6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    Angela, My kids and I do the same thing! It's super fun and definitely an added workout! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    I'm with you guys TOM is not a fun time. Usually I skip weighing that week so I don't stress myself out. Well, last time I peeked and it wasn't pretty. I was really discouraged because I had just started (ok restarted) my weigh-loss/ life change and it canceled out all the hard work I had done. I'm still a little worried about the next TOM but its not something I can control so I'll worry about something I can control like my water.

    To check in: I've been doing pretty good that last couple of days. Monday I played on this new wii active game that I bought and wow it was hard. But I finished plus walked a little extra too! Yesterday I was so sort from all the lunges the wii game had me do I could barely move. I still got a walk in though (mostly because I had to go campus and I didn't want to pay for parking but that still counts). Today was another walking day (more errands) and I'm less sore. YAY (although I did take a nap after)! Tomorrow I'm helping a friend move so that will be lots of calorie burn.
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    Way to go ceejay000 :) I also do the measuring and since October 25th I lost 15 inches and 24lbs :)

    So this morning was really good for me.. I really like when I see the numbers on the scale go down and this morning I was at 146.8 whoohooo for me :o) I'm just so excited to see that middle number a 3
  • c100700
    c100700 Posts: 22
    Have made it to Thursday without eating out at all ( and with Dh home a bit of the last few days that is a true miracle because he loves to go "grab" anything out ). I even made a veggie dinner last night that the kids loved...give them a little ranch and they'll eat anything i swear. I got my 15 extra exercise in this morning when one of the boys had an "accident" at the bus stop and I had to make it with him back home, have him change, and get back to the bus stop hoping the bus was a little late this morning.
    Monday and Wed, got the extra 15 min walk in, and Tuesday I'm going to count the playing kickball with the kids and DH after school as the 15 mins cause we were out there nearly an hour. So far so good, I'm excited to see what WI monday brings!
  • Hey ladies!! Sounds like everyone is having a good week!!

    I am bombing on the eating out part of the challenge. This week has sucked, and I have eaten out twice two days this week :(

    As for the walking I am doing well though. Two days I walked at the gym, and last night I parked super far away from the bar I was meeting friends at, so I walked 15 min, each way!! And no drinks at the bar either!!

    Hopefully the rest of the week will be better!
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    I forgot to say that I did not eat out at all this week and did my extra walking every day :o)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I'm on day 2 of the 30 Day Shred and its really working me. I always gain a pound or two when I start it up, I think it's making my muscles swell. I'm always sore after the first couple of days whereas when I just do my walking dvds I'm not sore. But the shred works!! Where I am sore I always gain muscle in that area. This is my 4th attempt at the shred!
    It's a beautiful day here in Kentucky! In the 70's and sunny, I do believe I will take a walk with my 3 year old a little later and take advantage of this awesome weather.
    Hope everyone has a great day! :heart:
    And great job on the inches lost ceejay!!! I'm going to take mine Monday, so excited!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    hi guys Ive been doing well with the no eating out and the walking (apart from yesterday) today I walked for 95 minutes an extra 35 minutes than I normally do on a Thursday (I do buggy fitness - basically powerwalking with your baby in the buggy :) )
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I usually get some sort of lean cuisine or something similar to eat at work for lunch 5 days a week. I don't usually have time to prepare something the night before. Get home a little late and 4 kinds to tend to.
    The dress I bought to use on my anniversary arrived Monday so that has already put me in the state of mind that I WILL meet my goal =) I drink a lot of water during the day at work which helps me stay away from the snack machine.

    Don't give into eating unhealthy or putting off exercise we can all succeed!

