diet soda drinkers?



  • capi99
    capi99 Posts: 21
    I stopped drinking diet pops a long time ago, prefer to drink mineral water (adding real fruit or lemon to it)... after reading all the stuff about how diet pops contribute to nerve damage, I decided best not to take that chance. I still can have a diet pepsi or ginger ale when I crave those fizzy drinks - usually maybe once or twice a month.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Too much bloats you without you realizing it. Cut your consumption in half. You won't miss it, and you will see a difference.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I love Coke Zero.

    Diet soda has zero calories. Zero calories = no negative impact on weight loss.
  • Amelia7779
    Amelia7779 Posts: 53 Member
    If you love it and it helps keep you on track, drink it.

    My experience: up until a couple months ago, I was drinking 5-6 cans/day. For me, it was a genuine addiction. I decided to stop drinking it for that reason...because I didn't like that I was beholden to anything. And I was...I'd have a borderline panic attack if I ran out at home. I'd read studies about aspartame spiking insulin and that affecting weight loss...but tbh I didn't believe them, and still don't. It may spike insulin, but I don't think it affects weight loss.

    Anyway, I quit cold turkey January 1 as a New Years resolution. After a couple weeks, I started allowing myself one if I was out at a restaurant (1-2x/wk). I missed it like crazy the first six weeks. But recently, I've been fine. I have it once or twice a week and that's it. I was worried the cravings wouldn't stop, but they have. Cutting it way down has done nothing to speed up weight loss.

    My bottom line: If you feel like it's an addiction and want to It can be done and I do drink way more water. But if you love it and don't care, I really doubt it'll mess up weight loss. And aspartame is not the devil.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love Coke Zero.

    Diet soda has zero calories. Zero calories = no negative impact on weight loss.

    yea, but how does it affect weight loss?
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    If you love it and it helps keep you on track, drink it.

    My bottom line: If you feel like it's an addiction and want to It can be done and I do drink way more water. But if you love it and don't care, I really doubt it'll mess up weight loss. And aspartame is not the devil.

  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I too was drinking diet soda till i found out that it contained aspartame which is basically a chemical and well google to see what it can do to your body :( it may be less sugar u intake but it does more damage then sugar in the long run.

    Water is a chemical too...

    Seriously though, some people are sensitive to artificial sweeteners (aspartame triggers neurological weirdness for me) and should avoid them, but for most people they aren't a problem. The diet soda itself should not affect weight loss.
  • EpicMedic
    EpicMedic Posts: 24 Member
    Be very careful with diet soda. There are MANY stories out there about aspartame and it's health risks, just Google them, it's a toxin that WILL cause harm eventually. I know a lot of people love it and will swear by it (most because they don't want to admit that it COULD be bad for them, don't take away my diet coke!) but the truth is out there.

    Oh, and don't forget that aspartame, when exposed to high heats, becomes even more toxic. High heats found in warehouses and the trailers that they are hauled around the country in... well, exposing aspartame to those high heats can make it even worse. My mother in law was an avid diet coke drinker and couldn't lose weight, she was tired all the time, and had frequent headaches. She quit drinking diet coke, cut all other forms of aspartame out of her diet, and she is now seeing weight loss results and her headaches have all but ceased.

    If you want to drink soda, and this is my opinion based on the research I have read, then it is far healthier to just buck up and pay for the real deal with actual sugar in it.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I love Coke Zero.

    Diet soda has zero calories. Zero calories = no negative impact on weight loss.

    yea, but how does it affect weight loss?

    uhhh it doesn't!!
  • Be very careful with diet soda. There are MANY stories out there about aspartame and it's health risks, just Google them, it's a toxin that WILL cause harm eventually. I know a lot of people love it and will swear by it (most because they don't want to admit that it COULD be bad for them, don't take away my diet coke!) but the truth is out there.

    Oh, and don't forget that aspartame, when exposed to high heats, becomes even more toxic. High heats found in warehouses and the trailers that they are hauled around the country in... well, exposing aspartame to those high heats can make it even worse. My mother in law was an avid diet coke drinker and couldn't lose weight, she was tired all the time, and had frequent headaches. She quit drinking diet coke, cut all other forms of aspartame out of her diet, and she is now seeing weight loss results and her headaches have all but ceased.

