Mamas trying to lose baby weight! :)

Any other moms trying to lose their stubborn baby weight? I am! Add me if you want! :D

I'll share my story, if you care to read.

I had a baby December 2010, during the pregnancy i went from 140-180lbs on delivery.

At 1 week post partum i was 160lbs.

A year later I slowly accumulated at least 9 pounds (well it mostly accumulated the past 6 months) due to graduating college and becoming a SAHM, being at home all day because i was without a car, generally feeling exhausted most of the time because of a breastfeeding baby who still woke up all night long, and dealing with depression and eating made me feel "happy" i guess (food is yummy!)

Realized my face was getting fatter and I was getting stretch marks on my sides so I finally joined a gym when we got our taxes.
I was horrified to find out i was almost 170 pounds!!!
This was about 3 weeks ago....

I'm down to 165lbs (as of last Tuesday, might be less now) thanks to MFP and my gym membership!
It's a slow, hard process, but seeing my face getting slimmer and seeing that little weight ticker on the scale go lower and lower makes me feel so happy, even if its just by a little bit! I love working out too! And I'm starting Zumba!! Ha cha cha!

ANYWAY, add me if you like! I have an open diary...although lately i haven't been as strict on my diet as i should which is probably why my weight loss is slowly. I need some encouragement! ;) Lets lose our mommy weight! If you're just a regular person not trying to lose baby weight and are just trying to lose regular weight, you can add me too :) i can use all the encouragement and support i can get, and I'll return the favor! :) Hope to talk to you all soon!


  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    down 4 babies, one to go!! you can do it, you've taken all the right steps to show your baby how to lead a happy and healthy life :)

    persistance is the key!
  • NewMeKP
    NewMeKP Posts: 37 Member
    I gained SO MUCH weight from my pregnancy! trying to lose all this stubborn weight too! im gettin there. one day at a time. feel free to add me!
  • Thank you! I've tried dieting before but the bad just hardly eating anything...which of course backfired, and i would pig out in hunger and actually gain weight! MFP is really helping me do it the right way, and i'm getting results! I want my son to be a happy healthy little kiddo to and he'll see me as an example! I've already given him a great start by breastfeeding too :p
  • Yeah i gained 40 lbs! and i'm only 15 lbs less than when i gave birth :( i thought that breastfeeding would melt the weight stuck persistently...i'm one of the "lucky" ones where nursing actually makes the weight stick i guess! oh well! glad i'm starting to see results now that i'm actually TRYING to lose weight and not just hope i lose weight lol :p

    edit: I meant to quote the person above me! still getting used to this lol
  • I understand how you feel!!! I had a baby boy in November and have 12 stubborn pounds left to lose and then 15 more to get to the weight I would LOVE to be! I am taking a challenge called Body By VI starting Monday. Hopefully this will work!
  • I had my son May 2010, actually weight a few pounds less a week after him than I did pre-pregnancy. I then went on to put 28lbs on in the year after he was born. I'm down 22lbs and have 10ish left, with a few added in there to take me under what I was pre-preg.
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    I had my youngest feb 09 and i'm still trying to lose the baby weight lol.
    Had a few very un-supportive partners who would use emotional blackmail into making me feel pretty crappy about myself and I would then comfort eat. I now have a great partner who is supportive so finally on a mission to lose this weight! Anyone feel free to add me :) tbh the people I have on my profile at the moment don't do much encouraging so could do with more mfp friends :D xx
  • I understand how you feel!!! I had a baby boy in November and have 12 stubborn pounds left to lose and then 15 more to get to the weight I would LOVE to be! I am taking a challenge called Body By VI starting Monday. Hopefully this will work!

    Oooh I wanna start the Body By Vi challenge too!! I'm gonna buy the 90 day challenge kit as soon as i get my first pay check for my new job im starting in 2 weeks :)