dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
I just joined the site a couple days ago, and got very interested in the challenges I saw! I couldn't decide which one I wanted to join, so I'm starting a new one for other new members like myself who didn't want to intrude on a challenge already in progress! Even if you're not new, WELCOME!!! Let's make this a 2-month challenge and come up with a goal for AUGUST 1. Post every week and let us know your progress! Good luck everyone!!!

Starting Weight: 140
Current Weght: 138
Goal by Aug. 1: 125
Ending Goal: 115

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    I just joined the site a couple days ago, and got very interested in the challenges I saw! I couldn't decide which one I wanted to join, so I'm starting a new one for other new members like myself who didn't want to intrude on a challenge already in progress! Even if you're not new, WELCOME!!! Let's make this a 2-month challenge and come up with a goal for AUGUST 1. Post every week and let us know your progress! Good luck everyone!!!

    Starting Weight: 140
    Current Weght: 138
    Goal by Aug. 1: 125
    Ending Goal: 115

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • swyman
    swyman Posts: 10
    Alright, I'm down. I'm pretty bummed about the course of my weight in the last 5 months. I got serious last summer and lost 20 lbs. I felt as good as I can remember for the past 15 years. But then Thanksgiving arrived and I slipped back into old patterns during the holidays and still have not recovered. As of today, I've gained 14 of those 20 back. So, I'm back to logging my food and exercise and I could really use the support and accountability!

    I'm not sure how this challenge thing works. When do you check in. And is there any discussion and/or support in between check-ins? I couldn't commit to daily entries, but I know that talking to others about my progress keeps me motivated. And I sorely need motivation right now.

    Starting and current weight: 212
    Goal by Aug. 1: 200
    Ending goal: 195

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ritapickern
    ritapickern Posts: 10
    I would love to join! I definitely need to just set my mind to it and accomplish my goal. What sort of eating plan will you be following?
  • nik433
    nik433 Posts: 57
    I'm in....I need something to jump start my weight loss again after an awful last few days! Does anyone want to check in daily with me? I feel like once a week will let me conveniently forget about it :sad:
    I have 6 lbs to go and am having SO much trouble! I'm gaining muscle weight too so I haven't really lost lbs in over a month. I need help!
    Does this challenge have a name so we can find it later?
  • dandersson2
    dandersson2 Posts: 13 Member
    I am in! I want to loose at least 10 lbs by July 26, 2008. I am visiting my In-Laws in Sweden July 26 - Aug 8 and want to feel good physically and mentally.

    Start: 174
    Current: 168
    Short Term Goal: 158
    Final Goal: Maintain: 138 -142
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Alright, I'm down. I'm pretty bummed about the course of my weight in the last 5 months. I got serious last summer and lost 20 lbs. I felt as good as I can remember for the past 15 years. But then Thanksgiving arrived and I slipped back into old patterns during the holidays and still have not recovered. As of today, I've gained 14 of those 20 back. So, I'm back to logging my food and exercise and I could really use the support and accountability!

    I'm not sure how this challenge thing works. When do you check in. And is there any discussion and/or support in between check-ins? I couldn't commit to daily entries, but I know that talking to others about my progress keeps me motivated. And I sorely need motivation right now.

    Starting and current weight: 212
    Goal by Aug. 1: 200
    Ending goal: 195

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Thanks for joining!!! I'm just going to be giving an update once a week (probably on Tuesdays since today is when I started it), and checking this topic every couple of days to hear how everyone's doing! I guess I don't really know the easiest way to go back and find our challenge besides clicking on "my topics", which shows the most recent topics you've posted on. So if we all just do that, I think we'll be able to find it alright!

    As far as my eating plan, I'm just going to be counting calories and trying to eat healthier versions of things such as peanut butter, bread, cereal, etc. while upping my fruit and vegetable intake. And of course, MORE EXERCISE!!!