    If you want to drink soda, and this is my opinion based on the research I have read, then it is far healthier to just buck up and pay for the real deal with actual sugar in it.

    Very very well said, i agree totaly.

    @maleficent not the kind of chemical like what aspartame is i have done alot of research on it and it affected me greatly.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    I LOVE soda, caffeine, and any sorts of energy...but recently I've been having pressure in my eye from the amount of caffeine I was drinking. I cut back, and recently I have it up for lent. Never been happier!
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    I have 2 packets of aspartame in my morning coffee and two diet drinks per day. I have actually cut down and am trying to cut down more.
  • MoniYum
    MoniYum Posts: 10
    Diet soda = aspartame = not good health. I encourage you to read up on artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame.

    I gave up diet sodas completely - couple of years ago and I can honestly say that I feel better, which in turn, has helped me with my weight.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Well I'll just jump in here and say artificial sweeteners ftw.
  • Madner70
    Madner70 Posts: 3 Member
    In the two times I have done weight loss programs (this being my second) I have found that avoiding even diet soda works for me, personally. Sure, it doesn't have any calories. Yet, I found that I ate more when I drank diet soda with meals, and that when I drank diet soda in between meals, it would make my stomach growl. I found that I had more energy replacing diet soda with water which I feel translated into more energy performing exercises.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Be very careful with diet soda. There are MANY stories out there about aspartame and it's health risks, just Google them, it's a toxin that WILL cause harm eventually. I know a lot of people love it and will swear by it (most because they don't want to admit that it COULD be bad for them, don't take away my diet coke!) but the truth is out there.

    Oh, and don't forget that aspartame, when exposed to high heats, becomes even more toxic. High heats found in warehouses and the trailers that they are hauled around the country in... well, exposing aspartame to those high heats can make it even worse. My mother in law was an avid diet coke drinker and couldn't lose weight, she was tired all the time, and had frequent headaches. She quit drinking diet coke, cut all other forms of aspartame out of her diet, and she is now seeing weight loss results and her headaches have all but ceased.

    If you want to drink soda, and this is my opinion based on the research I have read, then it is far healthier to just buck up and pay for the real deal with actual sugar in it.

    Very very well said, i agree totaly.

    @maleficent not the kind of chemical like what aspartame is i have done alot of research on it and it affected me greatly.

    I know they are not the same. I was pointing out the fallacy that chemical = automatically bad with a silly example. Too many times we see "oh nos this is full of CHEMICALS! SO BAD!" and it is just not always true. FWIW, I have also done the research and I have come to a different conclusion than you. In sensitive populations (which I happen to be a part of), aspartame can cause problems. For the Average Joe with no health issues, aspartame in moderation isn't really an issue. I choose to avoid it because of my own issues, but do not feel that everyone needs to.
  • I've gone through periods where I'll drink diet coke excessively, like 4 or so a day, and I'll go through periods where I drink 1 diet coke a week. I have noticed absolutely no positive or negative side effects whatsoever. It's actually a 30 year habit. I remember the day it came out:-)
  • toshtip
    toshtip Posts: 14 Member
    I was a huge consumer of Diet Coke in particular (yes, for you grammar nazis; I was huge AND my consumption was ~ 120 oz. per day) for many years. I say was because I also gave it up for lent like others have mentioned. I drink a lot more water now... even if I have to add flavored packets (with aspertame) in some times to mix it up. I also like flavored waters (sweet sweet aspertame!).

    I guess all I have really done is just switched the label on my aspertame intake. :)
  • If you want to drink soda, and this is my opinion based on the research I have read, then it is far healthier to just buck up and pay for the real deal with actual sugar in it.

    Just curious about this part because I know a few people who drink different drinks with aspartame in it a few times a day and while I know that's probably not healthy, is it really better to put nearly 100 grams of sugar in your body a day for regular soda?
  • Also, I guess diet soda in a small way can affect weight loss. This is just my story, but when I was consuming diet soda, after a while I would get really bad pains in my knees and hands. It was the sort of pain you feel like in carpal tunnel. Obviously, I didn't work out while I had these pains. I stopped drinking diet soda and I've noticed that the pains have stopped coming.. It could of been something else but that was just what I had observed.