A comment about your weight that still bothers you...



  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    Both my sisters weigh like 100 or 110 lbs at 5'6" and 5'4" . They are super skinny and barely eat enough! Just looking at them reminds me of what I look like!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    My dad tried to get me to go tanning with him once (yeah, really), and I told him I didn't want to because i didn't feel comfortable laying in a bikini in public. He told me "You wonder why no guys want to go out with you? Maybe if you lost some of that weight and weren't so pale they'd actually notice you."

    I was sixteen.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I will never forget when I was in third grade, one of my classmates said to me"don't break the chair" I even remember his name, I was so hurt, it has stuck with me until this day.

    I remember comments like this...

    I also had a family member who got really mad at me and wrote "fat b*tch" across one of my prom pictures...that was pretty devestating (especially since at the time I was at a weight to which is my goal weight NOW)..

    But one thing that hurt the most at the time was my husbands 2nd cousin (she was maybe 7) told another cousin she couldn't move over on the couch because "she's too fat" aka...I was on the other end and she was claiming I was taking up all the room. Yep...I did cry over that one. When the husband found out, it came up in convo with his mom and she of course told his aunt and good lord was she pi$$ed...but the kid was 7....she didn't know any better. :indifferent:
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I have a great aunt who says things like "You sure have gotten fat since the last time I've seen you huh?" But she's an old bitty and as annoying as it is to hear we just laugh at her.
    What did upset me was talkingt to the detailer about getting orders. It was September and I already knew I was going to have to pass my PRT in November in order to get orders to go to my next base.
    The detailer looks at my record and says "You've got PT failures." "Yes, Senior" "So what happened? You decided you wanted to get out of the Navy, it just wasn't for you so you failed on purpose?" "You're young and fresh out of boot camp, there's no excuse for this."
    I was annoyed because obviously from an outsiders point of view I was a screw up, my college courses and the time I spent studying for advancement and EAWS meant nothing because they'd yielded no results so far.
    As much as I hated hearing him just assume all of this about me, what hurt worse was the fact that since he was a Senior Chief none of the 2nd classes in the office who saw me day in and day out showing up for study sessions were brave enough to open their mouths and back me up.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    My sister in law said in front of everyone in party, I should take care of my big belly (I weigh 142 lbs then). My husband tells me everyday how ugly and short I look because of my weight.:cry: My another sister-in law who is 12 years older me said, I look so older than her because of my weight.:mad:
    I have hypothyroid and had always struggle with weight gain and depression.

    This is extremely disturbing to me...especially that your husband says things like that... :noway:
  • kamikazikelli
    kamikazikelli Posts: 23 Member
    "If you were as skinny as Whitney (my ex-bestfriend who weighed 100 lbs), I'd marry you today"
    Got to hear that from my boyfriend.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My sister in law said in front of everyone in party, I should take care of my big belly (I weigh 142 lbs then). My husband tells me everyday how ugly and short I look because of my weight.:cry: My another sister-in law who is 12 years older me said, I look so older than her because of my weight.:mad:
    I have hypothyroid and had always struggle with weight gain and depression.

    This is extremely disturbing to me...especially that your husband says things like that... :noway:

    Me too, your husband should not be saying things like that...nor should you be putting up with that *kitten*...stick up for yourself because nobody else will.
  • mandrigo99
    mandrigo99 Posts: 10 Member
    When I was in High School I was about 5'6 and 160 lbs. I was on the varsity cheerleading squad and knew I wasn't skinny but I wasn't huge either. A guy in my class was really big and called me fat all the time and would say I hope I never get as big as her. It hurt so bad even though I knew he was twice my size it still bother me.

    My brother called me fat and made fun of me the whole time we were growing up. I went into the military and came home skinny and when I saw him he had gained like 40 lbs so then I got to call him fat.

    I can't wait to get this weight off but my husband says all the time you have a big butt and I dont want you to lose any of your butt but this butt is going bye bye.
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    There are two that stick out in my mind...

    My step-mother telling me when I was about 20 that my pants had not shrunk in length - my *kitten* had gotten bigger which made them shorter.

