

  • I too have just started back on my BC, Mircette, and have lost weight I have been eating well over my calories (my appetite has NOT been suppressed) but I have had a 2lb weight loss (which is significant for me) in 1 week. But I attribute my weightloss to PCOS (Poly cysctic ovaries) this dx can cause significant weight…
  • This is great! RN since July... New Grad... Unfortunately working in a nursing home trying to get into the hospital (my passion, especially anything with ICU)...just need that darn 1 year experience and its killing me!!! My husband is a State Trooper and we were moved 2 1/2hours from where I was guaranteed an ICU job…
  • Yes but Complex carbs take longer to break down and are like a time release glucose constantly feeding our brain rather than simple sugars that is more like a sugar injection and less sustainable overtime
  • Im sorry what was your point here?
  • Just FYI people carbs are essential food source for our brain. Since our brain does not have the ability to store fuel it relies 100% on glucose...the breakdown of carbs to feed it!! Ever did the atkins diet and start to feel "high, out of it, forgetful?" Its because your brain is starving!!!! Just go by your food pyramid…
  • Thank you all for the great ideas! Can't wait to try some. I do and will continue to eat grits I was just looking for some other options, I just cant give my milk up, its my greatest source of calcium and I love love it. But I can maybe drink it every other day and try some of your new recipes in between. I do the egg…
  • The scale can be your worst enemy! Please don't depend too much on a number change but more on losing inches off your waste, clothes fitting better and your confidence going up! I don't even own a scale, I actually gain weight when I work out and weight train so I rely more on how much better my body looks and fits into my…
  • Wow yay! Already some great responses and support! Good to see another nurse working towards better health. I cannot control my stress unfortunately I haven't found the ability (and I pray I never do!) to not care in my job or in life. It's a blessing and a curse! Fortunately for me and my husband I'm sure I have a small…
  • EVERYONE with heel pain aka plantar fascia...I am an RN with this and in my career just 8 hour shift of standing left me walking on my tip toes in the morning! I had to even make my schedule where my feet had a day of rest in between! i had tried most every other shoe out there for this! I did some research and mine was…