6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats Ceejay! My husband just finished residency and I remember how nerve wracking Match Day was for us! Hope you had a great time!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the congratulations :). This is a really big step in my education, and I'm glad I can share it with all of you!
  • c100700
    c100700 Posts: 22
    First, ceejay...Congrats!! Thats a huge day and you had every right to live in that moment and enjoy!!!

    I haven't ate out yet this week ( which is definitely a huge change), and have managed to log all week (again huge for me lol), and have gotten in the extra 15 mins each day...today I plan to fit it in while the kids are playing at the park.
    The scale is looking much happier this week, than it has in awhile...which has motivated me a lot!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    after a couple of days off of any working out that involves my legs, due to an irritated achille's heal, I'm getting back to it today. Yesterday is the only day I took off completely, all the others I did modified workouts. I'm going to really kick it up today. My spring break starts today (oh the perks of being in education) and my "vacation" plans are to workout tons (watch out for the this week's challenge! :wink: ) and enjoy the time home with my almost 1-year-old baby. And now that I've lost 10 lbs, I'm ok with the idea of putting on a bathing suit (of course not the same one that I'll be wearing this summer b/c that'll be my bikini again) and taking her to the pool this week!

    I'll post Monday's new challenge tomorrow, Sunday and it will go through Monday the 28th. I'm allowing extra time for this challenge to help people meet it (oh the suspense, what will it be???). Watch for the next challenge tomorrow...
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    Congrats to all of you that didnt eat out a big WOOP WOOP for you all x

    im sad to say im not one of you. still have been doing extra walking all week. thanks to olivia for the link. im looking fwd (i think ;) ) to next weeks challenge. i rested completey yesterday i did go back at it hard today but still took it a little easier on my knees and wore knee supports. i found i still had some pain when i was getting up and down from the floor in the shred so im thinking its that causing the pain so im being very mindful of how i get up and down.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Weigh-ins are on Sunday/Monday and the new challenge starts Mondays, right?
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Chickadee...yes weigh in is on Monday and that is when the new challenges will begin:) Can hardly wait to see what Olivia has in store for us!! Congrats Ceejay, I'm sure you are excited that you will be in the same location now for 4 years. Is that where you are from? Definately deserved celebrating!

    Now that I'm over a month into dieting and exercising, I'm approaching my 10 lb mark. My husband says he can really tell a difference in my face but I'm not seeing it yet. I do know that my pants are baggy and loose though which is exciting and I'm in between sizes right now. I have a closet full of various sizes so the next size down is too small but this size is too big so going to have to lose to get in my smaller ones:)

    Eat smart over the weekend for the weigh in on Monday......look forward to hearing how everyone did!!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    Yahoo from me, too, Ceejay!

    We have lovely sunshine here today, so I'm going to get outside for some yard work exercise and a walk. Still have to work tonight, so I haven't been out to eat all week, since I didn't eat the take-out food people brought to the St. Patty's Day potluck.

    I've increased my exercise time a bit this week, thanks to the challenge. I've exercised a minimum of 45 minutes a day, including helping my daughter pack and load her car for a cross-country move and walking nearly every day.

    Looking forward to posting a loss for the first week's weigh in.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    weigh-ins a new challenges are on Mondays. I am posting this Monday's challenge on Sunday to give people a head start if they want, and it's in tandum with ceejay's challenge last week.

    Sounds like a lot of people have been doing really well. I look forward to compiling our numbers on Monday and seeing our big losses!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Happy Saturday to all!!! :flowerforyou:

    Although I was bummed last night to not going out to eat; I felt awesome this morning stepping on the scale and seeing it go in the right direction!!! I am appreciative of my friend's support. Tonight they're choosing to not go out but rather stay in and we're making dinner...healthy choices, of course!

