Diet Reboot Beginning Tuesday!

I've had a really hard time with motivation and resolve lately... 7 weeks of working out at the gym 4-5 times a week for 40-60 minutes a pop, and continued dieting.... And I've lost 2 pounds. Slowly the resolve has been slipping... I feel better and stronger, but I don't feel like I'm really moving towards me goal hardly at all.

So I had a heart to heart with my gym instructor. She was encouraging, she was amazing.... And the truth of the matter is, I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO CONTINUE. I am not happy with my health right now. I am not happy with my size. Whether I'm seeing amazing results or not, I have no choice but to continue on. Giving up this time is not an option.

So Diet Reboot begins after the holiday weekend. I'll be changing some things up, going on a "cleanse" diet for the next three months, abstaining from alcohol totally for at least the next three weeks, and changing up my gym routine totally.

Let's see what happens...


  • rebeccabickle
    I always have to remember that muscle ways more than fat. So it is possible that you are losing fat and gaining muscle which results in losing little weight. So it still could be a good thing :)
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Way to be determined!!! There really is no other choice than to move forward, is there?! I have to really kick it into gear this month too; time to see some results. Feel free to add me if you're in need of more encouragement. x
  • TheZabet
    TheZabet Posts: 8
    I'm applauding your determination, but you need to remember that you life is not an episode of HEAVY. You aren't in a sheltered place where they feed you 1200 cals and you get in 6 hours of exercise every day. You are not going to lose 40lbs in a month. 2lbs a week is GOOD, steady, and sustainable, ok? The only way you could be considered to be FAILING would be if you quit altogether. You are doing a great job, just keep at it. And don't forget to measure inches! The number on the scale is only one of many things that need to be taken into consideration to determine how healthy you are.