How much has losing weight cost you?

ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
Just wondering how much others are spending on losing weight?

Different foods? Eating out less often? New clothes/shoes?

Pro/anti gym? How much have you spent on membership?

For me, this happened at a time that I had to start eating out less, and had to lose weight because my clothes were too tight, and I couldn't afford new ones. So, I've actually SAVED money by eating smaller portions and cooking all meals. I spent an Amazon gc on a workout video I wanted, and a yoga mat and cycle were gifts, so no money out of pocket. I walk places I would have driven to before, and I have more energy to do things i might have paid to have done, like yardwork.

The only money I have spent is $4 for hand weights (used) and new clothes, since the old ones are now too big! But i would have had to buy new clothes eventually anyway, at the rate my thighs liked to eat pants!


  • I'm too broke to buy new clothes. Probably bought 8 new shirts within a 12 month time period. All from Walmart. Haha.
    As for my eating, still munching on Taco Bell and diet soda (oh, no.)
    The main thing that has really changed was more gym time. Spending 32 a month at LA Fitness.

    I'd say it's not much affected my wallet anymore or less than it already has been.

    Awesome job on saving money!
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Oh yeah, I also cut back on prescriptions by about 40%. Less trips and $$ at the pharmacy!
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    Hundreds of dollars on new and amazing clothes, much to the shock of my hubby
  • TheMightyPickle
    TheMightyPickle Posts: 3 Member
    As I used to go out to eat quite often I find that I have saved a great deal in by preparing my own meals and when I cook I now make only enough for the wife and I and thus have also cut down on grocery bills as well as food lose from haveing to throw out expired left overs.

  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    New shirts, soon a pair of jeans, saving on eating out. I do buy PB2 and protein powder though.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    So far its saved a lot of money I would have been spending on food and fuel to go buy food lol.
  • CardiC333
    CardiC333 Posts: 68 Member
    My boobies.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    My boobies.

    Based on your pic, that is a blatant lie.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    So far its saved a lot of money I would have been spending on food and fuel to go buy food lol.

    I'm glad to see this. I was really expecting to hear how expensive eating healthy is! Since it isn't. It can be, but so can eating fast food.
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I am very much worse off, financially speaking :sad:

    I was someone who didnt eat any food that wasnt processed, tinned, or toast

    I upped my diet with fresh fruit and veg at the begining of my weightloss £££ :cry:

    Then in the last three weeks I have been working on weight training and Insanity workouts.. Upping my protein to help build muscle

    MY GOD, how much does meat cost nowadays :sad:


    In the long run, I know this is money well spent, and Im happy with my progress so far... But coming from someone who has been in LOADS of debt since being an idiotic child, I didnt really need my creditcard taking a hamering when I can see the light at the end of my debt tunnel lol

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I think it's more expensive for me having lost my weight. I now pay for a gym monthly, but at least it has classes included. I like buying nice workout clothes and since I'm dripping wet after working out every time, I go through a lot of outfits. Washing my clothes more often because of them being yucky after sweating in them. Changed from going to a barber to going to a women's stylist because I feel better about myself and feel I'm worth it.

    Eating non GMO foods - more expensive - try to go to Trader joes instead of whole foods, but I can't stand trader joe's lines and whole foods is across the street. Switched from regular to lactaid milk $1/quart more.

    Feel better in general: worth every penny. Luckily I'm not in debt.
  • At times I have spent money trying to find that "perfect" weight loss plan. I guess I have finally grown up and realized I'm the only one that can lose the weight. So yes, I am eating out less, not buying expensive mocha drink every day.

    Right now I would say the only money I have spent this weight loss round is on good vitamins and my protein shakes.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Hmmm I guess the cost of being able to buy clothes that I like versus what fits.

    Plus the cost of running shoes and running event fees.

    All totally worth the expense.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    I wouldn't ever be able to come up with
    an exact amount.I'm certain a a lot though!
    There has been clothes, shoes, vitamins,
    better foods like produce & protein powder.
    However these expenses are far better I'm
    sure.. than if I was on loads of meds and in/out
    of the hospital due to my past obesity.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I don't go to a gym and incur very minor costs for exercise-related items (my husband fixes up bicycles as a hobby so I am always set there). I do spend a bit more on athletic footwear than I did in years past, but not too drastically...and it's worked out that I'm in a much more casual job so I don't have to have as many dressy shoes and it works out about even.

    I honestly believe that there has been NO change at all in my food bills, grocery or dining out.

    I haven't benefited though from loss of medical bills, prescriptions, cpap, etc as some people have because I never had those in the beginning, either.

    The biggest cost to me has been CLOTHES. I am constantly buying clothes to replace sizes that are too big, and every season now I kind of have to start from scratch or almost. I do buy a lot of things secondhand and on clearance at regular stores and so forth. I would estimate though, that I'm spending about 4 to 5 times what I'd normally spend in a 12 month period on clothing. But I don't really mind.

    I do think I spend less on 'fun' things like home decor though, because my lifestyle has changed so much and now I am much more focused on travel, sex, and good food. In the past, when I was with my ex I would spend a LOT of money on cute housewares and matching this or that, and a lot of $$ on designer bags and I'm just like "bring on the road trip with my hot husband and where can I get banh mi!?" New priorities :-)