mrsgoochy Member


  • I know it's more enjoyable! Scenary with no handlebars and fresh air?! What more could you ask for? ( besides beautiful weather to walk in year round)
  • Fitness Blender on Youtube- I bought a kettle bell at Marshall's; it made for a nice change.
  • I do when I walk outside in the Summer - I really liked it because I got to challenge myself to beat my own time. Plus, with the accuracy of GPS nowadays, I'd go with the app.
  • When I can get roasters for $.99/LB I stock up and do this. I like the suggestion of putting something down like tinfoil balls to help the fat drain off. I'm pretty simple with seasonings; garlic and onion powder with a ton of fresh ground pepper. It's a pain to get all the small bones but it provides meat for our lunch…
  • I too have been watching calories since about 5th grade :( Makes me sad to think about it! I was about a foot taller and already older than my grade because of the cut off, which only made it worse. Up until now I, for whatever reason, resisted the basic concept of counting calories. Maybe I was in denial; I did the pill…
  • I'm newly 5'7 ( just found out I'm shrinking) and I'm currently sitting at 167. I don't care to drop down much below 165 because, for me, that puts me between a 10 and a 12 and that is a beautiful thing! Small waist and great curves :)
  • Something like this?
  • I'm eight months pp and I'm here to say it gets better! I was the last of my sisters to have a lil one so I got helpful , down to earth advice from them. One of them was cool enough to get me all my hemmoroid pads and gels as part of my shower gift- God bless her! Rules for sanity according to my sisters ( This is just…
  • Whatever I see on pinterest :p It changes by the minute; yesterday I was convinced that I wanted a Reeses PB Easter egg for breakfast I wound up having my daily egg and hummus on english muffin ;) I'm a creature of habit, what can I say? hehe But seriously, I did read that if you are craving sweets you may be dehydrated…
  • Yes to this- I use the muffin and egg and some hummas. I need to start adding ham back in! I make them up on Sunday night, let them cool after assembly and baggage them up. Letting them cool is important or you'll have soggy bread from condensation.
  • Sister from another mister here! I hardly know anyone who enjoys pb and honey like I do. I too would skip off to the fridge for AMERICAN CHEESE and ritz! C'mon now! hahahaha I shutter to add up the damage from football season with all our sausage, cheese and cracker platters and other 'snackies'+ dark beers!
  • Might want to look in to a nice quality and seasoned turkey brat- swaportunity as they say ;)
  • You know, oddly enough we were burning a gift card at Texas Roadhouse last week ( we go once a year to use the gift card we get once a year) and I just made better choices. A 6 oz Dallas cut steak, green beans and a small amount of my baked potato. About 600 calories.
  • I started using this cheat sheet when I wanted a 'fluffy cofee' as I call it ;)
  • Hah! I had a friend who did that! Don't you just get a kick out what we used to enjoy?! I'm not saying I'll never have one again but I'm considering trying out a recipe with my protein powder and some cocoa powder ;) I also used to enjoy wine on the regular too but when we decided to clean up our eating, that was the first…
  • *Source-* 'Alcohol and Bodybuilding Don’t Mix If you are serious about adding muscle and getting 8-pack abs, alcohol is enemy #1. Alcohol and bodybuilding do NOT mix. There are two great reasons to avoid alcohol if you are a bodybuilder: 1) because it inhibits gaining muscle mass and 2) because it makes…
    in Alcohol Comment by mrsgoochy March 2014
  • *Not exactly related but I just hopped on to that Scooby website- very cool! Thanks for sharing that! *
  • I heard dairy helps with cramps and mood swings :)
  • I can't attest to this but I can tell you that craving sugar is an indicator that you're dehydrated. I love interesting facts like that :)
  • I'm never home to watch day time television but I did catch this- I never remember to do it but I'll try it out tonight.- Sorry about the length Dr. Oz explains to viewers that the medical term for having a pregnancy pooch is “Diastasis recti”—a condition where the two halves of the rectus abdominis (your 6-pack muscles)…
  • I just came across a 10 lb kettle bell at Marshalls over the weekend and I snagged it up. I found a great video on youtube by fitnessblender for it. I believe it was the beginner's kettle bell video. The man's voice is calming and they show you the move before you start each exercise. I need to move to find enjoyment in an…
  • Corgarian, what are your top five strength moves you use for stomach? I've recently added a kettle bell workout to my routine and I can really feel it in my oblique's. I had a baby in July and my pouch is nearly extinct but there's always room for improvement ;)
  • We've just ordered a variety of dumbells to start building muscle; any good websites or routines on using them for squats, lunges, etc? Thanks