6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    Well, day 1 with no bread was a flop. I absentmindedly made an english muffin this morning, and then decided I'd do no bread tomorrow and had sandwiches for both lunch and dinner! Ack!

    But let's see, colors... breakfast was yellow and brown, and green. Pretty good for only 2 items. :P Lunch was brown, white, green, orange, and yellow! yay! Dinner was orange, brown, white.
    Ah well, I tried.
    and I worked out only a little today. If it's nice tomorrow I'm going for a walk during my lunch break. :-)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I got just under 500 calories burned yesterday with yard work, cleaning, and a short walk, and just over today with more cleaning and a longer walk. At this rate, my house and yard are going to really be ready for spring!

    I topped my breakfast quiche with some extra veggies, and my main meal salad had at least 8 different veggies/ingredients, so if I average the whole day, I made at least 5 colors per meal.
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    Stefv, if no bread is hard (and it would be for me) why not try and just half the amount you normally eat. Instead of a 2 slices, make an open faced sandwich with just 1 slice.
  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in. So you needed SW. Mine is: 225. Where do you I go on Monday (or was it Tuesday) for group check in and weigh in? Here? Or will a group be created (you can see I'm evidently not too sure about how to use forums lol)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I'm in. So you needed SW. Mine is: 225. Where do you I go on Monday (or was it Tuesday) for group check in and weigh in? Here? Or will a group be created (you can see I'm evidently not too sure about how to use forums lol)

    @jinkies54 - all info posted here (until we run out of room and have to start a new post). Happy to have you. our usual weigh-in day is monday, but we'll happily take stragglers on Tuesday. I post individual and group losses on tuesday afternoon-ish, if that helps you plan.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Did pretty good for the day. Def got 5 colors (doesn't have to all be vegetables, people, remember that, there are important nutrients you get from grains and meats too), but it isn't as easy as it sounds. Got 676 cals burned today, well on my way. Trying to front-load on cals burned so I can have a day off on Friday or Sat. We'll see how it goes

    For those struggling with food challenge at breakfast (sounds like this is the biggest issue), here are some tips:
    * make egg white quiches in muffin tins with a variety of veggies. bake in the oven (make sure to spray the pan with pam or alternative) and when cooked store in the fridge. take em out and put on sandwich rounds, toast, tortillas or eat then by themselves (this is a weight watchers trick that I love!)
    * add some fruit to your breakfast staples. Enjoy a fruit salad with your cereal or just include a couple of fruit sides (like 1/2 grapefruit and 1/2 apple or a handful of blueberries). you don't have to eat a lot to enjoy the nutrient benefits from different colored fruits.
    * have your 5 colors as a morning snack. I love hummus with: yellow peppers, orange peppers, radishes, cukes, celery and carrots. I like how each veggie tastes different with the hummus (best hummos ever, btw is cedar's roasted red pepper hommus)
    *make one of the famous weight watcher veggie soups and use it as your snack, lunch, dinner options. This gets all colors and then some (if you don't know about the weight watcher veggie soup variations, let me know, I will share this coveted info. they are tasty, full of fiber and frighteningly low fat)
    * make breakfast smoothies. sure the colors all get blended together, but they still count

    Hope this helps!

    :heart: great work everyone. I LOVE how everyone has stepped up to embrace this week's challenges. They are not easy, and I'm proud of you all for rising up to meet them. May your body (and scale!) demonstrate the change!:heart:
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    For those struggling with food challenge at breakfast (sounds like this is the biggest issue), here are some tips:
    * make egg white quiches in muffin tins with a variety of veggies. bake in the oven (make sure to spray the pan with pam or alternative) and when cooked store in the fridge. take em out and put on sandwich rounds, toast, tortillas or eat then by themselves (this is a weight watchers trick that I love!)

    *make one of the famous weight watcher veggie soups and use it as your snack, lunch, dinner options. This gets all colors and then some (if you don't know about the weight watcher veggie soup variations, let me know, I will share this coveted info. they are tasty, full of fiber and frighteningly low fat)

    I would like to hear about how to make both of these! I'm always looking for new healthy recipes. I get into the habit of eating the same things all the time, and often involving very little cooking (salads, sandwiches, wraps, etc.). I would love to learn how to make these delicious sounding foods you're talking about!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    3/14/11: SW 209.2
    3/21/11: CW 209.2
    4/25/11: GW 195

    Yoga for 65 mins & walked the doggies for 20min. today.
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    This sounds like it could be an interesting challenge. I'm in.

    SW: 219
    GW: 200
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I burned 1000 calories today on the treadmill. 80 minutes at an incline of 11 and speed of 4 (for the majority of the time, my heart rate was a little too high towards the end, so I slowed it down for the last 10 minutes)

    I met my friends for sushi so I didn't get as many veggies in today as I wanted. I did get 2 colors though =)
  • hellsbells417
    hellsbells417 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all, well firstly I'm pleased to say I weighed in 155.0 today so 2.7lb off. Unfortunately it's because I'm still ill and eating almost nothing :-(

    So no challenge completed for me last week, and no exercise this week either unless my energy magically appears again (I'm worried it's glandular fever), but I will try and add more colour to my food! At the minute though I'm just happy if I get some appetite back....

