

  • 10 lbs + more can easily be lost within a month. I'm currently on what's called the slow carb diet. It is from Tim Ferris' book "The 4 Hour Body" I lost 20 lbs the first month. It's not uncommon for people to lose 3-5 lbs of fat per week, yes, that's PER WEEK on this diet. In the past 3 days I've lost over 4 lbs! I'm down…
  • I should point out the diet I'm on, from the 4 hour body, allows carbs. Except, they are what's called slow burning carbs. In other words, they don't spike your blood sugar. For example, I eat black beans at least once a day, most days twice a day. 1 cup of black beans has 41 grams of carbs. However, I can eat as many…
  • I remember a few years ago, when I first lost some weight, I was down like 25 lbs. I was extremely proud of myself. My ex gf actually said to me: "You still look pregnant." I wound up going off the diet some time later and I gained all that weight back. I realize now, she was just jealous because she had gained a lot of…
  • I think a big point most people are missing with carbs is the difference in how modern people live as opposed to our ancient relatives. Let's presume our ancient relatives did eat a lot of carbs in their diet. Today, we drive our cars in perfect climate control to work. We take the elevator. We sit in cubicles in a…
  • You're a very pretty girl. Keep up the good work.
  • You know what, I totally forgot that wasn't acceptable. It confused me bc he mentioned it in another section on fermented foods that are good for you. Page 4 of this very thread was talking about yogurt. I didn't even realize that soy sauce probably wouldn't be allowed either. It looks like, back to just salsa. As far as…
  • Congrats, my weight loss is similar to yours. I was averaging a pound per day. Today, it was only down 1/4 of a pound and I didn't even really cheat on my cheat day (big explanation above) I would definitely suggest you at least cheat a little, otherwise, you may crash and burn, as this diet is so close to the South Beach…
  • Well, don't forget he has a whole section in the book devoted specifically to race training, that again doesn't require the kind of time that "purists" insist must be done. Just do those training exercises, and you'll be just as fit if not more so for a race.
  • Mcferg: "but mostly, it really didn't do much to curtail the cravings, and I would continually fall off the wagon" This is exactly what happened with me on the South Beach Diet. I wanted to have some cookies, cakes, candy, pizza, etc. That's what I like about this diet is that I know I can have these things once a week…
  • Hi guys. I started this diet on 2/26/11 I was at 250 lbs. I didn't do a body fat measure. The way I see it, my belly and the inches on my waist are more than enough to tell me whether I'm losing body fat. This is now 3/14/11 I'm already down 17 lbs. I've had 2 cheat days so far. What was really funny is on both days I…
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