Belly Fat+ Lorodorsis Help

I've always had a bit of a pouch, an ample bottom, and a bit of a sway back. But all of this has gotten increasingly more pronounced over the years, and I'd like to address the issue as much as I can, through diet and exercise.

What can I do to reduce the curvature of my lower back- any specific stretches and exercises that are known to work, or have worked for you?

I do at least 45 minutes of cardio 3-5 days a week right now. That's about all I can squeeze in with two jobs. I also do body weight strength training whenever I can- squats and lunges in the morning and throughout the day (30-50 daily), and some abdominal exercises in the mornings (not sure what they're all called. it's from an infographic I found on Pinterest). In the evenings I try to do gentle yoga stretches, so I know that in between all that, there are probably some moves I can take to increase the efficiency of my workouts.

As for diet, I'm definitely getting enough fiber. I start each day with a big glass of very lemon-y water, I drink green tea throughout the day (unsweetened), and I eat a lot of Greek yogurt and take my probiotics, but I've got a hard time fitting enough fruits and veggies into my diet. Any suggestions for what I can do with the limited time I have? Many days I leave the house in the morning and don't come back til 10 or so at night. I don't have a car, so anything I do has to be incredibly portable- I've got a backpack.



  • arganusai
    arganusai Posts: 17
    Hi there, I've also got a very curved back and have found that doing Pilates 3 times a week has helped not only improve my posture but also to tone up and has stopped a lot of lower back pain too.

    I attend one actual class a week and have a DVD that I follow in between (certainly makes it cheaper and I can do it when I feel like it).

    I hope the suggestion helps, back pain is horrible.

  • Thanks, both of you. Arganusai, what DVD do you use?
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Pilates. I have multiple back issues (curvature, old ruptured disc, sciatica). My lower back was still sore a lot of the time even after losing 85 pounds. 4 months of Pilates a couple times a week and no pain at all. I've even started taking a band when I travel to use for stretching. Sitting for extended periods in a car or plane wrecks havoc on my lower back and stretching some every day keeps it in check.
  • redhotsc
    redhotsc Posts: 43 Member
    For the back pain, I too use Pilates and stretching. As for getting enough fruits/ veggies, what I do is at the beginning of the week, I pack containers and baggies of my fruits/ veggies/ snacks. Then, all I have to do is grab and go.
  • arganusai
    arganusai Posts: 17
    Hi there,

    I use the Do More Pilates series (mat and standing series). You can buy it on Amazon, but I recorded it free on the Fitness channel on Sky.