thomasdebraann Member


  • Thanks for all of your comments. I did slack logging food for awhile but have had serious thyroid setbacks also. In the midst of beginning care with a new endocrinologist and a new primary care nurse practioner....trying to be patient with myself.
  • Hi. Minor pain is something you could soldier through, but this has gotten worse. Your body is telling you something is not right and give me a rest. Treat with meds and ice or heat (I forget which) then see the doc if you aren't seeing any improvement. You exercise to take care of you, sometimes you need to not exercise…
  • Hi. What started me on the much needed weight loss was my husband. He started working out again and changing his diet. One of the good things he did was buy Cook This Not That for some new menu/recipe ideas. This book redoes some restaurant favorites to be more health conscience. It also remakes some good old fashion home…
  • Thanks everyone...all good ideas! I wont give up and will try your suggestions mostly trying to eat at least the 1200.
  • Thanks for all the input...I am definitely going to try to eat at least the 1200. Funny, before trying to lose the weight I obviously WAS eating more than that, go figure. I think the increased activity level and focus on exercise has something to do with it. I am more conscious of what I am eating and I am also busier…
  • lperezlopes: I think I have not eaten the 1200 but have been at or close to everyday. A few days I wasn't close because of the extra calories I earned working out!
  • I think it might be hindering my weight loss...I gained 2 lbs even though I increased the intensity of my work out last week and added a few extra minutes to the daily total. GRRR
  • I have lots of reasons but first and foremost is that as a Christian, I am called to be a good steward of all things God has given me including my body and health. As I get older, I realize that I owe it to myself and my family to take care of me, all of me, the total package, mind, body, soul...There are also less…