juliafromrf Member


  • I went on a 10-hour hike last month that burned around 3500 kcal (btw: no way does an 8 mile walk burn that much). I was curious on the impact on my weight loss as well, although I didn't do it for that purpose. Result: None at all, my weight loss went on but at the usual pace. So it hadn't really an effect whatsoever,…
  • You didn't lose on 1500, but now on 2500 you do? That sounds a bit strange ..
  • ^This. And I promise that you WILL be losing.
  • Are you weighing and logging all your food`?
  • Thanks to the people who actually posted about their experiences, you are really helpful. @nancyct2014: Your experience is very encouraging and I think it's more or less the "ideal" way of finding maintenance. I hope it is similar for me. :) @RobynDCrossma: Did you still check your weight when you started maintaining?…
  • Yeah, and I already pointed out to you that in my case, caloric deficit and loss of menstrual cycle are not linked. But I could probably tell you that a 1000 times and you still wouldn't believe it, because you somehow think that you know more about my body than doctors who checked my uterus, took my hormone levels and…
  • 2100 kcal, to me, is unlikely to be my caloric need on a sedentary day. Might be that you're right, if so, I will find out. The weight I have now is the weight I want to keep. So even if I lose more during "finding maintenance", I will see to regain it in my own time. I don't think it's necessary to double my calories at…
  • Thanks for your concern, but I am not underfeeding myself and I do not suffer from an eating disorder. Except for the stopped menstrual cycle, none of the symptoms you mentioned apply. I've got a lot of energy, hair, skin and nails are healthy. My menstrual cycle has stopped before I even restricted and I am diagnosed with…
  • I didn't want to start a fight nor did I want to come across as eating disordered .. The photo that was posted might look scary to some, but given the pose it's not really anything that should cause worries. I know that I am already very small, but I feel good at that weight. However, I do NOT want to lose more. The…
  • I often get: "I know you've lost weight, but no you're so thin it isn't beautiful anymore." Thanks. I wonder how much *kitten* i would get from people if I said "Oh you've gained so much weight, it doesn't look beautiful anymore". But for underweight/lower BMI people it's somehow OK ... What I learnt from MFP and losing…
  • I can truly relate to what you write although I have never been extremely overweight. For me, counting calories accurately with the MFP tool helped normalize my eating. It just took all the emotion away from eating and reduced it to what it is - fueling my body. I completely stopped bingeing and reached my goal weight,…
  • Tiny and even a bit bony, but "toned" and not skinny-fat. I want to suprise people about how strong I am and how much endurance I have and not make it obvious by a muscly look. However, I do understand the appeal of that, it's just not for me.
  • Second ..the one with your partner
  • I had them and they only disappeared or almost disappeared at a BMI of 19. It was the last place where my body held onto excess fat.
  • I don't know about my BF percentage unfortunately, but I don't believe it was low. I ate quite low fat at the time my period stopped and I think that also played a role. Now I eat around 1400 kcal a day, I'm considering upping my calories and I will soon go into maintenance anyway, so I hope with more calories comes the…
  • I generally do 18/6, but it depends really. The only thing I always stick to is that I don't eat in the mornings (very rare exception if I plan on doing a 12 hour hike or something along that line) and that my first meal is lunch. I've never been a morning person, I exercise in the evenings so it's not a problem for me.…
  • My first language also isn't English, so don't worry, I understand your problem. :D I would try to explain it again, but I think it's quite hard with both of us not being native speakers. I'm 99% sure that the kcal on the package are for the UNCOOKED product. Otherwise, rice vermicelli would be the most calorie dense…
  • I can't say "definitely", but just think about it logically: Normally, cooked noodles have two or three times the weight of uncooked noodles. (That's a fact.) If 100 g COOKED noodles had 400 kcal, that would make 100 g of UNCOOKED noodles 800 - 1200 kcal. More than 100 g of oil. Is that realistic? No.
  • very nice skirt and nice legs to match :)
  • I'm quite sure they mean 200 kcal in 55 g uncooked, so don't worry. That would be around 350 - 400 kcal per 100 g and that is standard for a product like that. The reason why you got such a huge quantity is because you soaked them in water - so most of the weight in the cooked noodles is water and that has zero calories.
  • Biscuits you can buy in the supermarket. No, just no. Bake it yourself. And bacon is probably the most repulsive food to me, so I don't get why everyone on this site seems to love it so much.
  • Buy a digital scale and weigh everything ..
  • Proof? Especially the part in bold. It's okay to have your personal opinion, but please don't scare people away from a vegetarian diet without backing up your arguments.
  • I think some people are not really made for working out in the morning. I've tried and failed probably a hundred times. I hope it's different for you though because I understand it's sometimes difficult to fit a work-out in in the evening hours.
  • 1) age: 19 2) approximate weight: 130 lbs 3) physical location: Austria (Europe) 4) activity level: advanced exerciser 5) How often do you exercise? light exercise every day; "real" exercise 4-5 times a week 6) Do you eat breakfast? no 6) what is your largest meal of the day? lunch and dinner are equally large 7) how many…
  • Big bones in the sense of a wide frame do exist. I have got a wide frame. When I was 12 years old, 5'6 and 103 lbs, my waist circumference was 66 cm or 26 inches. I'm now 5'8 and at 68 cm or 26.7 inches and know that I will never be able to go below that number, even though my belly is completely flat. I was very…