

  • Hands down people whistling out of tune. Totally grinds my gears.
  • A friend of mine pointed out something about people who are vegi/vegan, that if you have them round for dinner, you feel obliged to cater for their diets, but if you visit them, you eat how they eat. (And God forbid you bring up that gem without ear protection about animal murderers lol) Having lived with a vegan who sat…
  • You can try Tea-tree shampoo, I have PCOS so one of the delightful side effects of the disorder is thinning hair. I've found it makes it a little thicker (I'm not going to lie and say it cures it). Best of luck as it does make you feel self-conscious, but I find certain hairstyles do cover mine better than others.
  • Hi there, I use the Do More Pilates series (mat and standing series). You can buy it on Amazon, but I recorded it free on the Fitness channel on Sky.
  • Hi there, I've also got a very curved back and have found that doing Pilates 3 times a week has helped not only improve my posture but also to tone up and has stopped a lot of lower back pain too. I attend one actual class a week and have a DVD that I follow in between (certainly makes it cheaper and I can do it when I…
  • The Thornbirds by Colleen McCullough
  • Brilliant GIFs there guys *wave* :D
  • I have been losing weight through exercise and eating sensibly, and have never taken a pill to help with this, but this thread is terrifying! I can't believe that with all the people posting about the rather grim side effects, ranging from diarrhoea to major long-term medical issues that these pills are even legal. Sadly…
  • As you said it is very filling, I'm a total slave to Minestrone, which is very filling and use crackers rather than bread to dip (might just be a British thing :/ ) They are low in fat usually and massive range of types and flavours, so a great choice in my opinion!
  • It might be low self esteem on his part, that subconsciously if you lose weight, you might leave him, or become attractive to more people, but if you stay as you are then it is "safe". Bravo for making the decision to lose weight, but if he chooses not to, then don't nag him, just do it for you and your health and he will…
  • Hi, Feel free to add me if you like. I'm in the UK and log in daily. My diary is open to friends.
  • The total pillaging of there, their and they're. Drives me nuts.
  • Greenwing and oddly missing working in radiology ha ha
  • This made me laugh, but very true. We all have days where we pig out, it is just making sure they're in the minority. Keep on going, and the rest of us will support you!
  • I certainly don't like to weigh myself, but often I can tell as my clothes are fitting better, or just loose, so this gives me a kick to actually find out if I've actually lost weight or imagining it. It is such a boost when you've even just lost a pound. At least it is going in the right direction!
  • Hi, Well done on deciding to make yourself feel better. I have similar feelings, in that I want to get down to a reasonable size too, I'm 30yo, F, was 18st now 16, 8st. Also very computer driven job, so not much movement. I find just logging the food on the app makes you think twice about what you eat, and also the levels…