10 pounds in 1 month- how?

BrookeEspinosa Posts: 92
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Can anyone tell me how I can lose 10 pounds a month? I am really confused. Eat 1600 calories or eat 1200? And I exercise every other day. Help me please!


  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    Do you WANT to lose 10 lbs in a month? Or have you and you just can't believe it?

    I'd say lots of cardio, like an hour or so a day, drop down to about 1400 calories, with mostly high protein foods, and strength building about 2 or 3 times a week.

    I recently lost 7 lbs in a week... BUT, I got hurt and was super sick... wouldn't suggest that route, it sucked.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Use the goals to set up your calorie deficits, and log everything. Tell it your current weight, and how much/week you want to lose. It'll do the math for you, and tell you how much you can eat. If you exercise, it'll tell you how much extra you can eat and still lose at a rate of 2.5 lbs/wk
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Start by setting your goals, here, to lose 2.5 pounds a week, that will tell you about how many calories a day you should be eating. I would advise you to get some exercise at least 4-5 times a week too. 10 pounds in a month isn’t really that hard, but you have to be consistent, no cheating.
  • lvcsy1
    lvcsy1 Posts: 28
    I was 155 and in 3 1/2 weeks lost 9.6 pounds. I eat less than 1200 calories a day (healthy foods), drink 9 glasses of water a day, and excercise 3 days a week atleast. Make sure you are walking at a fast pace or jogging. You can do it!! I hadnt been excercising since last July and was able to pull it off!!! Good Luck!!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    You can lose weight too fast. The safe recommended weight loss per week is 2lbs or less. If you lost a single lb a week in a year you would lose 52lbs. You don't want to lose weight to fast at the tone of muscle loss. People who lose weight because of lifestyle change are more likely to keep it off then somebody who is looking for a fast burn off for one reason or another. Cardio is not the save all when it comes to weight loss although it is very healthy for you. It's all about calories consumed vs how much you burn per day.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    shoot for 8 pounds per month. 10 may disappoint.
  • Thanks everybody! I havent lost anything. Ive been doing taebo every other day, and eating back my calories most days. This is very disappointing. I hoped to have lost at least five pounds by now, but nada. I don't know what the problem is.
  • I really find that logging everything on my fitness pal keeps me on track. Without any exercise it allows me 1200 calories a day and then the more exercise I do the more calories I am able to eat! On days that I exercise I rarely come close to what the tracker allows but its nice to watch my patterns! BEST OF LUCK!!
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    If you open your food diary people may be able to help a bit more. Do you drink soda? If you cut out the soda you will see a significant drop.
  • Goalis180
    Goalis180 Posts: 24
    Can anyone tell me how I can lose 10 pounds a month? I am really confused. Eat 1600 calories or eat 1200? And I exercise every other day. Help me please!

    10 lbs + more can easily be lost within a month.

    I'm currently on what's called the slow carb diet. It is from Tim Ferris' book "The 4 Hour Body" I lost 20 lbs the first month. It's not uncommon for people to lose 3-5 lbs of fat per week, yes, that's PER WEEK on this diet.

    In the past 3 days I've lost over 4 lbs!

    I'm down 29 lbs total from when I first started this diet. I started this diet on March 1st. I have 41 lbs to go, If I can maintain 4 lbs per week I'll be to my goal within 11 weeks. Sometimes this number depresses me. However, the way I see it, the best weight I've been at in my adult life was 188 (and I still had a bit of a tummy which back then I thought I was "fat" and it makes me crack up every time I think of it) so in 10 years I went from 188-250. That's an average of 6.2 lbs per year. So, 19 weeks total to take off 10 years worth of weight gain isn't so bad. What really encourages me is thinking about the fact that just within the past 3 days I took off almost an entire year's worth of weight gain.

    If you'd like to find out more about the slow carb diet there's 2 whole threads on this site. It starts here:


    It's not for everyone. However, with this diet you never go hungry as you can eat as much of the approved foods as you want. You are actually encouraged to cheat once a week (eating whatever and however much of it you want)

    All I can say is that this diet is brain dead simple to follow. I had good results on the South Beach Diet, but I wound up falling off of it and gaining back my weight. Simply because it was too restrictive. This diet alleviates that problem because once a week, you can binge on anything and everything you have a craving for. Yes, you will gain some weight after your cheat day, but most people within 2-3 days are down lower than they were before cheat day.
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