

  • Hope it isn't too late to join you all! This is an area of my life that needs discipline. I have three kiddos under four and I tend to eat crackers when I wake up to feed my youngest...but I really am not hungry! Ah well, I am ready to kill this habit. Alright. I am going to bed now. Wish me luck! P.s. my cut-off time will…
  • My sister and I just swapped passwords. Not sure if there is another option. It would be a great feature to be able to "unlock" your food diary for anyone/chosen people to see!
  • I would like to join! 2/21: 141 My goal ultimate goal is 120. I think this is appropriate to aim for as my May 15th goal... Good luck to you all! See you next Saturday! (I'll just look for "looking to start up a weight loss group - week 4"?)
  • Monday is my weigh-in day. So... 2/9: 144 2/16: 141 I am down three. I have a horrid habit of weighing constantly. I told myself I will no longer being doing that. I now weigh once a day but am trying to wean to once a week. Hope you all stay healthy and strong! Good luck!
  • I would like to lose 9 pounds by St. Patrick's Day. Current weight 144. So....135! When do we check in?
  • Hi, We welcomed our third son six weeks ago. He is gorgeous. We're delighted! But I am itching to reshape! I joined MFP right before we found out we were expecting. All of the pregnancy weight came off in the first couple of weeks. I now float right over 140 but need to reach 120. What I am looking for is practical…
  • I would love to join! I definitely need to just set my mind to it and accomplish my goal. What sort of eating plan will you be following?
  • I have been on MFP for one week now. I have stayed within my calorie range. I really enjoy running and have continued that like normal (45 min/7mph). I didn't lose a thing! I usually managed to consume any exercise calories I might have "earned". And while I am not the most clear-minded person, I haven't noticed a change…