Getting back on track

Hi I used MFP last year and was doing well but I kind of fell off the wagon whoever I managed to lose 9lb!

Anyway I'm back now and doing rather well I feel. I lost 2lb last week and I'm hoping to lose 3lb this week to get to my first stone!

I'm looking to make new friends so we can support each other through this :)


  • coffeye
    coffeye Posts: 20
    HI ronniesgirl I used MFP to last year and lost 7lb however I gave up 4months ago and now have put on the 7lb plus another stone:( My own fault entirely) I found MFP really helpful but just got down on myself and into a rut. I hope this time i can start and keep going but need all the encouragement i can get:)
  • Myself as well, needs all the encouragement I can get! I have always been a little over weight and not happy with my body or my lifestyle. I recently had a baby which I am very proud of, but ready to get back to the pre-pregnancy body AND some! I have 33 pounds left to lose and want to share my journey with others and look forward to encouraging as well!
  • Hi Ronnie's Girl. I had to reply 'cause I married to a Ronnie. Had my first baby and still need to shed 15 lbs. I started MFP while I was pregnant because I was gaining so much weight (over 70). I've been lazy the last several months so I am going to try again. Good luck with your weight loss goals...sounds like you know how to lose so I know you can do it.
  • vking713
    vking713 Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck in your journey! I too used it briefly last year and was doing well. Then the bottom fell out! I got custody of my daughters 2 year old God child and my 19 yr old was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. They put my daughter on a special diet which is helping her but killing me. She has to consume 3500 calories a day, full fat everything, no artificial anything, no added sugars, no high fructose corn syrup etc... Well in the meantime I am now at my highest weight ever because I stopped buying stuff for her, stuff for me etc...and just try and buy the stuff she can eat and as I found out it does not work for me.

    Here is to a new year, a new you and a new me!
  • Hiya!

    I see a few of you are rying to shift your baby weight. Congrats on your bundles of joy!

    I am trying to lose weight so we can have a baby we need to have IVF but I had to get my BMI down to 30 or less it started at 35 and is now 33.7 so coming down!

    We currently waiting for a letter from our fertility clinic so we can discuss getting started so the more I can lose the better.!!!1