sandit60 Member


  • Hi friends! I need to lose 60 pounds, at least, my doc said. I go to see him in January..oy vey! I am also pre-diabetic (128 avg. glucose and A1C of 61. Yuck! Any good recipes for chili in the crockpot. Thank you <3
  • Hello. I have the same problem also. I went to the doc yesterday and he told me I am pre-diabetic...120 Average Blood Sugar and A1C of 6.1. He told me I need to lose about 60 pounds. I see him again In january..I go every 3 months. I am 65 and have arthritis in the right knee that is killing me but my doc says losing…
  • Just fitting into clothes that I haven't fit into for about two years!! Plus, Christmas. I have vowed if I can lose about 30 pounds by then, I'd buy myself a new outfit!!
  • I need to lose 100 pounds!! I am tired of carrying my weight around, especially in my stomach area. It is killing my back and my knees. I consider myself to be active but it is crushing my joints. So, I have attempted to do this in the past, God knows how many times, but I believe I can do this. I am searching out no…
  • I need to lose 100 pounds so please add me :smiley:
  • I bought myself a pair of gym shoes at Meijer's and I have been wearing them out shopping, etc. My hip bursitis feels better and I can walk longer. My goal is just to walk 30 minutes a day and increase in a few months. Slow but sure! No race. Just want to get healthier and feel more comfortable :smiley:
  • Hi, I am a 61 year old female with no children but a husband and kitties (10 to be exact) :) I started Myfitness Pal with a goal of between 1,300-1,400 calories per day. I weight 278 and my doc wants me down to at least 200 by January. My triglycerides were high at 305 and my cholesterol was 244. Not a good thing so she…
  • It's hard keeping carbohydrates and fat down. I love ice-cream, l love sour cream, I love margarine, I love all that. tryglicerides are at 235. The rest of my numbers are normal my doc said. She gave me the method and I did post it but I have to get more exercise. I am thinking of starting walking here at work.…
  • Thank you!! I needed to hear that. Rome wasn't built in a day right? It's so darned easy to slide into your old habits!!! So, today is another day! I need to just get started and pretend I am helping a friend, myself :love:
    in AHHHHHHH! Comment by sandit60 March 2014
  • I am 5'4 and I should weight, for my height and frame and age (58), 145. My doctor said this would be the perfect weight for me. I would be happiest at this weight for certain! I have a long haul though but it can be done! Did anyone ever go on a diet and lose weight and got to the point where they wanted that wonderful…