Other reasons for losing the weight?



  • Azzrielish
    Azzrielish Posts: 44 Member
    This is rather mean but.......... I'm going to say it anyway.

    I look at people I went to school with on Facebook and a lot of them look awful (like they have let themselves go) - and I dont want to be like that! I was the nerdy kid in school who got picked on - its nice to be 40 y.o. and look younger and a lot fitter than most people that I went to school with (they're laughing on the other side of their face now!).

    Bonus is how fit and healthy I feel (I'm in my goal weight range at the moment).

    But really, I just love being skinny because it feels like ME! I'm happiest in my skin when I'm thin. As background I was 5'2" and 100 lbs without any effort until I hit my 30s and managed to get up to 148lbs about five years ago before I took a hard look at how unhealthy I was and dropped back down to 115lbs. Since that time I have hovered around that weight but crept back up to 130lbs a couple of months ago and didnt want to let it slide - hence my discovery of MFP!
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    Now's the time to start living! :heart:
    My life has been full of wonderful activity...kids, career, etc and I left my dreams to have all those awesome things but now,
    in order to realize my life-long ambitions, I need to change tracks.
    With kids up and out, I can now focus on accomplishing daily goals toward this dream which takes incredible fitness.
    It means adjusting more than just my weight but without the weight loss there is no going forward and that is just not an option! :noway:
    The pursuit of this vision was put on the shelf for 25 years and now I am taking it up again.
  • Mrbackslap
    better sex.

    Well that goes without say Duh lol and probable a lot more of it haha.
    "The bigger you are, the smaller your world.
    The smaller you are, the bigger your world."

    I really like this quote.

    BTW I love what you guys wrote I find myself reading everyone's responses.

    I haven't told you guys my other side reasons for losing the weight.
    Being 32 and being the oldest of my friends I now have more energy and stamina then all of them.
    I always felt life is a lot easier for those who are thin and a lot more doors open when your visually attractive.
    I wanted to shock friends and ex lovers and have them drooling.

    I always felt if I could lose a few pounds it would make me complete.

    I have lost a lot and I'm still not happy and those doors still haven't opened but atleast I have my health =)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    A lot of the same reasons as everyone else. I want to have more self confidence, feel sexy and to no longer be the fat one. My weight has been my identity for way to long. I was the fat girl in middle, junior and high school that got picked on all the time for being fat. I'd love to go to my 10 year high school reunion and show them all how great I look now. Kind of a big F you to all the jerks who picked on me. It may be a bit petty but my dark side smiles gleefully while thinking about it.

    I also would like to be fit and strong in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Rule # 1 CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. I refuse to be one of the first to go!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I just want to feel normal again. Of course I want to be healthy and have energy to do things I love, but most of all, I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin...
    I'm tired of people seeing me as "the fat one"
    I'm tired of hiding from the world.
    I'm tired of feeling unattractive
    I'm tired of holding myself back from things I want to do or have.
    I'm tired of wishing for the day I was thin enough
    I'm tired of being no threat to my friends/other girls when I go out

    There is more where that came from, but I have a long way to go until I can feel good about my body again. Life's not fun when you're fat.

    All of these are exactly what I was thinking for myself. Well said.

  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Because I've never worn a bikini in my life.
    Because normal size clothes are cheaper.
    Because airlines charge to check bags and smaller clothes fit more easily in a carry on. :tongue:

    Sooo True! Totally adding this to my list!
  • cddavis04
    I would like to make the transition from cute to sexy! I would like to cause a traffic accident at least once in my life.( No joke I'm walking with my best friend and possibly one for the hottest girls on the planet she looks like a chocolate Beyonce. Guy staring at her so hard he runs into the car in front of him at the red light.) I would like to see what I look like at a healthy weight last time I was at a healthy weight I was in the second grade. I know I will have a knock out figure I had a hour glass figure in a 18! So look out world when I'm an 8!
  • LowCarbAmanda
    I do not want to be the DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) ever again. I believe my purpose in life is larger than making a marginally attractive skinny friend look better by standing next to me. LOL!
  • LowCarbAmanda
    Also I'd like to be judged on the merit of my character, and not presumed lazy and weak because of how I look.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I also would like to be fit and strong in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Rule # 1 CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. I refuse to be one of the first to go!

    You don't have to run fast, just faster than the person behind you. :bigsmile:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I also would like to be fit and strong in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Rule # 1 CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. I refuse to be one of the first to go!

