

  • It's been a while since I've been on. Just want to give an update on quitting smoking. So far it's been over a year and 8 months, coming from a 2 pack a day smoker to this. Now I don't have to worry about my kids imitating me smoking. Thank you for all the help that's on the forum. Work out is a different story however.…
  • Officially 30 days smoke free. Sleeping is getting a little better, haven't had any urge to smoke for a while. Now I just need to get my sleeping right so I can concentrate on working out. How is everybody doing? PC
  • Kwood, everybody here are or were in the same boat as you. There are enough wisdom to help you. Just remember just you fall off the weagon, you need to get right back on. Now for another rant that I got. Since I've quit smoking, I am having a tough time getting quality sleep. I mean I am going to bed and waking up the…
  • Yesterday was rough, I had to go to few meetings, so I was in the car for over 6 hours driving. That was tough getting through the not smoking in the car. But I made it through. So how is everyone doing? PC
  • I am on day 20 smoke free now, I am feeling great and do not feel like I need to smoke a cigarette. Yesterday I went to my in law's house to help out a little. My MIL is a smoker, maybe I am not used to it anymore, her house doesn't smell as fresh as I remembered, glad I don't have to worry about other people think about…
  • I am doing good, I think I am 16 or 17 days now, not 100 percent sure. I don't remember if I had runny nose or not. But all I know is I am feeling so much better and I have do much more time now that I don't know what to do with, lol. However on the workout front, it's not doing so hot, but I guess I would rather be smoke…
  • Thank you for everyone's support. I will stay cigarette free, I have urges but not that bad ones, or maybe the chantix is not completely out of my system yet. Thump, you are right I really didn't like that smell again. Oh still not smoking. I think it's a little over two weeks, but not sure any more, LOL. PC
  • Hope everyboody is doing well. I think I've finally quit smoking, I don't even care if I have a cigarette or not anymore. However there is still that one thing. Since I don't smoke anymore, will I be able to become a social smoker? Or will that be the end of my smoke free life and that I will pick up smoking again?
  • Today went by without a hitch on the smoking front, however I haven't been able to find the time to workout. Don't want to lose sleep over workout, it will just defeat the purpose. PC
  • Never really thought how bad I smelled until today. I had someone came into my office that just got done smoking a cigarette outside, wow I almost didn't make it. Just picture that's why I used to smell like, I am really glad I made this decision. Keep up the great work guys and gals. PC
  • Made it past the weekend, it was a little tough. Just kept myself busy with yard work, cleaning out gutters, and minor roof repair. It's all worth it, now I just wish my body isn't sore from all them work, LOL. How is everybody doing so far? PC
  • No Chantix today, I think I might be good to go, but for the next few days until all the chantix is out of my system, just in case. AS for my diet and workout, today was a bust. Had to go to a sport banquet today so I am over on the food calories and don't have the time to do my workout. At least I didn't sneak out and…
  • Okay, today is day 9 for me. I feel good, so I am going to try to quit my chantix today as well. I brought them with me to work, but I am going to try to NOT take them. Wish me luck guys and gals. PC
  • It's difficult to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time. I've done some research before I quit so I can actually go through with it. What happens is when you quit smoking your matebolism also slows down a little and food taste better, so there will be a weight gain, this is an even more important time to keep a…
  • No smoking, next week No smoking and all in on the workout. Wish me luck guys. PC
  • Another day another dollar. No incident no smokes and got to workout on p90x plyo, needless to say couldn't finish the whole dvd, got about half done. Figure this is my test week with my no sm
  • Hope I don't offend anyone by saying the following. A strick diet is good, but a cheat meal or a cheat day is also good. It's both good for the emotional and your body. You want to use the cheat day to confuse your body so it will burn more fat.and that your won't have a plateau. So I say in moderate is a good thing to…
  • I am starting on week two of being smoke free. So far so good, just wish my workout goes as well, LOL. Keep it up everybody. PC
  • Jen, 5 days or 6 days doesn't matter, as long as we quit, right? That's a good idea about the leashes, but just got to watch out for DCFS, J/K. Terri, I was doing the very same thing in the beginning, aways had cigarettes with me, but now I don't carry them anymore as this last pack will get framed and put on my bedroom…
  • Officially smoke free for 7 days. It seems weird though, not smoking that is. I actually have more energy during the day and I require less sleep during the night. PC
  • This evening was a little tough, was going to workout and do P90X, but wife's friend asked her to go for a walk as their exercise so I had to watch all three kids. I sometimes wonder when will I actually be able to workout and lose weight. At least I am still not smoking, only one dum dum pop today, so even though I didn't…
  • LMAO at Terri, that's funny right there. It's more like a ritual for me on the chantix now, wake up I take my morning pill, when I get home from work I take my second one for the day. Today was also pretty stressful for me then I told myself, I am the one that makes me stress so I clear my mind and go on. Tomorrow will be…
  • It is a great feeling indeed. I dont' even want a cigarette in the morning anymore. It was nice to go swimming with the family yesterday and was able to do stuff with the kids without being winded. I am pretty sure I am 6 days smoke free now. I try not to count anymore, it's good I guess, it's just going to phase out all…
  • This is my day 5. I am doing good. Yesterday was a little tough, today Had been good. Nice out took the family to go swimming at the Y. Keepup everybody. PC
  • I am 5 days smoke free since 2 hours ago. Today seems easy some how, maybe it's because I am keeping myself busy. Keep up the good work everybody. PC
  • It was a tough day today. Got done with lunch and sitting in front of the TV, all I thought was cigarette, luckily my kids kept me occupied and the urge had passed on. Has quite a few pieces of hard candy today as well. But all is worth it, body feeling great. 4 days smoke free. PC
  • Smoke free for over 72 hours. Only had one piece of hard candy so far. Just got back from lunch wanted a smoke but came on here instead. Great news today. My freind for 20 plus years which was my smoking buddies till he moved away 4 years ago is coming to visit laster today. He was one of my original inspiration on quiting…
  • Awesome job to Chris as well. Sounds like you are doing great.
  • Awesome job everybody. In two hours I will be smoke free for 72 hours, the toughest hours of quiting smoking. Wouldn't it be amazing from a pack and a half a day to nothing. Can't wait to use them money I save on better hobbies. Teri, how are you doing, we are going to fight through this. Jenyfur, congrat on quiting…
  • If the morning smoke what you worry about, you could leave your smokes in your car or at work and try to break that habbit a little at a time. When I first start cutting down, I would still have the same amount of Nic but in all different times, and like you the morning one was the worst, and the one I had the most…