Today's WOD



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    20:01 Minute AMRAP

    8 Power Snatches (75/45)

    10 Wall Balls

    343 m row or run (for Fire House 343)

    I think I can get through four full reps and into #5

    Brutal workout. Got 3 reps and about 50 meters into #4. Much harder than I was expecting and a ton of fun.

    If you define "fun" as working as hard as you can and having to lay on the floor for 4 minutes after you finish.
  • katmandou6
    katmandou6 Posts: 10 Member
    We did an hero wod yesterday that I really liked.


    Run 800 meters

    Then two rounds of:
    50 Burpees
    40 Pull-ups (red band for me)
    30 pistols
    20 Kettlebell swings, (53/35)
    10 Handstand push-ups (2 abmats for me)

    Then run 800 meters

    Took me 33:11 to complete.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: run 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension

    Tabata: Box Jumps, Sit-ups, Row for Calories, Push-ups

    Post WOD
    2:00 AMRAP Double unders
    -rest 1:00-

    2:00 AMRAP Double unders
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Here's what they got for us today. I'm so darned sore from the 100 Burpees from yesterday. Not sure how many rounds I'll get through.

    Metcon (Time)
    AMRAP 9 minutes:
    Snatch (95/65 – 135/95)
    Box Jump (24/20)
    ***go as far up the ladder in 9 minutes. Count total reps
    Front Squat (5 x 3 )
    @80% of 1RM
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    So we had a long AMRAP today. Every single person was on the floor at the end.

    15 minute AMRAP:
    10 Thrusters (45/35)
    10 Handstand Push-ups
    10 Box Jumps 20"

    I managed 8 rounds and 8 extras. I did do 35# on the thrusters, but instead of HSPU, I did some kind of push-up involving my feet/knees on the box and my hips high in the air, bending my arms to touch my head to an abmat. Also, this short, white girl can't jump that high without having fits--I did step ups.

    I love doing workouts with really ridiculously hard movements (HSPU) because usually only two or three folks can even do them. It helps my long term mental commitment to Crossfit to see that even the supremely fit people who usually RX every other workout also have goals and progress to make. Even though I've definitely made some progress of my own to get here, it's hard to be scaling every WoD when only one or two other people there scale, too. But on the flip side, I know that there's a long road ahead of me to get where I want to be, and I expect Crossfit to challenge me every step of the way. I'd be disappointed if it didn't.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ walking lunge/Samson stretch, 25′ inch worm, 10 ring rows, 10 overhead squats
    1 round of: run 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 hip extension

    HBBS 8X4 @ 80% – go every 2 minutes
    5 minute KB Snatch Test for total reps.

    *Note: The goal of this test is to perform Snatches for the entire 5:00 unbroken. You may switch hands at any time, but the final rep count should be evenly split between both arms.

    Post WOD
    Skill work

    Did 103# on the back squats. Felt super heavy at first, but as I warmed up, it got better. The WOD was difficult as I had never done this particular movement before and it felt very awkward. It's like a combo of a highpull and swing which, to me, are quite opposite movements (one is close to the body and one isn't). I'm not entirely sure I did it correctly, but the only correction the coach gave me was to pull my elbow high. I did 104 reps with a 15lb KB (went very light as this was such as a new movement and the coach told us all to go lighter than usual). Post-WOD I worked my DUs for a just a few short minutes before running out the door to shower! This was WOD 4 for the week for me, I'm stepping up to 4-5 wods/week because I've signed up for the garage games. eeeeeeek!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    So we had a long AMRAP today. Every single person was on the floor at the end.

    15 minute AMRAP:
    10 Thrusters (45/35)
    10 Handstand Push-ups
    10 Box Jumps 20"

    I managed 8 rounds and 8 extras. I did do 35# on the thrusters, but instead of HSPU, I did some kind of push-up involving my feet/knees on the box and my hips high in the air, bending my arms to touch my head to an abmat. Also, this short, white girl can't jump that high without having fits--I did step ups.

    I love doing workouts with really ridiculously hard movements (HSPU) because usually only two or three folks can even do them. It helps my long term mental commitment to Crossfit to see that even the supremely fit people who usually RX every other workout also have goals and progress to make. Even though I've definitely made some progress of my own to get here, it's hard to be scaling every WoD when only one or two other people there scale, too. But on the flip side, I know that there's a long road ahead of me to get where I want to be, and I expect Crossfit to challenge me every step of the way. I'd be disappointed if it didn't.

    There's a lot of people scaling in our gym. The minority are the ones who can Rx (almost) everything. I do my HSPUs on a box like that too :)
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Hip External Rotation with Flexion
    Posterior Chain Floss
    Lacrosse Blades

    Ring Dips

    Split Jerk

    10 Rounds
    10 Push Press 75/45
    10 Hollow Rocks
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Making up the chipper that we will retake in October to help measure our gains during the Paleo challenge. I will scale to ring rows since I can't do pullups yet.

    Also, if anyone wants to see what I look like, our coach Rick took this during our Tabata workout last week:

    Saturday Sept 14 post.


    “Baseline Chipper”

    9 Minute Running Clock:

    Run 800 m
    20 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
    20 KB Swings (2/1.5)
    -then, in time remaining-
    AMRAP Pull Ups

    (Advanced: AMRAP Muscle Ups)

    Score is either total reps completed of the 20-20, or total Pull Ups/Muscle Ups if athlete gets that far.