    You don't have to run fast, just faster than the person behind you. :bigsmile:

    Yes...and have a chain saw with you! :wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Mostly everyone wants to lose weight to be healthier and live longer.
    But we all got some other small reason also lol revenge on a ex lover, friend or co-worker etc.
    Just a topic I was thinking about and would really love to hear some stories from you guys.

    And if you lost the weight did you accomplish those other side goals lol.
    Way more fun picking out cute clothes! Far more sexy lingerie to chose from, runs are so much more fun now, sports are crazy fun and can't get enough of workout classes. Not enough time for all the activities I can now do! So YES I did accomplish my weight loss goals and am having more fun than I imagined. Was never into revenge, not my bag, but being able to run stadium stairs and not die and feel so proud of how far I've come in fitness. I now take classes I never dreamed I'd join when heavier ...it's all good stuff and so worth giving up the junk food and the early morning wake up times to get the workouts in!:drinker:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I just want to feel normal again. Of course I want to be healthy and have energy to do things I love, but most of all, I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin...
    I'm tired of people seeing me as "the fat one"
    I'm tired of hiding from the world.
    I'm tired of feeling unattractive
    I'm tired of holding myself back from things I want to do or have.
    I'm tired of wishing for the day I was thin enough

    This is how I feel, too. I hate feeling uncomfortable in my body. There's no escape! I've been on here two months, lost 15 pounds so far, and I feel like a different person. My mood and ability to cope with the insanity of life has improved so much. I couldn't have imagined how much of a difference eating right and exercising has made. Oh, and drinking enough water. I went from feeling crappy all the time to feeling good most of the time.

    I love being able to buy jeans without feeling like a failure at life. I like feeling fit and attractive (on most days...sometimes I revert back to my old ways of feeling like a blob woman). I like being happy with who I am.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    better sex.
    Definitely is way better when in shape, for sure!:tongue: plus you don't hold the body shame like when you're overweight:blushing: as much!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I also would like to be fit and strong in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Rule # 1 CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. I refuse to be one of the first to go!

    You don't have to run fast, just faster than the person behind you. :bigsmile:

    Yes...and have a chain saw with you! :wink:

    "You're a great friend but if zombies are chasing us I'm tripping you."
  • Mrbackslap
  • Jessanova
    You're going to think I'm a total fluffy bunny.

    I hate what fat clothes look like.

    I hate what I look like in fat clothes.

    I have keen fashion sense and I'm not afraid to use it.

    I'm sick of being the keen fashion sense for everybody but me.

    It's not the only reason, but man, it feels amazing to be in clothes that make you look like you want to.

    Oh, I know EXACTLY what you mean. I'm very fashionable and always have cute ideas for clothes that make people look drop dead gorgeous, but the clothes don't look the same way on me. And that makes me sad. I don't like that I have to hide anything and can't wear stuff that's too revealing as it'll probably disgust them. Ha!

    I guess my reasons fall the same.

    I live in Florida and an a Publicist to celebrities. One time I went to an event thinking I looked hot. Spent hours on my hair and makeup. Bought flashy clothes and looked dazzling in what I wore... yet didn't get one ounce of attention. I posed for a picture and the guy totally cut me out and the other two skinnier, prettier people. That was embarrassing.
  • kleeper80
    kleeper80 Posts: 69 Member
    I have a few reasons.

    #1 is because I want to be healthy so I can stick around to watch my kids grow up, and spend time with my husband. I want to grow old with him and see my great grandchildren.

    #2 is because our 10 year anniversary is in August 2011. I want to look and feel sexy for my husband by then!

    #3 is because I don't want to embarrass my children. They are young now, and therefore are not embarrassed by me yet, but when they are teenagers, they might be if I keep gaining weight!

    This is a great thread!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I want to live as long as humanly possible! I quit smoking, I quit drinking, I quit drugs, I quit self-injury all for this purpose. Now, since I quit all the bad stuff, it's time to focus on adding new habits. I want to be healthy for a good looooooong time.

    I want babies, and lots of them. The best thing I can do for them RIGHT NOW is to become healthy before conceiving them. I want to be a great, healthy, fit mom with great, healthy, fit kids. I want to be an active grandma someday.

    My mom is my role model. She is healthy and GORGEOUS. She lost 160 pounds and has kept it off for 8 years now. She looks, feels, and acts younger now than she did in her 20s. I want to be as pretty and healthy as my mom is when I am her age.
  • zach1356
    zach1356 Posts: 13 Member
    My inspiration is from my brother. He is totally ripped and a type 1 diabetic. I figure if he can do it, so can I. We always work out together and we have an awesome time. He's my best friend.

    Also the workouts help me with depression which I has been a life long struggle for me.
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