    And when I walked the three-day this past fall, I was climbing out of the very tiny tent and remarking that it would be very hard to share a tent. (My planned tentmate had gotten pregnant so I didn't have to share). Another of my teammates replied, "Well that's why you have to pick a skinny tentmate".
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    A stranger saying "I see congratulations are in order." 2 years after I had had a baby.
  • t1981
    t1981 Posts: 54 Member
    Ugh, I've had so many of those comments!
    By my grandma when I was about 13 or 14- "It looks like you've inherited our family's thunder thighs"
    By my husbands grandpa about 6 months after the birth of our first daughter- "You sure haven't lost the baby weight have you?" (I had actually lost all but 5 pounds of my pregnancy weight!)
    By a friend of a friend- "Are you sure you don't play soccer? Your calves are huge" (he tried to explain that they were just muscular but I still felt bad)

    Why are people so RUDE?!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    "You have such a pretty face" (love that line of garbage)
    "You're not THAT fat?"
    "You're not fat, but you could stand to lose some."
    "You get that (fatness) from your mom" - my stepmom said this
    "You used to be so sexy." - ex boyfriend referring to my competitve running days in high school and just after when I was a size 4/6 and could run a 6 minute mile

    What kills me are the things said behind my back and the unsaid things (the looks) from my family. It hurts.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My sister in law said in front of everyone in party, I should take care of my big belly (I weigh 142 lbs then). My husband tells me everyday how ugly and short I look because of my weight.:cry: My another sister-in law who is 12 years older me said, I look so older than her because of my weight.:mad:
    I have hypothyroid and had always struggle with weight gain and depression.

    Do not put up with this from him. Not once, not ever. Unacceptable. A husband should be your biggest supporter, even if you gain weight. He should not tolerate his family treating you that way either. You are his wife, his first priority.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    You aren't alone, sorry you had to go through that.

    I'm sure tere are some I don't remember, but the ones from family really stick.

    I used to mow my grandfather's large lawn with his 10 year old riding lawn mower once a week. He told my father right in front of me that I was so big I was making the tires go flat

    My naturally thin grandmother (on the other side of the family) told me I was big after I burped from drinking a diet soda...she was the one feeding me Reese's Cereal for breakfast when I was younger.

    Mom, I love my mom, and this isn't that bad, but it stuck. She told me I would meet a boy once I lost some weight like she did in high school when she met my dad.

    My aunt telling me that I have my grandmother's genes becasue I have her arms...AKA I have grandma arms
    ...she also bought me "what not to wear" for Christmas so I could wear clothes that fit my body shape.
    ....she also asked me if I was goth because I had a lot of black t-shirts (black was the color of a lot of clubs my senior year in high school picked)

    Talking to my husband I told him I had lost 10 pounds (I hadn't seen him for like 2 months), his response? "really?"

    My softball coach telling me Im a big girl...as in you are a huge fattie

    My 7th grade science teacher told me I looked like I was 30....when I was in the 7th grade

    A co-worker used to grab the back of my arms becasue it made me uncomfortable and make fun of me.

    And many many other bullies that didn't even know who I was that would make comments to me just because I was walking by them. I found out when I was 16 that a big reason I gained weight so fast when I was a teen was because of a hormone imbalance.
  • Aubers
    Aubers Posts: 39 Member
    I've had plenty of customers ask me when I'm due. One man in particular stands out, after telling him I was not expecting he asked me "are you sure about that?" Are you freaking kidding me? Who says that after someone is clearly embarrassed after you just asked them their due date when they aren't even pregnant?! Then he proceeded to go on about how when he first started coming into my place of business that I was "shaped like a coke bottle" gesturing with his hands. I went in the bathroom and cried after he left :/ What kills me even more is the fact that I have infertility issues and have to deal with this question from random strangers more often the most :/

    (I hate PCOS and the stupid weight issues (pregnant looking stomach) it has given me)
  • coakes31
    coakes31 Posts: 32 Member
    Ive had plenty growing up, I was not always skinny. The few that stuck out to me are:

    My gym teacher in high school used to call me "Whale it Whaley" my last name was Whaley. Hated him for that because when we played soft ball thats what everyone would cheer. Lets just say he made gym hell which led me to lose 75 lbs unhealthily my freshman year.

