

  • I understand how you feel!!! I had a baby boy in November and have 12 stubborn pounds left to lose and then 15 more to get to the weight I would LOVE to be! I am taking a challenge called Body By VI starting Monday. Hopefully this will work!
  • I've looked as well and all I see under the friends tab is what myself and my friends post/do. We ARE talking about the message boards where we can look at any MFP members post and write our own correct?!
  • That's awesome! Glad to see you want to make a lifestyle change, just as I am! I'm not a pro at this either and I think I expect to see changes overnight (unrealistic) so I need a support system! I will definitely be here if you need me! :)
  • I agree!!! Maybe when they update the app that's something they will include?!?!
  • Oh my goodness! My husband loves pho!! Feel free to share the recipe! I know there isn't much to it but I'd like to know how you do it!
  • I'm definitely no expert, but from research and experience...cut out the carbs and eat more protein. Protein tends to fill you up more. I personally don't try to eat more knowing I worked out, i still try to stick to my calorie goal. Which is one of the reasons why I don't log my exercise for the day, that way there is no…
  • I am also 6 weeks post pregnancy and also in the military. While breast feeding I was losing weight and eating whatever I wanted, that only lasted for a week and a half though. We switched to formula and of course that was the holidays as well...packed on several pounds I had recently lost. Of course with the new year my…
  • Myself as well, needs all the encouragement I can get! I have always been a little over weight and not happy with my body or my lifestyle. I recently had a baby which I am very proud of, but ready to get back to the pre-pregnancy body AND some! I have 33 pounds left to lose and want to share my journey with others and look…