Other reasons for losing the weight?



  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    My main reason for losing weight was to be a good example for my sons who have Cystic Fibrosis. They will have to be very active in their lives to keep their lungs clear & undamaged. The more exercise they do, the better they will do health-wise. In order for them to get the max amount of exercise, they can't have a mother who is sedentary. I wanted to get more fit to be able to do more with them, be a role model for them and to show them the importance. My actions will speak louder than my words so I need to be a physical example of fitness.

    On a side note. My ex is a complete jerk. While we were dating ( over 3 years ago now ) his tagline was always 'i like my bit*hes with eating disorders". I was skinny and wouldn't eat anything other than a salad infront of him. I was ashamed of my weight, even though I was tiny, I was never "tiny enough" for him. I left him, found a real man, got married, had 2 kids (twins) all in the 3 years since I left him, and I basically have the "life he wants". He's jealous of my life and how things have turned out for me. I'm 25 and I have a beautiful family that I love and cherish. He's 31, depressed, can't handle the high stress of his job, is single and can't keep a girl interested for longer than 2 weeks (he really is a jerk ... nobody is surprised). Anyways, he saw me before my journey and made a comment about how if he were me, he'd get on a treadmill, and how I'd "put on weight since we were together". He told me that "kids destroyed my body" and that i was "damaged goods". The comments about being damaged after kids was enough to make me want to prove him wrong. My kids were a blessing and I wear my c-section scar like a badge of honour. I am NOT damaged goods and I can have a beautiful body after children. I keep that in mind when I'm working out. Next time I see him (with my husband on my arm, my beautiful children by my side and my 6 pack) he'll eat his words :)

    You go girl.. Thank god you're no longer with that jerk
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I don't care about being healthier or living longer (I'm 27, I'll live forever!), I just want to look good food one day in my life. I was always fat growing up, so I want to have a body that the girls want to look at. Of course, now that I'm married, my wife doesn't want me to show it off :grumble:
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    You go girl! I came from an abusive relationship myself, so I know how easy it can be to put your self confidence in someone's hands. Took me almost 3 years to leave him, but it was the best thing I did. We have children together, so unfortunately I see him quite frequently. But he's a miserable loser and my life is going great. Good things come to good people. And happiness comes from within. Keep it up!
  • cdoane
    cdoane Posts: 11 Member
    Number one is to be healthy, and feel better about myself and feel confident in clothes again. I hate how every morning i put something on and dont like how it looks so i change like a million times. I want to look good in my clothes again!

    Another side reason is my best friend is getting married in September and is doing so in Cancun! For once in my life i want to go to the beach and feel good and enjoyr myself without worrying about how i look.
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I don't want to be overweight like my parents are.

    Also, I want to weigh less than my husband so he can pick me up without making a scrunchy face.:smile:
  • haha i STARTED
  • so i can stop saying 'oh noo i can't come, i'm not a very good swimmer!' when really i'm an awesome swimmer i'm just terrified of a swim suit / bikini.
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Lingerie :D
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Most importantly so I can have the energy and stamina to run around and have fun with my kids!

    But if I'm honest, in the farthest recesses of my mind, I want to look smoking for my husband! :) He's in the Army so we're around a lot of really fit people (and, yes, some that aren't so fit) and I just don't want to be an embarassment. My husband loves me regardless, I know this without a doubt, but I'd love to just look killer for him.

    He deploys in a couple of months and I'm REALLY striving hard so that when he comes home and sees me for the first time, his jaw drops down... like the first time he saw me :)

    Also, diabetes run in my family, and I want to get the weight under control before I REALLY Have to start worrying about that.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Ok, non health related things I want out of this...

    I want to go horseback riding. My husband and I went on a trip for our 15th anniversary and it was something I wanted to do, but there's a 200 lb weight limit.

    I want to go kayaking. Yeah, I could probably do it now, but I don't think I'd be too good at it yet.

    I want to go for hikes without worrying about slowing everybody down because I keep having to take breaks.

    I want to do lots of other outdoor, active things I've never even considered because of my weight.

    I want to be able to knit myself cute things without it costing a fortune because it takes miles and miles of yarn.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I also would like to be fit and strong in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Rule # 1 CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. I refuse to be one of the first to go!

