6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    thanks for setting this up oliviawink :) hope I can reach my goal :)
  • sueceeq
    sueceeq Posts: 61 Member
    Can I still get in? I forgot to post on Monday!

    CW 236
    GW by April 24th 224
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Can I still get in? I forgot to post on Monday!

    CW 236
    GW by April 24th 224
    of course! got you on the spreadsheet. work hard this week; we look forward to seeing the results on monday!
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    I love the challenges!!! I don't have alot of extra time in the day for an extra 15 min walk, seeing as I have a 4 month old and work full time, but it's starting to get pretty outside and we have an extra hour of daylight now, so maybe i can push the stroller for 15 min a few times this week?! I plan on cleaning house tonight before my workout, so I'll count that as 15 min of walking and then some!!! (i run around like a crazy person when i clean!)

    and i'll do great on the no eating out thing! b/c we don't have it in our budget to do that for the next two weeks thanks to an extremely high utility bill!

    @miskim - my trick as a working mom to an infant as well, is similar to yours. I jog while cleaning, even in place to load dishwasher, fold laundry, etc. Sometimes I even jog in place while my baby is in the bath (but that's easier as mine is much older). If I have to do chores, I might as well burn cals at the same time!

    lol im am also a housework jogger, i have 4 kids 13,10,2 and 0 and i dont do it all the time but if ive picked at a little more than i should then im off. the main time im seem to do it is while im putting a way the weekly food shop, not sure why!!!! lol
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good morning everyone~ I'm just checking in. I didn't feel well last night after working out and didn't even feel like eating dinner. I don't know what was wrong but I was so sick to my stomach. I made myself eat a bowl of cereal anyway but even with that my calories were way down for the day. I completed the Leslie Sansone's walk at home bootcamp which I was proud of myself for doing. Until yesterday, I hadn't even made it halfway. The challenge though pushed me to do it. Feeling somewhat better today and the sun is shining which makes a big difference:) Good luck to everyone today~
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    So I messed up already. Chickfila was giving away free chicken biscuits today, and co-workers can be such a bad influence. Anyway, I ate the chicken and half of the biscuit, but I did bring my lunch and fruit for snacks so I shall redeem myself. SN: I did walk 15 mins this morning, and I am going to walk another 15 mins after lunch.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    No eating out for me this week so far! So far, so good! This challenge is good...I have found myself eating out whenever we are out and about and I don't like to do it. I hate to be disappointed when I get home to log it, even if I tried to make the healthier choice at wherever we went, I still don't like feeling out of control about it.
    As far as the walking...I have done it everyday so far this week...today I dusted off the 30 Day Shred and whewwww!!! After that I did 30 minutes of my Walk Away the Pounds dvd...it felt good! The shred just wore me out though but I did get all the way through!
    Good luck today everyone!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    The sun is back after a rainstorm that prevented walking outside yesterday, so I'll get a 45 minute walk in today before work.

    Tomorrow is going to be a challenge, since we're having a St. Patrick's Day potluck at work. I WILL NOT drink the soda, and I WILL eat the veggies, salad, fruit, make a sensible choice of entree, and watch my portions.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    1. Don't eat out/grab a meal on the go - prepare all your meals at home this week. 3/7
    2. Walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise. 2/7
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Today's check in -
    I didn't eat out today. I had my meals & snacks planned for the day.
    I got in extra walking between meetings.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Well, I have a bit of a hitch in my ability to follow the exercise challenge. I have a significant and sharp pain in the bottom right side of my left calf muscle that started after about 13 minutes of jogging. I slowly finished 2 more minutes to get to 15 (I'm obsessed with multiples of 5 when I do exercises) but there is NO WAY I can do any more exercise today, including walking, unfortunately. Hopefully this is temporary. I keep stretching it, but it only irritates it more. Feel like a heating pad might help.

