Samantha Wright, she looks awesome, yeah!
"You've imagined a scenario where you'd have to do handstand pushups to survive. " This one is particularly hilarious :laugh:
We did an hero wod yesterday that I really liked. "Schmalls" Run 800 meters Then two rounds of: 50 Burpees 40 Pull-ups (red band for me) 30 pistols 20 Kettlebell swings, (53/35) 10 Handstand push-ups (2 abmats for me) Then run 800 meters Took me 33:11 to complete.
So many... I would say toes to bar and kipping pull-ups. Can't kip right now and I rip my hands all the time (so I have to avoid practicing for a few days and I don't improve!)
This afternoon at 17h : The Seven Seven rounds for time of: 7 Handstand push-ups 7 Thrusters 7 Knees to elbows 7 Deadlifts 7 Burpees 7 Kettlebell swings 7 Pull-ups Sounds like an epic wod!
Helen is my favorite WOD so far! I don't like when the WOD look so fun on my rest day, but sometimes, I'm glad to stay home when it looks too crazy!! (Ex: 150 overhead squats with 5 burpees each time you drop the bar. Outch!)
Yesterday's wod was fun! First we ran 5 X 400 m (360 m, in fact, according to my Garmin) with 1 min. rest after each round. Then, 10 rounds of 1 rep, then 2 reps, 3 reps untill 10 of : - Kettlebell swings (35 lbs) - Burpees box jumps (24") - Sit-ups At the end of each round, we had to do 20 double-unders or 60 singles…
Today's wod was a modified version of Gallant. For time: Run 1 mile with a 20/14 pound medicine ball 60 Burpee box jump (20 in) Run 800 meters with a 20/14 pound medicine ball 40 Burpee box jump (20 in) Run 400 meters with a 20/14 pound medicine ball 10 Burpee box jump (20 in) I did it in 29:15 and it really sucks to run…
I'm still on my post-crossfit endorphin high. :) I'm a late night crossfitter, 8 pm! Today's wod was so fun. We did one of the wod that was in the Regionals 21-15-9 - Deadlift (Rx 205, 120 lbs for me) - Box jumps (24 in) 5:56 min. Then we did Helen 3 rounds - 400 m. run - 21 kb swings (35 lbs) - 12 pullups (with a red band…
Nice job for completing this Spartan Race and for your weight loss! I was here too yesterday and it challenged me a lot and I also had a good time! I heard that the race was longer than 5 km. Some people ran with a GPS watch and it came out with a distance of 7,4 km at the end. So the Super Spartan might not be impossible…