    Be careful of the sodium on the frozen meals..water retention = no weight loss!
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    Day 2.. Walking is done, but I ate out.
    In my defense, I've had this lunch date planned with my bff who I hardly ever see for a long time.
    & I didn't have french fries!
    But I did have pie :(

    Ah well. Still ok for the day. :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    1. Don't eat out/grab a meal on the go - prepare all your meals at home this week. 4/7
    2. Walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise. 2/7
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Today's check in:
    No eating out; in fact had a working lunch and only took the salad, veggies, chicken breast.
    Extra walking between meetings and a little longer on the treadmill after C25K
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    sill on the DL b/c of my very owie Achilles heal tenderness and swelling. As many of you know, I like fast, furious and powerful workouts - I like to burn the most cals possible in a workout so I can A) spend less time and B) eat more food :)

    So again I shadowboxed using 2lb hand weights. I was remarkably sore in my triceps after yesterday doing 25 minutes of the same (broken up into 5 lb sections), so this is good. I want sexy arms when I'm in my bathing suit this summer! Hope it passes by this weekend b/c I'll be on spring break and I was hoping to get killer cal burn (warning: be ready to sweat in next week's challenge :noway: )

    dropped 0.5 lbs since tuesday. very happy about that! hoping to shed one more before the week is out.

    And I had a bagel and lite creamcheese today. I was on the road all day and my 1.5 c of mexican veggie soup wasn't gonna cut it. made a good choice (didn't stop at any one of the 10 fast food places I passed).
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    I totally blew the "no-eating out" part of the challenge today. Hubby was off and wanted to take the kids out to breakfast, then after skiing, and swimming, it was late so we stopped on the way home too! Oh well. I got in PLENTY of extra exercise!! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Checking in before I head to bed. I still haven't ate out all week and don't intend to. I took a salad to work today and I grilled out tonight so made extra for tomorrow's lunch. Busy day at work so not a lot of time for exercise but did manage to get some in. I came home and grilled out, jogged around, danced and ran up and down the stairs while grilling out. Sometimes it seems there is just not enough time in the day so have to get in exercise when you can:) Hope everyone has a great Friday!:)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I got in 47 minutes of walking today at 3.75 mph, I found a new loop to add about 15 minutes to my regular route. Today's potluck at work was the first since I've been eating with my new food plan. Too much salty and carb-laden food for my taste this time--I was really disappointed. I limited myself to one serving of chicken breast (Costco rotisserie chicken that I usually love!, but now tastes WAY too salty), a quinoa casserole, a green leafy dish (kale or something I didn't recognize), a dill onion roll (that I brought), and water. All the desserts were store-brought St. Patty's Day cupcakes and brownies, so I passed on those. I'll have some Greek yogurt and strawberries when I get home.
  • Am I too late? I'll join too. This will be a great way to stay motivated!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    Never too late. If you have a starting weight from this past Monday, post it, along with your 6 week goal weight and Olivia will add you in.
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    WOOP WOOP WTG ceejay000

    i bloody ate out yesterday im annoyed at my self as i havent eaten out scince i started to loss weight (and this was the 1st time) i dont no whats wrong with me i feel like the kid you sit next to the big red button that says (DO NOT PUSH) still out of guilt i walked for over 3 hours.

    today im trying not to workout (ive done my walking) ive done the shred 7 days in a row plus other stuff and my knees are in pain today there were 3 days ago but it went, now its back so i know ive got to rest, but dont want to. im waiting on some knee surports to arriive and i will continue on with the shred tomorrow as im loving it (as hard as it is). if the knee pain becomes more of a problem i will go docs and get it check out. im only resting really because i dont want an injury that might set me back ages.

    again note to self no shred today. this is going to be really hard for me as i had set my mind to doing it without a day off and im a stubbon cow.
  • jackswife1207
    jackswife1207 Posts: 59 Member
    Ok, have not eaten out since Monday evening but will probably tonight. Will be a busy night with lots of running to different places. We usually eat out on Friday nights because of this. But tomorrow will be back at home for the rest of the weekend. I did eat breakfast at home and brought my lunch to work.

    Exercising has not gone well this week. One night I worked until 8pm and the others the kids had activities that kept me running until around that same time. I hate working out right before bed but know I need to push myself to get it in at some point!

    Everyone seems to be doing really great!! keep up the good work!!
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