

  • Thank you for your concern, I'll keep it in mind! I don't think the calories in a bowl of porridge will make me fat, but i have/had concerns about the overall effect. I will try it tough, see how it works out for me :)
  • If you had read the thread maybe you would have had a little more insight into why im asking. Seriously, questioning if it's a real concern for the OP must be one of the low-points of health related forums.
  • I found something similar and just ordered that, can't wait to try it out.
  • Thanks, very interesting :) I would be at about the same carb intake if i were to start with the oatmeal :)
  • Thank you :) Im 33, female, 176 cm and weigh 120 kg (5'7 and 264 lbs). I have been extremely inactive. This week i started walking, and I will keep doing that. About 1-2 hours for 3 days/week. I have found a balance in what im doing now, in that im not really struggling and i dont feel the need to become more extreme. Both…
  • That sounded perfect! Specially the part about just adding hot water. I will try to find it in my country, thank you for the tip!
  • We seem to be on the opposite poles of the Can-You-Handle-Your-Carbs-Spectrum, lucky you ;) A large part of what im feeling in the beginning of the week is just carbs-hunger. That sneaky feeling that so many times have told me that im hungry while im so full I feel sick. At the moment I have more problems with eating all…
  • You are right, experimenting is probaly the only way to really know. I might wait for the next plateu, and give it a try then :)
  • What you are eating sounds yummy :) I read that it's low gi when cooked on the stove, due to the slower process. Blasting it in the microwave was said to raise it's gi. Altough i don't know if its true or not...
  • Really? O_o I was at a lower intake, but raised it cause of safety concerns. Now you are telling me 1200 might not be enough either? And "not eaten any", i do eat? I also don't feel to tired or that im lacking energy, wich i feel i would if i ate to little? I know carbs don't make "general you" fat, but carbs do make…
  • Almond milk, thats a great idea! If i decide to try, I will def start out trying almond milk.
  • Im pretty sure it's the carbs and higher amounts of food that makes me feel hungry part of the week. Towards the end of the work week, when I im several days away from carbs and eat about 800 cal/day, im much less hungry than at the beginning of the week. In the beginning of my weightloss I ate about 600-800 cal/day, every…
  • Thats great news :) Do you eat pasta, bread, potatoes and the like during the rest of the day? Do you usually react to carbs or high GI?
  • I have assumed that im loosing due to calorie deficit, altough it might be a combination of that and not eating that much carbs. Porridge would be at aprox the same cal, but with a significant amount more carbs. If low amount of carbs aids my weightloss, porridge would slow it down. I also fear a high GI one might make it…
  • Thank you! :) Oh sorry, yes it is. Kcal: calories. I did'nt think i could either, to be honest im not sure how im doing it... I started with a goal of max 800/day, and never managed to eat that O_o Was really hungry the first day tough. Drank a cup of bullion, that made it feel better. Normal day now, when eating a bit…
  • I know starvation diets isnt the most sensible thing to do. Almost all my previous tries have been rolemodels for moderation: lower calorie consumption (but never below 1 200), and gradually increased physical activity. And i've failed them all. I rather lose weight with a bad diet than fail another good one.
  • Thank you, i will absolutely try! After so many tries and fails, i really feel that this is the time it will work!
  • Maybe I should try the french dressing then! Im thinking maybe I could put the peanut spread in thai chili. Like chicken, broccoli, coconut milk, sambal oelek, peanut spread...
  • Nice work! I admire your strong will, making big decisions like only drinking water just like that. How much kcal do you consume each day? Since a few weeks I only eat about 600-900 kcal/day, it has both ups and downs but if nothing drastically changes I will keep going.
  • I tried an exercise a few days ago, and I could hear my knees crunching. Oups. Swimming seems fairly realistic tough. Ill try that!
  • I do, and im kind of bitter about the fact that PCOS is such a neglected disease. I have had 3 different doctors diagnose it, and none of them went on to explain it or discuss possible treatments. Now I want to get pregnant, and atleast I have a great fertility doctor that takes me trough those steps. At the same time im…
  • Wow, that is really impressive! Thanks for sharing, it was very inspirational to read :)