

  • I have been battling health problems the last year and a half, and the best way I have found to keep my stamina up is walking. Just doing 30 minute walks 3 days a week keeps me from getting too weak. Hope you feel better soon!
  • I haven't given up video games entirely, but I pretty much only let myself play old school NES and Genesis games (yes, I still have my original NES and Sega Genesis and games. I can't stand the thought of letting them go!), The only "modern" system I still have is a PS2, I do love me a PS1/PS2 RPG and can't bear to part…
  • Even though us nerdy girls are used to being ignored or teased, we need support for lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. I am a sci-fi/anime/gamer girl (and also loves punk rock) so I've spend most my days as an outsider or as "one of the guys." I am here to offer support if you would like to add me and good luck on…
  • Wow that sounds like a wonderful idea and a very reasonable way to save big money! I would love to be a part of that!
  • Sometimes our minds play tricks on us. I have lost 25+lbs and gone from a 12 to a 2. But when I look in the mirror, I still see a 12. But I feel so much better physically, have more energy, and notice men checking me out more than ever before. These things remind me of all the hard work and I would do it all again.…
  • I don't count anything I do at work as exercise. I have my activity level set one level up from sedentary (I'm a nurse and spend 90% of my day on my feet running around). I was doing this job before I joined and don't consider my daily activity to be exercise (even though during emergencies it can feel like a workout!).…
  • Talk with your doctor about what your ideal sodium consumption should be. Depending on your cardiovascular and gastrointestinal status, you may need to be eating more or less than the recommended amount. If you have low blood pressure or malabsorbtion, higher sodium levels may be necessary. You can modify your personal…
  • Thanks for all the tips everyone! Started back on solids today and did well with it! Minimal pain and nausea. Using all the helpful hints to make better choices for my gallbladder and overall diet! I appreciate all your support!
  • I've been stuck weight wise for a couple weeks myself, but I have also been measuring inches and have lost an inch off my hips and waist without losing a single ounce. So maybe you are replacing fat with heavier muscle, thus losing inches without the scale reflecting it! Good luck to you and keep it up, it will pay off in…
  • Thanks so much! I am also an RN, but when its yourself sometimes its harder to think like a nurse! I normally eat that way (been a vegetarian for 20 years) but the last couple weeks I was on a low residue diet thinking I had a colitis flare. It caused me to have worsening n/v and abdominal pain. Low and behold, it was my…
  • I'm supposed to eat low fat until its out. They said that should help with inflammation and symptoms. Just not sure how low I should be aiming for. I know the body needs some fat so I can't be trying to eat fat free everything! I just though since I already use MYF to track my other nutritionals,I could use it for this too…
  • I think its true. Everyone on here seems to have the same experience. I have lost 25lbs in the last 18 months and recently got asked if I was over 18 (I'm 25). 2 of my friends (who are heavier set) were recently asked if they were my parents. I think weight must age us more than we realize!
  • We all slip up, its human! Wanted to lend my support, I finished off the Easter candy today before I realized it and feel the same crummy feeling you do. But tomorrow is a new day, and we will both get back on track! Good luck!
  • I do find that most days I have a hard time meeting my calorie goals. I am not vegan, but have been vegetarian pretty much my entire life so eating meat is out of the question. Some things that I have used to reach my goal: 1. Avocado. It goes great sliced up on a sandwich or veggie burger and its full of healthy fats. You…
  • I have been a vegetarian for 20+ years and Morning Star Farms veggie corn dogs are my favorite snack! Even meat-eater friends love them. Other products I'd recommend are Smart Dogs, Tofu Pups, Morning Star Farms California Turkey burgers and black bean burgers, Oven Roasted Tofurky and Silk Soy chai. Just be careful with…
  • I know how you feel. I obsess over every bite/sip I put into my body to the point that it gives me anxiety. I have found that tracking on here has actually helped alleviate some of my anxiety. By keeping a strict log, I know exactly what I've consumed throughout the day and I am able to make smarter choices about what and…
  • It also works great for veggie burgers, veggie dogs, kabobs and even tofu! Its one of my most used appliances since you don't have to add oil or fat to cook. Doubles as a panini press when you're feeling creative :)
  • I am sorry to hear how much you have had to go through so young! I have tried the low residue diet, but it didn't seem to help. I also have had C.Diff multiple times this past year, so that has made things harder. I'm finally C.Diff free and 6 weeks later I get a flare :( I have been doing lots of probiotics (Florastor and…
    in Colitis Comment by r99samigrl April 2011
  • If you are anywhere near a Hane's Outlet, they carry Champion sports bras at a reasonable price. I am a 34DD and I have managed to find supportive bras there for about $15-20. I think they might also have a website for the outlet, but I am not sure. Hope that helps!
  • Unfortunately, yes food can trigger panic attacks. I have colitis and have struggled w/ repeated bowel infections in the past which led to frequent panic attacks related to food. I was prescribed Xanax. It can be an uphill battle, but try to keep a diary of "triggers" or things that may have caused the panic attack. You…
  • Congratulations! I can attest that being a hospital RN has done nothing for my diet. I don't get regular breaks or the chance to eat every shift. Or even drink water sometimes since we can't keep it on the unit. I actually lost weight and had a better diet when I worked in a nursing home.