BoxerBrawler Member


  • Ew - throw out the Keurig and buy an old fashioned coffee pot and a cheap coffee grinder. You can grind your own, out of a million choices of beans, flavors and strengths. Make as much/little as you want, stick it in the fridge to keep it fresh. Pods are a waste of money and the Keurig system is gross - Google some of the…
  • As long as the user is using it appropriately I think weight loss meds can be beneficial for people who need to get a jump start in the right direction. The person who, once they have a few pounds come off, get motivated to put in the effort without the aid of weight loss meds. Also - the person who educates themselves and…
  • Oatmeal is delicious served sweet or savory! I love it and eat it often as a dessert. My only problem with oatmeal, unlike the majority, it does not stick to my ribs or keep me full or satisfied at all! If I have oatmeal for breakfast, even if I add protein, I am starving within an hour of eating it. But that's just me! I…
  • Try taking a look at the GBOMBS diet - that will lead to you many ideas for food prepping based upon your macro's. I'm 100% vegan with a macro breakdown of 40/30/30 and I come in close to perfectly almost everyday. Some days my carbs are over but that's ok! One example of my food-day was the following: Breakfast: GBOMB…
  • Love everything on your list!
  • Just go 100% vegan and don't look back. All of your requirements will be met and you'll be healthier than ever!
  • Got ya! Thanks for the clarification! My only thing with all of that is while I definitely feel for the human aspect I really truly only care about the animals, who have no voice and who are horribly abused :(
  • Oh let me know how the ham comes out. I saw a great recipe for a turkey made with Seitan but it seemed really complicated!
  • Thin slice of high protein and fiber tofu, spread with hummus, add seeds, I also like to add a sprinkling of raw quinoa, chia seeds, flax, etc.
  • I like to use different flavors of hummus on a bagel instead of cream cheese - then I sprinkle on some sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Nice flavor - a tiny protein boost.
  • Anyway, we can agree to disagree and I'm sorry for your troubles. Actually meat eaters are more likely to have a B12 deficiency than vegetarians/vegans. Here is a really good article :smile:
  • Thanks! I've done all the research on everything Dr. Fuhrman but don't follow the regimen to a T. I do however follow the GBOMBS plan :smile:
  • Yes - it can become quite the science project and it's absolutely possible. Most of the so-called industry experts are stuck in the 80's. Old school way of thinking consuming excess protein and calories consisting of eggs, chicken, sweet potato, steak and rice. It's the same with old school body builders who give up carbs…
  • How can one possibly compare harvesting cashews, cocoa beans and almonds to slaughtering a sentient living breathing being?
  • And with regard to the interest in Game Changers - Are you an athlete? Meaning, do you train like an actual athlete? If that's your goal you are taking it to a whole different level, you know that right?
  • I am not intentionally doing this as I am 100% vegan but many of the types of foods I consume are higher in fat. I am not on a diet and I am vegan for my own personal belief system. Anyway - For vegans, the main rule for a ketogenic diet is no different from other people. Simply eat the right amount of proteins and healthy…
  • No, that is not true. Not "Excess" calories to grow muscle. Each individual only needs the amount of calories it takes to support muscle growth and repair, not a calorie more. Excess calories will put on the pounds but unfortunately those pounds won't all be muscle.
  • HAhahahahahaha :smile: I see what you did there haha!!!
  • Thank you! :smile: I do supplement with B12, Iron and Vitamin C for now but am not doing that forever. I am actually getting way more than I need on my current plan with a wide variety of plant-foods! The myth of Vegans needing B12 supplementation is only partly based in fact. Well-absorbed forms of vitamin B12 are only…
  • I am big on GBOMBS so all of my meals have those elements: Greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds. My typical breakfast is a greens bowl and I add in smoky maple tempeh so: 4-5 cups of spinach or arugula or another leafy green - red or white onion (sometimes shallots), mushrooms (I love wild and all kinds of…
  • Thanks for the replies and thanks for being courteous! I was afraid that the second I mentioned the V word there'd be all kinds of negative comments LOL! I am truly blessed to have found my path!
  • Boxing gym - fighter circut - 2.5 minutes / four rounds per station. Included battle-ropes, fighter push-ups, high knees w/overhead med ball, rowers, TRX mountain climbers, KB squat to OH heavy, fire-feet w/Jump, V-Ups, Jacks, planks, jump squats, KB alt swings and skiers over the deck. Some hitting/basic combo's after…
  • hmmmm I love peanut butter but don't normally eat it - because I prefer crunchy almond butter. You know what else is so good... almond coconut butter. I am addicted and I eat it daily, and lose or maintain weight depending upon my goal at the time :smile:
  • 4 cups of arugula, 2 Gardein vegan breakfast sausage patties, 2 oz red onion, 2 oz white mushroom, 2 tablespoons roasted pepitas, quarter cup of blueberries. A side of toasted oatmeal bread with 2 tablespoons of vegan (coconut milk) cream cheese.
  • Large portobello mushroom cap filled with spinach, organic salsa, firm tofu, 2 tbsp's of pepita seeds, quarter cup of blueberries and some chopped onion, peppers and tomato. All slightly wilted/warmed. Yum!
  • Exactly! Some of the meat replacements products are just bad. There are a few really good brands! It all comes down to personal taste.
  • It's also nice to have choices. If you don't eat meat and you're traveling or on the road or in a situation where there aren't any vegan options - this will do the trick!
  • Thank you! I was thinking the same thing.
  • Remember - one persons trash is another persons treasure! Being vegan I love the Impossible products as well as Beyond and Gardein. I eat them sparingly because it's easy to get caught up in "replacement" products. Many of them are highly processed. In terms of soy consumption I would say that you'd have to eat an awful…