Today's WOD



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    By the way, I seem to be able to manage higher weight on thrusters when I use a bar instead of dumbbells. I've previously thought this was due to the fact that I have to expend more energy with the dumbbells keeping them in control than I do with a bar, but now I'm wondering if something else might be at play. Thoughts?

    Fairly normal, actually. You should be able to lift more with a barbell given how much more stable it is than two dumbbells. The barbell brings more muscles to the party.

    If you think about an exercise like bench press, you can always do more with a barbell than you can with dumbbells.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member

    100 hollow rocks
    100 Superman rocks
    *stretch throughout

    Back Squat - 1x10, 1x8, 1x8, 1x8 (increasing load based on 1RM)
    *I don't have my 1RM for back squat but I started at 105#, increased to 115# for the next two sets, and went back to 105# for the last set. I ran on Monday night and will only be increasing my mileage over the next month as a train for my next half marathon, so backing off the leg work needs to happen.

    For time:
    100 Push Ups
    100 Sit Ups
    150 Air Squats
    *EMOM 1 advanced wall walk (push up at top and bottom) OR 2 intermediate (no push up at top or bottom) OR 3 beginner (start and end in plank position, walk feet up the wall, hands do not move, no push up)
    20 minute time cap

    I still have to do the beginner wall walks and did the push ups on my knees. I know that I said that I would stop doing push ups on my knees, but at that volume, I knew that I would NEVER finish if I did not. So, push ups were on my knees. *sigh* I finished in 19:37 and wanted to die.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member

    100 hollow rocks
    100 Superman rocks
    *stretch throughout

    Back Squat - 1x10, 1x8, 1x8, 1x8 (increasing load based on 1RM)
    *I don't have my 1RM for back squat but I started at 105#, increased to 115# for the next two sets, and went back to 105# for the last set. I ran on Monday night and will only be increasing my mileage over the next month as a train for my next half marathon, so backing off the leg work needs to happen.

    For time:
    100 Push Ups
    100 Sit Ups
    150 Air Squats
    *EMOM 1 advanced wall walk (push up at top and bottom) OR 2 intermediate (no push up at top or bottom) OR 3 beginner (start and end in plank position, walk feet up the wall, hands do not move, no push up)
    20 minute time cap

    I still have to do the beginner wall walks and did the push ups on my knees. I know that I said that I would stop doing push ups on my knees, but at that volume, I knew that I would NEVER finish if I did not. So, push ups were on my knees. *sigh* I finished in 19:37 and wanted to die.

    Damn...that's tough enough by itself, but to *kitten* thr wall walks EMOTM is just mean! I applaud you for getting through!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    By the way, I seem to be able to manage higher weight on thrusters when I use a bar instead of dumbbells. I've previously thought this was due to the fact that I have to expend more energy with the dumbbells keeping them in control than I do with a bar, but now I'm wondering if something else might be at play. Thoughts?

    Fairly normal, actually. You should be able to lift more with a barbell given how much more stable it is than two dumbbells. The barbell brings more muscles to the party.

    If you think about an exercise like bench press, you can always do more with a barbell than you can with dumbbells.

    Thank you! I was thinking that's what was going on but I wasn't sure.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    100 hollow rocks
    100 Superman rocks
    *stretch throughout

    Back Squat - 1x10, 1x8, 1x8, 1x8 (increasing load based on 1RM)
    *I don't have my 1RM for back squat but I started at 105#, increased to 115# for the next two sets, and went back to 105# for the last set. I ran on Monday night and will only be increasing my mileage over the next month as a train for my next half marathon, so backing off the leg work needs to happen.

    For time:
    100 Push Ups
    100 Sit Ups
    150 Air Squats
    *EMOM 1 advanced wall walk (push up at top and bottom) OR 2 intermediate (no push up at top or bottom) OR 3 beginner (start and end in plank position, walk feet up the wall, hands do not move, no push up)
    20 minute time cap

    I still have to do the beginner wall walks and did the push ups on my knees. I know that I said that I would stop doing push ups on my knees, but at that volume, I knew that I would NEVER finish if I did not. So, push ups were on my knees. *sigh* I finished in 19:37 and wanted to die.