    I'm having a difficult time these first couple of days staying within my recommended calorie intake (I feel like 1200 is starving myself!!) but I think it might just be because I was eating a lot more before, so I'm trying to "ease" into the 1200. Anyone else having this same problem?
  • melli
    melli Posts: 14
    I am so in :). I need to lose at least 15 more pounds til then. And it's more fun if yo udo it with people. :)

    Start: 196
    Current: 190
    Short term goal: 175
    Ending goal: 150

    let's go, we can do it :)
    good luck to all

  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    start - 218
    current - 200
    goal (aug) - 189
    real goal - 147

    im struggling with the 190's, have been going up and down the past month, due to work stresses, girl at work constantly putting me down, finding it hard to stay motivated :explode:
  • swyman
    swyman Posts: 10
    Welcome to you all. I'm glad to have companions along this challenging road. Hey, why am I the only guy in this challenge? :noway:

    Someone mentioned needing a name for the group so that we can identify ourselves. How about:
    "The Summer Slim Down Challenge"

    I think I'd prefer check-in on Wednesdays. I've tended to binge on weekends and it takes a few days to move the bulk through, if you know what I mean. Wednesdays seem to be a truer measure of my progress, or lack of it. I'm okay if others prefer a different day to check-in.

    I woke up 3 lbs. lighter than yesterday. What's with that? I did eat very consciously yesterday, but 3 lbs.? I think that I'd eaten poorly over the weekend, salty foods, etc. and maybe most of it was water. Anyway, I'm pretty used to the ups and downs from day to day.

    Onward and . . . downward!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    All right, I'm in. I'm hopefully going away next week so I'm going to be checking in on Fridays and possibly Mondays. i feel like weekends are when I get off the wagon so hopefully by checkin in those days it will help me see how bad it is and try to reverse it. Good luck to everyone!


    Current/Starting weight: 158
    Goal for August 1: 148

    Here we go...
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    SUMMER SLIM-DOWN CHALLENGE it is!!! Hope everyone's having a great day and WELCOME!
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    I'm in too.

    Starting weight: 145

    Goal by August 1st: 135

    End goal 130
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    Count me in too. I need this motivation.

    Starting weight -- 190
    Goal by August 1st--180
    Goal weight----140

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, WE CAN DO THIS !!!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    Having recently completed the Memorial Day Challenge, and reaching my goal of 172 (started at 186 in January), I would love to join to jumpstart my lacking motivation with this new group!
    I have had a bad few days over the holiday and have not gotten on the scale! I think I'm still hovering around 169-173 (depending on water and bloat weight!) and have been stuck here for a few weeks.
    I'll check back in tmrw morning after getting on the dreaded scale.
    I'm slightly altering the dates for myself due to a beach vacation to SoCal and I want to wear a bikini!
    Goal by July 20th: 162
    Goal by August 10th: Lose any vacation weight I may have gained!
    Long term goal: 149 by my birthday in October.
  • swyman
    swyman Posts: 10
    So how do we get the new "Summer Slim Down Challenge" name up on the Motivation and Support Menu? Do we need to start a new thread?
  • denisez
    denisez Posts: 8
    I'm in!! I lost and kept off 90 pounds since January of 2006. I've got 35 pounds to go and really need motivation with exercise. I can't want to check in with everyone regularly!!

    Good Luck to all!!

    Current: 230
    Goal: Aug 1: 200
    Final Goal: 185
  • Less4Laura
    Less4Laura Posts: 5
    I'm new to the forum, need all the support and motivation I can get, I'm soooo excited to have found this site!! The first week is always easy, it's sticking thru the long haul that's the hard part. I'm on South Beach Diet, limiting my caloric intake to 1200 a day and working out 3 or 4 days a week, cardio and strength training.

    05/26/08 Starting weight 164.4
    05/28/08 Current weight 161.6
    08/01/08 Goal weight 140.4

  • akrahmer
    akrahmer Posts: 15
    I'm in, too. I did great last fall, but then dropped off after Thanksgiving, too.

    I'm currently at 153, and need to lose 25 pounds.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Okay everyone, I'm going to start a new thread for this challenge called "SUMMER SLIMDOWN CHALLENGE" (the name of this challenge) So spread the word!!! Hope everyone had a great first day and lets make this summer slimdown a success :) Reminder: If you have a hard time finding it under the motivation and support section after you make your first post on it, look under "my topics" and you should be able to find it easier!! SUMMER SLIMDOWN CHALLENGE will be the official thread! keep us updated!
  • melli
    melli Posts: 14
    whooop whooop we can do it......let's go everyone :)
This discussion has been closed.