    Today is our first nice Saturday to be outside. Raked the yard (bonus...more calories burned!!) and walked the dogs (both now knocked out, sleeping hard :) )

    Looking forward to Olivia's challenge for next week!!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Happy Saturday!!
    I haven't ate out this week or weekend and I don't plan on it. Yesterday I took my son to the park with his grandparents and they wanted to go to McDonalds afterwards and I thought oh no...must have willpower! So we went and I had a couple bites of his ice cream and THAT'S IT! I was pretty proud of myself because I was hungry at that time. I've come a long way from 2 months ago when I wouldn't have thought twice about ordering a quarter pounder cheeseburger meal with a large fry, I was addicted to McDonalds fries!!!
    I did extra walking today too, instead of 4 miles I pushed it to 4 and a half...it's been a good day! Good to read up on everybody, I love to hear what you are doing, keep up the good work!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    2.5 hours of walking done today :)

    no eating out - to be honest we hardly ever do so that part is easy for me :)
  • c100700
    c100700 Posts: 22
    Happy Saturday!!
    I haven't ate out this week or weekend and I don't plan on it. Yesterday I took my son to the park with his grandparents and they wanted to go to McDonalds afterwards and I thought oh no...must have willpower! So we went and I had a couple bites of his ice cream and THAT'S IT! I was pretty proud of myself because I was hungry at that time. I've come a long way from 2 months ago when I wouldn't have thought twice about ordering a quarter pounder cheeseburger meal with a large fry, I was addicted to McDonalds fries!!!
    I did extra walking today too, instead of 4 miles I pushed it to 4 and a half...it's been a good day! Good to read up on everybody, I love to hear what you are doing, keep up the good work!

    I resisted McDs today too...and normally i'd just be like oh, ill eat lighter later...I took the kids to grab lunch after buying a bunch of flowers/trees to plant and ordered their happy meals ( thankfully they got apples so I didn't have to resist the fries they dont like ) and I ordered a diet coke and thats it! We both beat the McDs test today! Yey us!

    I just finished planting and chasing kids for 2 hours...I think that counts for a ton of calories since its over 80 degrees and i swear 800% humidity here already. So i definitely did my extra 15 mins exercise!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    My boyfriend wanted to take me to a Chinese buffet today, and I almost caved. I told him it was a bad idea, but then I said, "Well, I'll just watch what I eat..." Then I thought about it some more, remembered this challenge, and told him I'd really prefer to eat at home - so that's what we did :).

    Thank you guys for being here to keep me strong and help me make smart decisions!
  • TKiser03
    TKiser03 Posts: 2
    I know i am a week behind but i would love to be a part of this
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    My boyfriend wanted to take me to a Chinese buffet today, and I almost caved. I told him it was a bad idea, but then I said, "Well, I'll just watch what I eat..." Then I thought about it some more, remembered this challenge, and told him I'd really prefer to eat at home - so that's what we did :).

    Thank you guys for being here to keep me strong and help me make smart decisions!

    Way to be strong, ceejay!!! You go, girl!! :happy:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    1. Don't eat out/grab a meal on the go - prepare all your meals at home this week. 6/7
    2. Walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise. 2/7
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    aaarrrrgggghhhhh I stayed the same ?!?!?!
    I did have 2 not so great days when TOM arrived and he is still here so I am guessing thats why :(
    so still 138lbs for me :(
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    hey guys checking in. So from what I've gathered from reading previous posts Some people are doing great on the don't eat out thing! That's great for them. Notice I say them. Ugh. To bad this challenged happened on a week that I was not home much because I was an 1.5 hours away helping moving someone. Sometimes you just have to laugh at how the world works. 2 sit down places and 1 Micky D's run. At the restaurants I tried to pick healthier options (more veggies, no ranch, still had fries though but a small side) and I stopped when i was full, not when my plate was empty. At MD I opted for grilled without mayo. So overall, I am very happy with this week's progress.

    While reading, I notice some people getting a bit down that they ate out. It's okay. Life happens and no change happens overnight or a week.

    Wow, just re-read what I wrote. Its very flowery and upbeat, probably because I just finished a workout. I love endorphins!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    Nikki, it sounds like you managed to do well this week, in spite of being away from home. Making healthier choices when confronted with easy temptations is good practice in eating well for life. Plus it seems you were "lifting heavy things" again while helping with the move, which is excellent exercise. Hooray for you!
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