    Scale BBJs or KB Swings as needed, but be sure to note your scaled so we can compare apples to apples in 30 days.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    1000m run
    alt tabata: jump lunges, HRPUs
    10 wallballs @20#
    20 goblet squats w/40#kb
    10 SDLHP w/40# kb
    15 box jumps @24"

    Every 90 seconds for 7 rounds:
    3 Box Jumps @30"

    With a partner:
    70 DUs
    60 OH Lunges w/40#kb
    50 HRPUs
    400m run
    30 Wallballs @20#
    20 Goblet Squats w/40# kb
    10 SDLHP
    One partner works at time - Finished in 9:53
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Group Warm-up

    Heavy Lift
    In Teams of 2

    7 minute AMRAP
    Hang Power Snatches (155#/105#)*

    *Switch every 2 reps


    In Teams of 2

    For Time
    a) Run – 400 meters
    b) Wall-Balls (20#@10ft/15#@9ft) – 100
    c) Pull-ups – 50
    d) Box Jumps (24″/20″) – 100
    e) Hang Power Snatches (95#/65#) – 50
    f) Ring Dips – 100
    g) Thrusters (95#/65#) – 50
    h) Run - 400 meters

    *Each team will be responsible for carrying a kettlebell (50#/35#) throughout the entire WOD. If the kettlebell ever touches the ground both partners have 10 burpees before resuming. Hang on to the kettlebell however you’d like to!

    Time cap was originally 25 minutes... then mid workout it was changed to 30 minutes and then he made us go until someone actually finished!! First team finished at 32 minutes or so...
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Couldn't make it to the box yesterday, so did the WOD today at my "other gym"

    WOD – Hero: “Loredo”

    Six rounds for time of:

    24 Squats
    24 Push-ups
    24 Walking lunge steps
    Run 400 meters

    Took a little longer than I expected, but a friend did it with me and I let her pace me. 39:20.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (Still sidelined by elbow tendinitis that has *not* improved much at all over the past few months.

    Everyone else, please continue being awesome.)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    (Still sidelined by elbow tendinitis that has *not* improved much at all over the past few months.

    Everyone else, please continue being awesome.)

    Sadness :( Are you doing any PT?
  • paramedic166560
    Hi all, I'm new here, new to cross fit, and would just like to share :)


    1.5 hours vigorous basket ball (3 on 3)


    I Had a great 2-a-day work out today with a fellow firefighter. A suprisingly tough body weight circuit:

    Not for time:

    95# barbell clean and jerk
    5 sets 8 reps w/ 8 ring pull-ups in between sets

    For Time:

    run 400m
    50 15# squat wall ball
    50 body squats
    50 push ups (strict form)
    50 full sit up

    my time:14:35 (my partner:12:36)
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    Shuttle run: 50-100-200m
    Inch Worms w/push ups
    Broad Jumps
    5 Muscle Cleans with pvc
    10 hang cleans with barbell
    20 kbs @40#

    1RM Hang Power Clean (185#)

    For time:
    10-8-6-4-2 Hang Clean @135#
    10-20-30-40-50 KBS @50#

    Finished in 13:00
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi all, I'm new here, new to cross fit, and would just like to share :)


    1.5 hours vigorous basket ball (3 on 3)


    I Had a great 2-a-day work out today with a fellow firefighter. A suprisingly tough body weight circuit:

    Not for time:

    95# barbell clean and jerk
    5 sets 8 reps w/ 8 ring pull-ups in between sets

    For Time:

    run 400m
    50 15# squat wall ball
    50 body squats
    50 push ups (strict form)
    50 full sit up

    my time:14:35 (my partner:12:36)

    Damn...great work all day! Welcome to the group!
  • paramedic166560
    Hi all, I'm new here, new to cross fit, and would just like to share :)


    1.5 hours vigorous basket ball (3 on 3)


    I Had a great 2-a-day work out today with a fellow firefighter. A suprisingly tough body weight circuit:

    Not for time:

    95# barbell clean and jerk
    5 sets 8 reps w/ 8 ring pull-ups in between sets

    For Time:

    run 400m
    50 15# squat wall ball
    50 body squats
    50 push ups (strict form)
    50 full sit up

    my time:14:35 (my partner:12:36)

    Damn...great work all day! Welcome to the group!

    Thanks man, and thanks for posting your WOD's!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    So... today!

    5 Rounds (beginning on the minute) of:
    3 snatches (115/75)
    Do double-unders for the remainder of the minute.
    Followed directly by
    5 Rounds (beginning on the minute) of:
    6 push press (115/75)
    Do lateral bar jumps for the remainder of the minute.

    Score is total amount of double-unders from first set in addition to the lateral bar jumps for the remainder of the minute.

    As a marshmallow, I used an empty gentleman's bar; though, in hindsight, I think I could have stuck another 10# on there. The point is, the bar is basically just on the ground, so the jumps over it were easier for me than they would be for others. I also am not proficient enough for double-unders, so I counted singles. The scaled score for this is "jump rope #" / 3 + bar jumps. 250/3+250 is 333.33 which is high for the RX but average for the scaled option.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    For our warm-up today we played "musical balls". We ran, skipped, bear crawled, grapvined...etc around a line of weighted balls and when the music stopped, we had to squat over a ball! FUN! Like a bunch of big kids :)

    6:00 AMRAP:
    20 Wall Balls (20/15) - I used 10lbs (the 15s were all taken)
    40 Double unders - attempted DUs for the first round, then did 80 singles in my second round. Made it through 3 rounds of WBs

    7 x 3 Back Squat - went 70%