

  • Special K Protein Plus ~~ It's 10 grams of protein in 3/4 cup of cereal. I have mine with about 1/4 cup of blueberries and 1/2 cup of skim milk. It's yummy and only has 2 grams of sugar. All the protein really holds you until lunch too!
  • I hear ya, GF! Eight years ago I lost 55 lbs and got down to a SIZE 6...I couldn't believe it! And in less than a year I put it all back on plus 15 more. :( I have been holding on to that weight now for 8 years. I finally got my head straight and decided I needed to get serious. I have lost 21 lbs so far and still have…
  • Hi Karen~ Welcome to MFP! I too am pretty new, having only been on here for 5 days. I would love to be your friend since I don't have any friends on here at all. My story is like so many others...I have been overweight now for the last 7 years. I could not get my head in the right place to even begin to diet and I felt…
  • Good morning, Charlene! I am new also (just found this awesome website last night!) I am amazed at the support and all the tools available...and it's all FREE!! :happy: I am so excited to track my progress and use the food diary. I started on my journey 32 days ago and started with the HCG diet. It worked for me for about…