    Fingers crossed. :-)
  • sueceeq
    sueceeq Posts: 61 Member
    SW 236
    CW 234.2
    -1.8 pounds :)
  • c100700
    c100700 Posts: 22
    Got one meal in with over 5 colors yesterday...dinner ( three different types of lettuce, black olives, salsa, avacado, chicken breast, and jambalya ). The kids used tortillas to put it all in, I didn't bother As for breakfast and lunch, I normally eat cream of wheat so not really colorful, and don't even remember if I had time for lunch yesterday. I couldn't get anything else either because our grocery store here is closed on Mondays and its a 20 min drive to get anything else...no thanks...
    Earned about 300 calories with yardwork, and chasing kids outside in the 80 degree weather yesterday morning/afternoon.
    I have a really bad cold so no running on treadmill for me, can hardly breathe as it is.
    Am heading to the grocery store today for a veggie and fruit stock up so I can cut up a bunch of it for dinner tonight ( we have one or two no meat nights a week ).
  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member
    Late listing in, Sorry!
    SW; 162
    todays weight 150
    goal to lose 22 lbs.

    Alot of walkling yesterday, managed 12672 steps, after doing 60 minutes on the treadmill.. A great day for me, Yoohoo!
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    For those struggling with food challenge at breakfast (sounds like this is the biggest issue), here are some tips:
    * make egg white quiches in muffin tins with a variety of veggies. bake in the oven (make sure to spray the pan with pam or alternative) and when cooked store in the fridge. take em out and put on sandwich rounds, toast, tortillas or eat then by themselves (this is a weight watchers trick that I love!)
    * add some fruit to your breakfast staples. Enjoy a fruit salad with your cereal or just include a couple of fruit sides (like 1/2 grapefruit and 1/2 apple or a handful of blueberries). you don't have to eat a lot to enjoy the nutrient benefits from different colored fruits.
    * have your 5 colors as a morning snack. I love hummus with: yellow peppers, orange peppers, radishes, cukes, celery and carrots. I like how each veggie tastes different with the hummus (best hummos ever, btw is cedar's roasted red pepper hommus)
    *make one of the famous weight watcher veggie soups and use it as your snack, lunch, dinner options. This gets all colors and then some (if you don't know about the weight watcher veggie soup variations, let me know, I will share this coveted info. they are tasty, full of fiber and frighteningly low fat)
    * make breakfast smoothies. sure the colors all get blended together, but they still count

    thanks for the info i would love to know all the weight watchers tricks :happy:
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    Wow Rose, that's amazing! Wish I could say the same. Not off to a great start. I had to work late, and I have to study for my midterm tomorrow morning, so I won't be meeting the goals for today :(

    thanks hun, we all have days when we cant workout or not fit in much thats life! good luck on your midterm hope all goes well x
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    For those struggling with food challenge at breakfast (sounds like this is the biggest issue), here are some tips:
    * make egg white quiches in muffin tins with a variety of veggies. bake in the oven (make sure to spray the pan with pam or alternative) and when cooked store in the fridge. take em out and put on sandwich rounds, toast, tortillas or eat then by themselves (this is a weight watchers trick that I love!)

    *make one of the famous weight watcher veggie soups and use it as your snack, lunch, dinner options. This gets all colors and then some (if you don't know about the weight watcher veggie soup variations, let me know, I will share this coveted info. they are tasty, full of fiber and frighteningly low fat)

    I would like to hear about how to make both of these! I'm always looking for new healthy recipes. I get into the habit of eating the same things all the time, and often involving very little cooking (salads, sandwiches, wraps, etc.). I would love to learn how to make these delicious sounding foods you're talking about!

    @ceejay - I sent you a message with the details.

    If anyone else wants this info let me know. I can message you as well, or if there is a lot of interest, I'll just post it here...
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm interested Olivia! I notice on your diary you eat weight watcher soups, being a soup lover looking for healthy alternatives I'd love to know!
    I added some color to my breakfast this morning, let's see: blueberries- blue, english muffin-light brown, egg- white, cheese- yellow, turkey sausage- brown. Does that count? It was a healthy breakfast...the Schwans man came to my house yesterday and I ordered some stuff off their Live Smart line of foods after I checked the nutrition info, got some really great stuff!
    I need to get some more veggies in this house! And fruits....seems like I'm always running to the grocery store nowadays.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Just poppin in for a quick sec with a weigh in

    SW: 203.2
    CW: 200.0 Whoop Whooop!!

  • soccerlyss08
    soccerlyss08 Posts: 31 Member
    Olivia, I'd love the recipes as well! Always looking for new healthy recipes!
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