TheMightyPickle Member


  • Well I have noticed that when I dump the popped pop corn from the bag into a bowl that the inside of the bag is still coated with whatever oils are used as a popping medium and that this would most likely explain the disparity in calories of popped vs unpopped. BTW if you really want a conundrum how come Jolly Time 100…
  • Today was a light cycling day so only 20 mins at an average of 10.3 mph. Saturday is my killer day though as its time for the Lawning Mowing and Gardening to begin in earnest. MFP tells me to expect to be burning around 800 cals that day.
  • As I used to go out to eat quite often I find that I have saved a great deal in by preparing my own meals and when I cook I now make only enough for the wife and I and thus have also cut down on grocery bills as well as food lose from haveing to throw out expired left overs.