

  • If you are burping up fish taste, your fish oil is rancid, which most brands are that people buy. Also, if you put your pills in the freezer and they freeze solid, they are not oil - they are water. Oil does not freeze.
  • I have been pretty consistent with my workouts since Christmas. I am not a morning person. I like to work out after school before my kids have games or what not. At our house we focus on one week at a time and I do that with my work outs now too. I look at the week and if there is a day I won't be able to fit in a work out…
  • Planning ahead is the key, isn't it? We are so busy and if we don't have something planned, you can be pretty sure it will not be a healthy option. Plan, plan, plan....
  • School is already called off for tomorrow...we are going to be going to school on the 4th of July!
  • Hi All! My name is Wendy. I am a 44 year old elementary teacher in MN. Married to my husband 19 years. Have two very busy kids 14 and 16. They are both 3 sport athletes, in choir, active in our church - so that keeps us running. For 12 years now I have done a cleanse every January. It was recommended by my chiropractor…