    But on the bright side: no eating out today!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi everyone....feeling better than I did this morning. Darned old stomach virus!!! I have managed to eat more today but still nauseous. I did my exercise plus some. I think I've found another exercise I can really get into and that is dancing to my favorite 80's music cranked up. Whew I danced for 30 mins and worked up a heck of a sweat. I just pulled up all my favorites on youtube. I jogged in place for 10 mins and I did 40 mins of walking today too. This is going to be a challenging but very good 6 weeks:)
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I know this is just the beginning of the challenge, but I took my measurements a month ago and retook them today, and wanted to share them. I lost 4.5 inches overall.

    bust 39 --> 38.5
    waist 32 --> 32
    abdomen 39 --> 37
    hips 38 --> 37
    thigh 26 --> 25.5
    arm 13.5 --> 13
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Woohoo Ceejay!! That is awesome:) How's that for motivation girl? It's funny (kinda not) but our last challenge which started on Feb 14th was the first day of my period and also this past Monday the beginning of our new challenge......yeah TOM again!! I retain so much water and swell,, ugh but that hasn't slowed me down this week. I'm so excited for all of us!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I know this is just the beginning of the challenge, but I took my measurements a month ago and retook them today, and wanted to share them. I lost 4.5 inches overall.

    bust 39 --> 38.5
    waist 32 --> 32
    abdomen 39 --> 37
    hips 38 --> 37
    thigh 26 --> 25.5
    arm 13.5 --> 13

    WTG ceejay!!!!!!!! I knew you were just the right lady to start us off with our challenge. Celebrate that success, but in a healthy way, like with a key lime yogurt and a workout :)
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    Hi everyone!
    I usually get some sort of lean cuisine or something similar to eat at work for lunch 5 days a week. I don't usually have time to prepare something the night before. Get home a little late and 4 kinds to tend to.
    The dress I bought to use on my anniversary arrived Monday so that has already put me in the state of mind that I WILL meet my goal =) I drink a lot of water during the day at work which helps me stay away from the snack machine.

    Don't give into eating unhealthy or putting off exercise we can all succeed!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Awesome job, ceejay!!! That IS an inspiration!! :drinker:

    Angela...ME TOO!!! Damn TOM...but I've already killed 3 lbs off that extra poundage, and I'm not finished yet!! LOL

    Today I really really really didn't want to walk...well, I did, but I didn't feel like I had it in me. Bad week at work, super stressed. BUT, I put it out there (on my status) that I WOULD do at least 15 minutes...and from the support and encouragement I got from my pals, I doubled that 15 and did 30!! YAY!! Feeling accountable is what it's all about for me..that's why this site and all of you are the key ingredient for my success this time around. So big huge thank you's and huuugggsss!!!! :heart:

    Oh, and no grab-n-go this week :glasses:

    Keep up the great work, friends!!
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    Day one went pretty much ok.... I didn't eat out, (well, sort of) and I walked a ton between customers at work.

    When I say "sort of" didn't eat out... I forgot to pack a lunch this morning, because we had a meeting at 8, and I woke up at 7, and it's a 20 minute drive and I had to shower. No time. :P
    So I didn't go to a restaurant, or fast food (can't anyway, gave that up for lent!) but I went to the grocery store and filled up a big 'ol container of fruit.
    I'm going to count that as not eating out.
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    It's not too late for me to join, is it? I'll start tomorrow, only 2 days behind. :)

    So, um, wow, I've never written out my weight to strangers before (this is my first post too, how exciting!)

    Current: 204 :(
    Goal by April 24th: 185
    Overall Goal: 125 (that's "healthy" for my height)


    BIG HOORAY for you!!! I know, trust me...the first time you say that weight 'out loud'...scary...but so good for you!!
    Congratulations on making such a big step, AND in your first forum post! Double HOORAY!! :drinker: (that's cheers with water, of course) :laugh:


    Oh thank you so much! :happy:
    I look forward to using the boards more often. Support is fantastic.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I'm right there with you Leslie in kicking TOM's butt!!! I also didn't feel like exercising today either but I tell you what, the encouragement I get from my friends on mfp pushes me on to work out. I even had one friend message me asking if everything was ok because she hadn't heard from me today. The love and support on mfp is incredible and to me it's key in reaching our goals. I love to check in on here at the end of the day and see how my friends have done and friends, we are burning some mega calories and gonna whoop these extra pounds!!