    I hope you can bend your arms to apply deodorant tomorrow :wink:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Skill Work

    Rope Climbing

    10 minutes of technique review and free climbing.


    For time:

    100 Pull Ups

    100 Push Ups

    100 Sit Ups

    100 Air Squats

    did you split them up or do them in that order? I would probably split it into 5 rounds of 20 (if allowed)! That's a lot of work!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Yes, I started the ring rows and push ups doing five at a time, resting, then five more until I couldn't do 5 any more. Timed out of both (10 minute mark on rings, 20 minute mark on push ups.) Did 50 pushups in 6 minutes then banged out about 80 air squats before the 30 minute mark.

    Some folks did it in under 20 minutes. I just want to get 100 reps of everything next time then I will worry about time.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    1 clean pull, 1 power clean, 1 clean (135/95) first minute. Go through the sequence 2 times the second minute, 3 times the third minute, etc. Go until you can't get all in before the minute is up. Score is the max number of successful rounds completed in a minute.

    That was a fun Wod short but fun
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member
    40 wb (14)- 40 burpees/ 30wb-30 burpees/ 20wb-20burpees/ 10wb- 10 burpees.

    20:20. I rx'd the wb for the first time. : )
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Yesterday(mind you, after Tuesday's hollow rocks, superman rocks, situps and air squats, I was sore from my nipples to my knees):

    10 pistols (each leg) - I have to do them supporting myself on the uprights of the wall rig
    10 burpees
    stretch throughout

    50 sit ups for time

    For Time
    800m run (400m for beg)
    30 Pullups (assist or ring rows for beg)
    20 Ring dips (bar or parallette for beg)
    800m run (400m for beg)
    30 Pullups (assist or ring rows for beg)
    20 Ring dips (bar or parallette for beg)
    800m run (400m for beg)
    30 Pullups (assist or ring rows for beg)
    20 Ring dips (bar or parallette for beg)
    800m run (400m for beg)
    *30 min cap

    I did the beginner running, ring rows and parallette dips and finished in 22:47. And again I wanted to die. After two tough workouts in a row, I am really happy that I don't CF on Thursdays!!! Hoping that Barbell Friday treats me right tomorrow!!
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Yesterday(mind you, after Tuesday's hollow rocks, superman rocks, situps and air squats, I was sore from my nipples to my knees):

    10 pistols (each leg) - I have to do them supporting myself on the uprights of the wall rig
    10 burpees
    stretch throughout

    50 sit ups for time

    For Time
    800m run (400m for beg)
    30 Pullups (assist or ring rows for beg)
    20 Ring dips (bar or parallette for beg)
    800m run (400m for beg)
    30 Pullups (assist or ring rows for beg)
    20 Ring dips (bar or parallette for beg)
    800m run (400m for beg)
    30 Pullups (assist or ring rows for beg)
    20 Ring dips (bar or parallette for beg)
    800m run (400m for beg)
    *30 min cap

    I did the beginner running, ring rows and parallette dips and finished in 22:47. And again I wanted to die. After two tough workouts in a row, I am really happy that I don't CF on Thursdays!!! Hoping that Barbell Friday treats me right tomorrow!!

    I just cried a little bit for you
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    Row 1 min on each damper setting: 1,3,5,7,9
    Alt tabata: ring rows and handstand hold
    10 kip swings
    10 dips
    3 sets of barbell complex: 1 p clean + 1 squat clean + 1 jerk

    7x1 Clean and Jerk @135#, 155#, 175#, 185#, 205#, 210#, 210# (new PR) - came so close to 225#...kinda pissed I couldn't hit it

    EMOTM for 14 min:
    Odd: 1 Clean and Jerk @175#
    Even: 3 Muscle Ups - Scaled to 3 chest to bar pull ups and 3 ring dips
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    “Run Your Balls Off”

    For total time:

    Run 1 mile

    –Rest 3 minutes–

    50 Wall Balls

    –Rest 3 minutes–

    Run 800 m

    –Rest 2 minutes–

    35 Wall Balls

    –Rest 2 minutes–

    Run 400m

    –Rest 1 minute–

    20 Wall Balls
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Warm up - 3 ( 50(Jump Rope) + 10(Plank Side Knee Raises) + 15(Dumbbell Rows w/ 10 lbs.) + 30 seconds holding plank )

    Strength Portion - Assisted Pullups, AHAP for 5x5
    I did these with 100 pounds of assist, down from 120 pounds of assist.

