

  • Thanks for the encouragement. Was looking through my food diary and if I have something light such as turkey breast and new potatoes I will end the day within my calorie count. Ironically I do go over my count on occasion and don’t feel too bad. I guess I know that KFC is the wrong food but the more I think about it the…
  • It's easy to feel guilt when you have a treat or slip up but stick with it. I'd really try to eat three meals a day. Sometime I skip breakfast and I feel the impact of it more than I do by having three smaller meals. Hope it works out for you.
  • I'm loving Kirstie's suggestion with the steak! I assume Baked Beans count? They aren't my favourate but are somethig I know are good for me and can be added to most meals.
    in Iron Comment by robertboyd March 2011
  • I am only on my second week of dieting and fitness. I have two days off the gym and one day off the diet. My day off was last Thursday and I treated myself to full sugar Irn Bru, a pizza and some pakora. I'd been looking forward to it all week and it helped me keep focus however when I weighed myself on the Friday my…
  • Congratulations, I bet you must feel really good right now. I'm looking forward to that moment :-)
  • Good luck, I'm new here as well and really nice to see other newbies.
    in Hello Comment by robertboyd March 2011
  • Hiya I came by this site via the android market as well. Like you, so far so good. Keep with it and good luck. Only advice I can give is if you like me enjoy Irn Bru switch to diet. I'm not totally loving the taste but enjoying saving my calories for actual food.
  • Irn Bru is an orange coloured soft drink popular in Scotland. It's really nice and if you ever see if I'd recomend picking it up to try. On second thoughts you might want to pick up the diet variety as it is full of sugar.