    I always heard you are so pretty and have great hair wish you had the body to go with it cause I would date you then.
    (how can guys think 155-160 is fat when I was 5'7, im shrinking now...LOL and being 18 I felt devastated)

    Lastly, my ex husband told me after we had our son that if I was still fat in 5 years he'd divorce me, ***HOLE! Great part there we only lasted 1 1/2 yrs married, best 145 lbs I lost (meaning him).
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I've had plenty of customers ask me when I'm due. One man in particular stands out, after telling him I was not expecting he asked me "are you sure about that?" Are you freaking kidding me? Who says that after someone is clearly embarrassed after you just asked them their due date when they aren't even pregnant?! Then he proceeded to go on about how when he first started coming into my place of business that I was "shaped like a coke bottle" gesturing with his hands. I went in the bathroom and cried after he left :/ What kills me even more is the fact that I have infertility issues and have to deal with this question from random strangers more often the most :/

    (I hate PCOS and the stupid weight issues (pregnant looking stomach) it has given me)

    I have PCOS as well, which is why it especially frustrates me when people tell me I need to lose weight... It is very hard and I also have a thyroid problem and vitamin absorbency issues. It has been coming off easier lately, but before now I had to practically starve myself to lose anything!

    I was actually told I would never have any children. Imagine my surprise when I found out I was pregnant with my son 7 years ago after the most horrific event of my life to this day. It hadn't bothered me before that they said i couldn't have children, I hadn't wanted any, but after a while into the pregnancy my mind started changing, especially when he started kicking. A couple years after he was born my husband and I tried for another child, but it just wasn't happening. It turns out that the Depo shot had triggered my PCOS to go from dormant to active. I am content with one child now though, especially since he is autistic and the genetics doc said any other children I have are quite likely to have the same problems as he does.

    Anyways, I believe that you can and will get pregnant and I will be praying that your issues resolve themselves. If you ever want to talk I am here.
  • perripage
    perripage Posts: 7 Member
    I was 5'6 & close to 170 pounds when I was 16. One day my parents and I were in our living room and my mom was folding laundry. I have 3 younger sisters and my mom could NEVER get who's clothes were whose right so she held up a pair of my jeans and said, "Who's are these?" I told her they were mine and my Dad BURST out laughing thinking they were my younger sister's jeans, "HAHAHAHAHAHA THOSE AREN'T YOURS!!!!! YOU COULD NEVER FIT INTO THOSE!!!!!" Then another time my mom asked who's underwear she was folding, I told her they were mine and my Dad burst out laughing again telling me that HE could fit into my underwear. Thinking back at the comments actually hurts me more than when they were actually said. Anyway, I started skipping breakfast and lunch, lost 40 pounds in 2 months, and my Dad told me if I kept going he was going to have me admitted to the hospital. I could never figure out what he wanted.
  • Goalis180
    Goalis180 Posts: 24
    I remember a few years ago, when I first lost some weight, I was down like 25 lbs. I was extremely proud of myself. My ex gf actually said to me: "You still look pregnant." I wound up going off the diet some time later and I gained all that weight back. I realize now, she was just jealous because she had gained a lot of weight also. She always was the jealous type.

    Thankfully, I'm down lower than I was then now. I will never forget what she said to me.
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    I find it strange that when a boy is heavier all he (USUALLY) hears is "wow, you could be a linebacker". But when it's a girl she hears rude and just plain mean words. I was so thin I was called a "toothpick". Too big.....too little....too wide.....too narrow.
    When is it just right? NEVER! And WHO decides? If we're white.....it's we need to tan more. If we're black ... we need to lighten up.
    If our hair is curly...we try to straighen it. If our hair is straight we curl it. ENOUGH GIRLS! Don't let anyone define who we are. We just are and that's good enough.

    *****especially if it comes from a pot bellied, bald headed , brainless you know what!