    You don't have to run fast, just faster than the person behind you. :bigsmile:

    Yes...and have a chain saw with you! :wink:

    "You're a great friend but if zombies are chasing us I'm tripping you."

    That'll be hard to do... I'll be in the car with the seat belt done up.

    If your nice to me I might DOUBLE TAP a few on your behalf as I drive by? LOL!

    Just watched that movie yesterday!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I do this for my daughters and my wife.

    I do this for the embarassment I suffered and caused them when I was over 320.

    I do this because a rocking chair with a remington is no longer enough to keep the teenage boys away on a Friday night.

    I do this because I am older and know better and want to lead for my wife and kids by example.

    I do this because I love them more than they will ever know or understand.

    I do this because I love myself.

    And I am worth it!
  • I desire to make sure that I can live the life I was put on this earth to live. . . without the weight keeping me back from my potential!
  • DAviles333
    DAviles333 Posts: 1 Member
    because i dont want to waste my years hiding behind cardigans smack in the middle of a NYC heat wave! :sad:
  • Rule #1: Cardio.
    That is all. Hehe! :laugh: (from Zombieland, for those who have never seen the movie).

    But in all seriousness, I want to get hit on a bars/clubs. NOT be the fat chick that stands there and saves her tiny, sexy friends when the creepers come crawlin'. I want to need to be saved! :tongue:
    Plus, I want to be able to wear a bikini at the beach this summer, and get checked out because of my smexy-six-pack and not my rolls. :bigsmile:

    I love this thread!

    Edit: Aaaaand just read the other zombie apocalypse reference. Oh well, great minds think alike!
    (don't forget, to survive a zombie apocalypse you can also dress as a zombie and watch ghost busters... until someone
    confuses you for an ACTUAL zombie :tongue:)
  • Does the P90X really work???
  • thomasdebraann
    thomasdebraann Posts: 10 Member
    I have lots of reasons but first and foremost is that as a Christian, I am called to be a good steward of all things God has given me including my body and health. As I get older, I realize that I owe it to myself and my family to take care of me, all of me, the total package, mind, body, soul...There are also less altruistic motivators (not necessarily reasons) for wanting to lose weight. I am short and nothing fit/fit right, want to look and feel good in cute summer clothes, want to be able to move my body freely without feeling like every effort was a chore, want to look in the mirror and see toned muscles, want to run a half marathon, want to make some people jealous lol.
  • Juno99
    Juno99 Posts: 32 Member
    I wouldn't mind getting a date every once in a while...I tend to be a "wing-man's gal"...I really want to go out with my thinner, prettier friends and not have to make small talk with the guy who's only there so his friend can meet my friend.

    My ex once told me that if he met my sisters first he probably wouldn't have talked to me...I want to be the one people want to get to know.

    EDIT* spelling mistakes

    I feel that way sometimes, so I can relate to you. Although I think you are beautiful. Your ex is a jerk. Good riddance!! You can do way better than him. And one day he’ll regret that he said that to you. Once my ex told me that on a scale of 1 to 10, I am a 6. After we broke up, I lost some weight and down to a size 4. He wanted me back so bad. He told me his life is incomplete without me. I knew there’s someone out there better for me and I was right. I have never been happier with my husband. We have been together over 8 years now!
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    I don't want to be the fattest out of all my skinny friends!
    And health is super important to me to.
    my family has a history of so many diseases
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    What really got me started was signing up to do the Half Moon Walk in Edinburgh in June. There is no way I'm walking through Edinburgh in a bra with so much excess weight hanging around my middle! There's no way I'll get all of it off by then, but at least I won't look as bad as I would have had I not decided to join MFP.

    I have since decided I also want to lose weight, because I've been overweight/obese my entire adult life, and I want to prove to myself that I can be something other than fat. I had convinced myself that I just wouldn't be able to do it, but I'm now 2 stone down and just below 190 lbs for the first time in over 10 years, and now I know I can do it! (2 stone down, at least 3 to go).

    And I want to prove to a certain friend that I can lose the weight and keep it off. Every time she sees me counting calories, she shakes her head and tells me it'll never work.
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