I blend it into long as you add some fruit...the taste is covered.
The trail of tears...
thanks so much for all the comments. I bought two bags so I am gonna be giving it a test run. I fear no food so it will all get eaten. Thanks again and best of luck to everyone!!!!
well...dang...I enjoy lifting way more than running...gotta do it...boooooo
South Carolina here...
add me...i need some help being motivated!
Irmo, SC here...feel free to add me. I need some help getting focused, too.
I am going to try gives me a non wieght specific goal...losing weight will be the by product of this...a little misdirection for my mind..hahaha thanks
I am going to read this once a day...until...hahahaha...great post
warm apple pie
that amazing chest...i mean smile
grab, grab, squeeze and then grab again
nothing...or a thong
pass me a drink too...I am not a dude grabber and I dont think he is either...hahaha
gotta be a no for Bob...but for Fitchic, hecks to the yeah!
I spend time in the sauna after a workout as a reward to myself. It is some relaxing alone time. I may be crazy but I tell myself that it helps sweat out impurities. Hey, it least it is relaxing.
I just finished my second day of food diary and exercise logs. I am a little worried about the weekend. I doubt that I will log my activity from the weekend. I would love some help staying motivated. I am just outside of Columbia, SC. Best of luck to ya! Bill