this week 1lb

    im glad its in the right direction but im not over the moon. i know i shouldnt say this but i wish i hadnt eaten back all my exercise cals and i wasnt making the heathest chocies ethier. lession learnt i will really focus on healthly eating this week. i really wanted to be at 20lb loss this week.
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Just checking in with a quick weigh in! :)
    SW: 203.2
    SW 6 Week Challenge - 193
    Weight 3/21/11 - 192.9
    CW: 188.7!

    -4.2lbs!! :) Yay!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My weight this morning was 207! That means i lost 3 pounds this week !
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am also going to try and do better with the challanges this week ! Going to try and get some strength training in ! Love the challanges !
  • c100700
    c100700 Posts: 22
    SW 199.8
    W#1 - 197.0
    W#2 - 196.4
    Loss of -.6

    Ill take it since I was sick the majority of the week and could barely breath enough to exist let alone do anything, and thats when my ear wasn't hurting to add to it. This week I'm feeling a little bit better, just the left overs of the cold now.
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Hi all,

    Here are the Spring into Fitness challenges for the week of Mar 28 - Apr 3.

    Fitness goal: Add some strength-training/weight-lifting exercises to your workouts 3 times this week. If you are already doing so, try a different exercise or increase reps or weights.

    Food goal: Choose one or two of the nutrient goals in your food diary to target for attention or improvement this week. (For me, it's keeping carbs <100 grams, sodium <1500, and making sure I'm close to my net calorie goal.)

    Just for fun challenge: If you've lost a significant amount of weight, put that weight in a backpack and climb a flight of stairs or go for a short walk to see the change. If you are at the beginning of the weight-loss experience, put some of your desired weight loss in a backpack and see what a difference it will make when you lose that amount.

    Have fun!

    I like these challenges! I have done some strength training but have not been too consistent about it so this week I will try to make sure I get in 3 workouts that include strength training. :)

    For my food, I think I will focus on keeping my sodium lower and getting more calcium (that is usually the only vitamin I don't meet everyday..)

    My law school book bag already weighs at least 15 lbs if not more so I already do the "fun" challenge 4 days a week! lol :)

    Wasnt as good last week about the challenges because of course I got sick the first day of spring break so I had no energy but still rode my horse everyday so that burned about 300+ calories per day plus some extra walking a few days..I got over 500 at least one day.. :)
    For the colors I was usually able to get 4-5 in for dinner, 3-4 for lunch...breakfast not so much since I usually just eat a cereal bar..lol :)

    Good job everyone!! Can't wait to see what next week brings! :)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Olivia, I made your egg white cups tonight to get ready for the week, and they look amazing! I put red and green bell peppers, mushrooms, and banana peppers in them. When I added up all the calories, they ended up being about 40 calories each - awesome! Thanks so much for the recipe, I can't wait to eat them :).

    that does sound yummy. banana peppers are a really good idea. they'll add a lot of flavor without a lot of cals. Enjoy your tasty egg white cups!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    6-week challenge:
    3/14 SW: 228
    3/21 : 223
    3/28 CW: 223
    No change

    4/25 GW: 216
    SiF Challenge = 12 lbs

    I'm bummed I didn't lose anything. :cry: In fact, I went into the weekend with a gain :explode: so I worked my *kitten* off over the weekend just to lose that. :grumble:

    This week I'm going to watch my protein with the goal of eating protein at each meal & increase the amount of veggies. (I had a salad only 2X/last week...not good!)
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    This week I'm going to watch my protein with the goal of eating protein at each meal & increase the amount of veggies. (I had a salad only 2X/last week...not good!)

    aab1 - I bought a big box of salad from Wegmans and I have been having a big bowl with balsamic vinegar every night with my dinner..it is delicious and fills you up some so you dont feel the need to over eat at dinner! :)
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