    5 minute AMRAP of:
    10 ground to overhead with 25 lb. plate
    10 squat jacks
    10 mountain climbers
    10 hand release pushups
    3 minutes rest period.
    Repeat 5 minute AMRAP

    This was yesterday's workout, but I accidentally lost track of time for the first AMRAP session. I ended up doing 10 minutes instead of 5. I got through 4 complete rounds and 10 extra reps. I figured out what happened during the rest session, and finished the second AMRAP session in the prescribed 5 minutes (2 rounds complete, 8 extra reps).
    I was a sweaty, dog-tired mess at the end.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^^ Did that workout in 37:04 Rx (20 lb medicine ball.) First workout I ever RXed.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Kendrick Farris did a clinic at our gym on Saturday. I didn't get to go, but the coaches wasted no time passing on what they learned about snatches :)

    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ bear crawl, 25′ over/under, 25′ crab walk, 10 KB Swings

    1 round of: run/row 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 reverse hypers

    7×1 3-Position-Snatch (hi-hang, hang, full) – heavy but correct, go every 60 seconds - I practiced form with the new cues using the bar only.

    50 KB Swings
    30 Shoulder Touches
    15 T2B
    20 Shoulder Touches
    15 T2B
    10 Shoulder Touches
    15 T2B
    25 KB Swing

    11:04 using a 30lb KB and doing shoulder touches facing the wall. Also, did K2E.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Not sure what I am going to do to scale, since I've been doing ring rows and can't do dips quite yet. Might get there early and try some banded pull ups and see how they go.

    EMOTM 20

    Odd Minutes – 3 Front Squats, taken from the floor

    Even Minutes- Muscle Ups OR Pull Ups/Ring Dips

    Scaling Options

    RX – Squat Clean First rep, (work as heavy as possible), 1-3 MUs per round

    L2 – Moderate load throughout (no squat clean required), 3-8 Pull Ups per round (strict preferable) OR Ring Dips

    L1 – Work positioning and technique for clean/squats, 8-10 banded Pull Ups, OR Ring Dips, choose appropriate band

    Choose Pull Ups or Ring Dips based on area of greatest weakness. In other words, if the dip portion is what is holding you back from getting closer to a muscle up, work that movement, not your pull ups. Will vary for each individual athlete. Pick a rep count that is suitable for your abilities.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Kendrick Farris did a clinic at our gym on Saturday. I didn't get to go, but the coaches wasted no time passing on what they learned about snatches :)

    Individual Warm-up
    2 rounds of: 10 shoulder passes, 25′ bear crawl, 25′ over/under, 25′ crab walk, 10 KB Swings

    1 round of: run/row 400 meters, banded shoulder stretch, 10 reverse hypers

    7×1 3-Position-Snatch (hi-hang, hang, full) – heavy but correct, go every 60 seconds - I practiced form with the new cues using the bar only.

    50 KB Swings
    30 Shoulder Touches
    15 T2B
    20 Shoulder Touches
    15 T2B
    10 Shoulder Touches
    15 T2B
    25 KB Swing

    11:04 using a 30lb KB and doing shoulder touches facing the wall. Also, did K2E.

    What is a shoulder touch?
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    What is a shoulder touch?

    It's when you're in the hand-stand position and you lift one hand at a time to touch either the opposite shoulder or the same shoulder :happy:
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    This was yesterdays workout --

    Warm Up:
    400m run
    10 sets: 1 power snatch + 1 Overhead Squat (5 w/pvc pipe, 5 w/45# bar)
    Spiderman stretch
    10 Snatch Balances (5 w/pvc, 5 w/bar)
    10 kip swings
    5 toes to bar
    5 pull ups

    5 sets:
    1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance @95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 155# (new PR!)

    For time:
    30 Overhead Squats 65/95 (went with 75#)
    30 Pull-ups (band assisted)
    30 Power Snatches 65/95 (@75#)
    30 Toes to Bar
    30 Sumo Deadlift Highpull 65/95 (@75#)
    30 Pistols.
    Finished in 20:34