real food plan for young mom of three

We welcomed our third son six weeks ago. He is gorgeous. We're delighted! But I am itching to reshape! I joined MFP right before we found out we were expecting. All of the pregnancy weight came off in the first couple of weeks. I now float right over 140 but need to reach 120.
What I am looking for is practical suggestions for breakfast-lunch-dinner... I usually drink a coffee with half and half for breakfast, V8 for lunch and then have an ordinary dinner and snack the rest of the evening.
I run every day 30-60 minutes (6-7 mph).
I am having a bit of trouble organizing myself mentally to consume the target 1200 calories in the most healthful, moderate manner.
Any meal plans would be greatly appreciated.
Good luck to each of you!


  • ritapickern
    We welcomed our third son six weeks ago. He is gorgeous. We're delighted! But I am itching to reshape! I joined MFP right before we found out we were expecting. All of the pregnancy weight came off in the first couple of weeks. I now float right over 140 but need to reach 120.
    What I am looking for is practical suggestions for breakfast-lunch-dinner... I usually drink a coffee with half and half for breakfast, V8 for lunch and then have an ordinary dinner and snack the rest of the evening.
    I run every day 30-60 minutes (6-7 mph).
    I am having a bit of trouble organizing myself mentally to consume the target 1200 calories in the most healthful, moderate manner.
    Any meal plans would be greatly appreciated.
    Good luck to each of you!
  • SteffCooley
    Hello! and Welcome to your new little one! Three boys! How fun... you must keep busy :smile:

    I eat lots of fruits and veggies - if I am feeling "snacky" I grab for a piece of fruit. I love making smoothies and they are pretty healthy and not too shabby on calories. I love whole wheat english muffins, either for making scrambled cheesy-eggs for a sandwich, or for toasting and adding a bit of peanut butter.... and they keep me full! Oatmeal is a great option...... very filling! I love a bowl of cereal with a banana cut up in. Cheese, almonds, and Yoplait yogurts are great snacks, too. Lots and lots of easy, quick options out there. I know how life can get crazy with little kids - I've got four myself!

    I also eat every 2-3 hours. You might give that a try!

    I checked out your profile and see that you are from Oregon - I am too! :smile:

    Welcome (back!) to MFP and Good Luck to you too!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Breakfast is a really important meal. I eat either oats or grits with plain soy milk, or if I'm in a big hurry I'll do cold cereal (Grape Nuts or Fiber One or Total) with milk, or sometimes even a peanut butter sandwich (natural peanut butter, whole grain toast). For lunch I'll have something like wild rice or a whole grain roll with an apple and chicken/fish/london broil and a salad with a little vinegar. Dinner is usually pasta of some sort or sometimes breakfast for dinner--I love eggs! Snacks include fruit, milk, half sandwiches, or frozen/canned veggies (I get low sodium although my blood pressure is just above 90/60, so I don't watch it very closely). If I'm at work I'll eat a Lean Cuisine since I never have time to make anything on work days and I never have time to eat at work.
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    This is an example for tomorrow in my weekly meal plan for this week:

    Meal 1 (breakfast)
    1 wholegrain muffin
    1 slice turkey bacon
    1 babybel
    ½ cup berries

    Meal 2 (snack)
    ½ cup berries
    ½ cup cottage cheese

    Meal 3 (lunch)
    ½ pita, 100g turkey with salad

    Meal 4 (snack)
    1 orange
    1 Babybel

    Meal 4 (dinner)
    Grilled salmon with spinach and half a yam
  • kolbif
    kolbif Posts: 83
    WOW! First off, gotta say that weighing 140 is awesome after having a baby! Good for you. I'm with you, though - am hanging around 135 and would like to get down to 125.

    I would agree that consuming more than coffee for breakfast would be really smart. Fruit, cereal, oatmeal, eggs. I know you must be extremely busy, but breakfast is important.

    I have a hard time getting my 1200+ calories in sometimes, too. To fill in the gaps, I eat unsalted almonds and Babybel cheese.

    V-8 is really healthy, I think. But if I remember right, it has a lot of sodium, so be careful of that. From what my other half says, the low-sodium V-8 doesn't taste as good. :frown:

    Good luck to you! And congrats! :flowerforyou: