EpicMedic Member


  • You did it before, you can do it again. The fact that you are back to continue the fight speaks volumes about your character! You are a FIGHTER, and that kind of drive means the only outcome is success, failure is not an option! Sure, maybe the lines that show our path to success are a little less like a county road and…
  • I've added you, thank you so much for the kind words and the support! I too take an anti-depressant and it has completely changed my life for he better. Originally I took the medicine during the winter since that's when my depression is by far the worst, but I'm finding that I'm going to need to take it year round to…
  • Thank you for the support! I'm up front and honest with my depression because I simply cannot stand the stigma attached to mental illness. Yes, I suffer from depression, and NO, that DOESNT make me crazy or any less of an awesome person! Nobody pokes fun at people with arthritis or cancer, and it's about time that people…
  • Hello again everyone! I'm back, and ready to get back to business! Wait, what? Does this mean that something happened? Does this mean... No... Please no.... I GOT FAT AGAIN?!?!? In February of 2015 I re-injured my discs in my lower back and spent 6 weeks taking it VERY easy. During that time, I caved in and let myself eat…
  • I'm in on this challenge, LNS gets me all to often for entirely too much. Goals: I'm a Paramedic so my schedule is crazy. I can't say no eating after 8pm or anything because if I'm running calls back to back until midnight, I need to eat, so I'm setting a goal for no solid food after 10pm on nights I am off work and no…
  • A big THANK YOU to everyone! You guys are great, and the amount of support here is just incredible. KCCO!
  • BMI is an absolutely horrible way to measure fitness. According to my BMI, which is 30.2 at 6'0" and 223 pounds, I am not even overweight, I am OBESE. I am overweight, sure, but you tell me if I look obese to you. Ignore BMI and go by how you feel. If you feel great, then rejoice and be happy!
  • Oh yea, and today I wore a size 34 waist pair of jeans out to run errands. Booyah.
  • I'm a Paramedic, spontaneous emergency medicine is kind of my thing... plus leadership kinda comes with the territory when managing chaotic scenes. Oh yea, I'm also a good shot with handguns, shotguns, and rifles (bolt action and semi) Bring it!
  • Admitting there is a problem is the first step to fixing it. My wife and I danced around losing weight for a long time. We made excuses, or just buried it so far that we didnt think about it. The first week or two, in my opinion, is the absolute hardest. There is a saying that "3 weeks makes a habit" and, as someone who is…
  • Never. With MFP and my Bodymedia, I calculated my total daily energy expenditure (I refresh this number every week) and subtract 1000 from it. I eat that, every day. This averages it out, so any "extra" calories I burn winds up in my TDEE. I guess you could say I eat SOME of them back, since they are in the averaged daily…
  • Quest Cookies and Cream protein bars. They have 1g of sugar, 3g of total carbs, yet they taste like the forbidden fruit that is dessert. Oh, and 17g of fiber, so they fill you up. EAS Advantage Carb-Control Chocolate Fudge Protein shakes. Once again, 100 calories, 3g of sugar (I think, it's really low) and it's just…
  • Lmao, you're usage of my "cold dead hands" quote got a good laugh out of me, and the part about everything going to kill us if you believe the internet is the god honest truth. OP, it's up to you to decide whats best for you. If diet soda with aspartame helps satisfy your sweet tooth and you eat fewer sugar-loaded snacks…
  • Now that you all have had time to celebrate, I would like to remind you that Bieber is still your fault.
  • Be very careful with diet soda. There are MANY stories out there about aspartame and it's health risks, just Google them, it's a toxin that WILL cause harm eventually. I know a lot of people love it and will swear by it (most because they don't want to admit that it COULD be bad for them, don't take away my diet coke!) but…
  • ^^^^^^^^^ THIS It's all about being able to STICK to those deficits. If you eat one HUGE meal at breakfast and nothing else the rest of the day, come bedtime you're going to be starving and MUCH more likely to hit a late night snack. Eat as often as you feel hungry, try to space out the meals (I eat every 3 hours and I'm…
  • Technically, and this is JUST a technicality, but protein CAN help you lose weight. Before we go an grab the pitchforks and torches, know that I'm saying this because of how protein works, not that it will burn fat for you. Protein uses up to 25% of the calories consumed JUST to digest and process it. Compare this to 5%…
  • Don't log it, just enjoy the burn. Congratulations on the save, and to the guy who questioned CPR being exercise, it's obvious he's never done it.
  • A female shouldn't eat below 1200 calories a day, and a male shouldn't eat less than 1800. If you want a bigger deficit, exercise more, but anything less than those standard numbers usually results in malnutrition. If you ate just over 7k calories a week, that's 1000 a day. That's not entirely horrible, but it is on the…
  • You can do anything you set your mind to. Remember, progress is NEVER a straight line. Everyone slips up, everyone makes mistakes, and the people who look back from the finish line are the ones who were able to take those mistakes in stride and get back on the path. Protein shakes are only as good as they taste, you have…