don't call it a comeback and other clever phrases

well i'm back... i've been through some stressful things in the past 4 years. personal things i won't get into here but i will say that i was about 240 when i came here the first time. i tracked myself under 200 to about 196 and then i got another job and destroyed it all. i moved in with someone and got comfortable. worst of all i started drinking heavily after i took another job as a video DJ. staying out until 5 in the morning drinking and then having to be at work at a post office first thing in the morning don't mix. so i ended the dj'ing job and decided that at the beginning of this year i was going to cut out all the bad things slowly that have been contributing to me creeping up to just over 260.

i had been drinking at least 4 days a week. and not just a couple beers. i would down a whole $20 bottle of jagermiester given the chance. my tolerance was super high at this point. i was hitting mcdonalds almost every morning on the way to work for a BEC biscuit,hash brown, and a large coke. then when i got out of work it was straight to another fast food place normally. i had to take a step back and realize what i was doing putting all of these horrible things in my body because it was convenient.

so a couple days after the first of the year as i started back to work i decided that i would just start skipping breakfast. i haven't gone back since 2013. about a week into the new year i started some light cardio 30 minutes a day that has grown to about 45 minutes at 20mph with a resistance program for weight loss. second week of january i bought myself some water and decided that it was all i was going to drink. and i haven't strayed from that yet as i always have a water bottle with me wherever i go.

this week after about a month of research i decided that with multiple factors considered that i would try intermittent fasting. i'm also taking a few things while i'm going this. my normal schedule looks a bit like this:

-wake up and shower
-take 1500mg nutragold garcinia cambogia
-take 1 cap of TEST x180
-take1500mg nutragold garcinia cambogia
-take 1 cap of TEST x180
-take 2 vpx meltdown thermogenics
-workout and maybe go for a long walk (i'll be starting a 5k training program next week)
-rest and finish any day projects until the GF gets home
-1500mg nutragold garcinia cambogia
-make dinner for us both

i'm making sure to make and eat enough at my mealtime to create a daily deficit and eat back the calories i lost working out. so this is it. i'm still over my weight that i had originally started at on MFP so my ticker might not move for a few weeks. but since my new streak of logging into MFP again i'm down about 11 pounds in 2 weeks. and with this i seem to be losing a little under a pound a day. i'm not hear to be lectured about the risks of IF or how it's going to slow down or mess up my metabolism. i don't buy it and this is something that i can maintain the rest of my life. i have super will power when i put my mind to something. that something should have been me all along.

thanks for anyone who took the time to read. i know i'm not an english major. i'll be making an effort to be active here in the forums and if anyone has any questions about anything i've posted here today just ask here,friend me and send me a message, or however you'd like to get at me.



  • theimpossibles
    theimpossibles Posts: 20 Member
    also for anyone interested....some of my dj music video mixes are posted here:
  • Miasen
    Miasen Posts: 31
    Nice work! I admire your strong will, making big decisions like only drinking water just like that.

    How much kcal do you consume each day? Since a few weeks I only eat about 600-900 kcal/day, it has both ups and downs but if nothing drastically changes I will keep going.
  • theimpossibles
    theimpossibles Posts: 20 Member
    it ranges as to how much i eat. i'm keeping track but only to make sure i keep myself at a bit of a deficit. i'm not able to eat a ton the last couple days as i've been getting full fairly fast. i will say that every meal tastes damn good every night after 24 hours not eating....