

  • Absolutely! Are you close to starting your period? That will make you retain water. So will ovulating for that matter. Did you eat any thing salty? (And by "salty" I don't mean "did you think it tasted salty" but rather "check the sodium intake in your diary.") It's very easy to retain water. Also, have you weighed…
  • Bomba Estéreo!
  • I'm applauding your determination, but you need to remember that you life is not an episode of HEAVY. You aren't in a sheltered place where they feed you 1200 cals and you get in 6 hours of exercise every day. You are not going to lose 40lbs in a month. 2lbs a week is GOOD, steady, and sustainable, ok? The only way you…
  • I discovered the gum miracle, too! Completely by accident, and am everso thankful for it. It really helps me through the last few hours at work when I've forgotten to pack an afternoon snack or when I get my 10pm snack craving. I like that I can outsmart my brain. ;)
  • Rule #1: Cardio Rule #2: The Double Tap
  • Congrats! Myself, I'm at the other end of the Lane Bryant scale where everything is just shy of being big enough, so I'm personally looking forward to browsing the sale racks where all the leftover 14s are and coming home with some cool stuff. I will get there!
  • I make a big batch of beans and rice on Sunday and take it through the week for lunch (which I divide into about three or four "snacks") - 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup of black/kidney/garbanzo beans. No problem for me to get my fiber every day!
  • Lean proteins: egg whites, white chicken & turkey, lean cuts of pork (trim down porkchops or a pork loin), ground beef that's 90% lean or more, bison (lean as turkey; comes ground, in steaks, and made into sausages, etc.), beans, and lentils. Yes, the last two come with carbs but where else can you breeze past the RDA of…